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Tobacco/Alcohol and Drug Health Risks

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1 Tobacco/Alcohol and Drug Health Risks

2 Learning Target: I can explain how Tobacco/Alcohol/and Drugs are dangerous to my health.
The Health Risks of Tobacco Use: How do Advertisements influence young people to smoke? Bring in one Tobacco and one Alcohol Ad tomorrow to class from either the internet or a magazine.

3 Tobacco FACTS: Addictive Drug: A substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence. Addiction is any behavior that a person cannot stop. Nicotine: The addictive drug found in tobacco leaves. Nicotine is a STIMULANT. Stimulant: a drug that increases the action of the Central Nervous System. Increases Blood Pressure, and heart rate.

4 Poisonous Substances/Tobacco
Carcinogen: Cancer causing substance. Tar: thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns. Damages the respiratory system by paralyzing and destroying cilia in the lungs. Tar destroys the alveoli (air sacs) which absorb oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide. LUNGS are damaged, reducing lung function. Diseases: Emphysema, heart disease, and CANCER.

5 Carbon Monoxide: A colorless odorless poisonous gas
Carbon Monoxide: A colorless odorless poisonous gas. It is absorbed more easily than oxygen. It is 200 times more attracted to Red Blood Cells than oxygen. Smokeless Tobacco: Tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed. Cancer of the mouth/throat/face. Leukoplakia: thickened, white, leathery- looking spots on the inside of mouth that could lead to oral cancer (mouth cancer).

6 Harmful Effects of Tobacco
Brain Chemistry Changes: Addiction Emphysema: Destroys air sac in lungs. Air sacs lose elasticity, making it hard to breathe. Lung Cancer: Cilia are destroyed and mucus cannot be expelled. Cancer can multiply, block the bronchi, and move to the lungs. 90% of lung cancers are from smoking. Heart Disease and Stroke: Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, increases plaque buildup in blood vessels.

7 More Harmful Effects: Weakened Immune System: Making body more vulnerable to disease. Taste buds are dulled and can’t enjoy food. Users have bad breath, yellowed teeth, and smelly hair, skin, and clothes. Can you think of any more harmful effects?

8 Increased Costs to Society
Tobacco related illness cost the United States about $167 Billion each year. How much does it cost to smoke per year? $3,561. So Why Do Teens Use Tobacco???? To lose weight, seem mature and independent, to rebel. Are Teens influenced by smoking in movies, TV, or advertisements?

9 Promoting a Smoke Free Environment
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) or second hand smoke is more dangerous than mainstream smoke. ETS from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes contain more than 4,000 chemicals. 50 of those chemicals are carcinogens (Cancer causing). Babies of mothers who smoked during pregnancy or who are exposed to ETS are more likely to die of (SIDS) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

10 The Health Risks of Alcohol
Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT: A drug that slows the Central Nervous System. Alcohol slows reaction time, impairs vision, and diminishes judgement. Intoxication: The state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance. The person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced.

11 Factors of Alcohol’s Effects
Body size: Smaller the body the faster the effects. Gender: Females are smaller and alcohol moves faster in their bloodstream. Food: Food slows down absorption Rate of Intake: Faster a person drinks the faster the effects. The liver cannot break it down. Amount and Medicine: Medicine multiplies the effect.

12 Long Term Effects of Alcohol
Damage the Brain Cells and reduce Brain Size. Increased Blood Pressure, leading to heart attack or stroke. Buildup of fat cells in the liver “Cirrhosis” where healthy liver tissue is replaced with SCAR tissue. Damage to digestive lining of stomach, and destruction of the Pancreas.

13 BAC Blood Alcohol Concentration
.02: Slowed reaction time, relaxation, and warmth. .05: Euphoria (feeling good), loss of inhibitions, decreased judgment. .10: Impaired vision, judgment, reflexes, coordination; mood swings .15: seriously affected coordination, blurred vision, severely impaired speech, difficulty walking and standing, memory problems, mood swings, and violent behavior..

14 BAC Continued .2: Blackouts; memory loss
.25: Loss of Consciousness, numbness, dangerously slowed breathing. .3: COMA .4-.5: Death from Alcohol Poisoning Dangers of BINGE Drinking: Binge Drinking is the act of drinking five or more drinks in one sitting. Eight drinks could cause the brain to shut down breathing and the heart rate to stop.

15 Warning Signs of Alcoholism
Drinking to deal with Anger, Frustration, and Disappointment. Being defensive about drinking. Feeling depressed and drinking. Drinking more for the same high Drinking alone. Drinking to get drunk. Experiencing memory lapses from drinking.

16 Alcohol and the Family Enabling: helping the addict to avoid the negative consequences of his or her behavior. Codependency: A family member or friend sacrifices his or her own needs to meet the needs of an addict. FAS(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome): A set of physical and mental defects that affect a fetus

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