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Status on development of a White Rabbit Core
P.P.M. Jansweijer, H.Z. Peek
Spartan-6 (SP605)
Master/Slave test setup block diagram
Bidirectional Loopback the recovered clock @ 1.25 Gbps conform standard IEEE 802.3 (1000BASE-X, Gigabit Ethernet) Master Slave TxUsrClk RxUsrClk Tx Rx Start Slave BitSlide SFP SFP Stop Rx Tx RxUsrClk Master BitSlide TxUsrClk Master + Slave BitSlide For details please see Technical Report “ETR ”:
Spartan-6 Test setup Using two SP605 Evaluation Platforms 10 Km fiber
(XC6SLX45T‐3FGG484CES) Clock Loopback (DPLL) Stop Stop DAC Start Master VCXO Slave
Resynchronization in action
3 1 RxRecClk BitSlide(4:0) Unit Interval (UI) = 1 = 3 = 0 Start/Stop delay Algorithm: Propagation Delay = “Start-Stop” Delay + “LED Value” * UI
FPGA SerDes remarks The Receiver Deserializer should provide a means to (manually control) “Bit Slip”. Tested in: Family SerDes Name Bit Slip Test Remark Xilinx Virtex-5 GTX RxSlide Okay GTP +/- 1 UI Xilinx ug196 Table E-2 Spartan-6 Rx_BitSlip Virtex-6 ? Altera Stratix-IV-GX GXB Lattice SC/M FlexiPCS x Fail
SP605 FMC connector debug LEDs
Master Slave PLL_LockDetect PLL_LockDetect RxInSync RxInSync TxRxLocked 4 3 Master + Slave BitSlide (4..0) Slave BitSlide (3..0)
XC6SLX45T GTP Clock configuration issue
Okay Okay RefClk RefClk GTPA1_DUAL_X0Y0 GTPA1_DUAL_X1Y0 FAIL Okay RefClk RefClk GTPA1_DUAL_X0Y0 GTPA1_DUAL_X1Y0 Prevents fibre (SFP) implemenation + SMA Clock Input (needed for VCXO) on SP605 Place & Route software bug? Silicon bug? Engineering sample/production device? => Xilinx Web Case
Spartan-6 Test setup via SMA
Stop Start X4 X4: a few hundred ppm of target frequency C324/C325 Using two SP605 Evaluation Platforms Master Clock Loopback (DPLL) SMA Cables DAC Slave VCXO
WR Core block diagram (Slave)
“The Ugly Switch Endpoint Diagram” MAC Address Filter GMII t1, t4 RXD<7:0> SFD Detect Receive Engine RX_ER Rx Fifo RX_DV RX_CLK PHY (GTP) 802.3bf gRS Flow Control VCXO SFP Client Interface GTX_CLK TXD<7:0> Transmit Engine TX_EN Tx Fifo (may be software) Client TX_ER SFD Detect Management Configuration 72 SYSTIM Time Stamp BitSlide 5 t2, t3 RXSTMPH/L (t2) TXSTMPH/L (t3) RXSATR H/L SourceID/SequenceID
Interesting literature
INTEL datasheet Quad Gigabit Ethernet LAN + PTP Controller Chapter 7.9: “Time SYNC” IEEE 802.1AS defines protocol and procedures for the transport of timing over Bridged and Virtual Bridged LAN IEEE802.3bf defines the Time Synchronization Service Interface (TSSI) gRS: generic Reconciliation Sublayer
OpenCores ZPU (embedded processor)
ZPU Hello World CP2103 Memory 64 KB RS232 USB ZPU CORE Wishbone
Interconnect Open Cores UART 16550
ZPU results Very small system
784 Flip-Flops (~ 6% LUT/CLB of XC6SLX45T) 64KB (= 27% RAMB16BWERs of XC6SLX45T) Open Cores => Several ZPU cores (but not the one we need): “ZPU_Core” Preffered type “ZPU_Core _small” uses Dual Port Memory “Zealot” = ZPU_Core + UART + Timer “ZY2000” = ZPU_Core + Whisbone (but using non IEEE VHDL libraries) => Took ZPU_Core and looked at ZY2000 to create ZPU_Core + Wishbone
ZPU results-2 Tools operational:
Hardware Simulation (ModelSim scripts to fill Memory with “elf”) ISE, Memory Core Generator, BMM files, Data2Mem Software Cygwin, GNU toolchain Last Open Cores update = September 2009 But ZPU mailing list is alive and kicking Future study: Resetting the core sometimes creates a hang. Has got to do with software (over)writing the start-up vector at some point...
Some more general remarks:
WR Specification! Link delay model John Eidson remarks How do we deal with delay asymmetry? Calibration? Thank you
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