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Personal Injury for Chiropractors

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1 Personal Injury for Chiropractors
How to correctly document PI cases Get PI cases referred to you by Attorneys How to prepare for depositions & court What to charge for your expert time


3 How to Correctly DOCUMENT
Lawyers do NOT understand any medical words in your report or records. Lawyers can NOT read your scribbling, medical terminology, or abbreviations. Lawyers SKIP everything in your report and go straight to the Conclusions Section.

4 How to Correctly DOCUMENT
The BEST records for PI cases can be found at: Lawyers can read and understand these forms. You merely need to check off the boxes. It’s a win-win.

5 How to Correctly DOCUMENT
4 Forms That Help Lawyers WIN Cases Patient Information Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Plan

6 Go to Doctor Forms

7 Attendees of this Lecture
Have access to the HBTinstitute’s Doctor Forms User Name = pay Password = doctors Please do not let insurance company Employees or Lawyers use your User Name or Password. They will Use this information to NOT “Pay Doctors”

8 This form follows the first 4
Data input screens in Colossus. This is all the basic information You need to get. This is all the Insurance companies pay any Attention to in your records. Get the patient’s personal MD AND get the records. Get ALL medical records of all other providers of medical services since the accident.

9 These are the IMPORTANT Symptoms the insurance
companies look for in your records. NOTE: The entire left side & 1/3 of the right side are BRAIN CONCUSSION symptoms. A Brain Concussion with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury is worth an extra $20,000 - $40,000 in your patient’s PI settlement. (You diagnose and document the brain injury and you will get MANY referrals from PI Attorneys.)

10 Use This Diagnosis Form
You should have 15 – 30 boxes filled in (like a scantron, blacken in the boxes completely so they can be seen on the 5th generation photocopy that the claims adjuster sees.) Always use the Sprain code AND the Subluxation code or insurance Adjusters will offer the attorney a very LOW offer. Always make any Brain Diagnoses (multiple) that apply. If the patient checked something on the Symptoms Form, YOU make the Diagnosis on THIS form.

11 This form shows the claims
adjuster that you have a well-thought-out PLAN to treat this patient. About 1/3 of PI patients have a Brain Injury. - See it on the Symptoms form - Mark it on the Diagnosis form - Have a plan to treat it OR refer to MD. The more boxes you check on this form, the higher your patient’s PI settlement will be. (Don’t make up stuff… Just be a good, thorough doctor and stop missing injuries that are staring you in the face…)


13 Download these free forms at
NOTE: There are many advanced forms on this web site. HBTI teaches 12 hour Seminars in Advanced PI about how to use the advanced forms. All these forms were designed by a chiropractor with 20 years experience who is now a Personal Injury Attorney in California.

14 Start Documenting Well & Start Getting PI Cases Referred to You.
These forms represent the MINIMUM documentation you can do on a PI case if you want to be taken seriously as a PI doctor. If your documentation is less thorough than this, you should not be treating car accident patients.

15 HOURS Claims adjusters & lawyers spend between 30 and 100
scrutinizing your records on the average PI case.

16 They are looking for ways to: Not pay you Criticize your work
Prove you are incompetent

17 Problems in Your PI Records
Very little is written down Can’t read your scribbles Don’t understand your cryptic shorthand 4. Can’t find the info they need Records show no logical thought pattern

18 Differences Between PI Record Keeping & Regular Patient Record Keeping
For regular patients, you are required by law to merely document enough so you YOU can keep track of your patient’s condition. Since only you will read them, it hardly matters what you write or how you write it.

19 Differences Between PI Record Keeping & Regular Patient Record Keeping
Your PI records will be gone through with a fine tooth comb by: Your patient’s Attorney Ins. Co. Claim Adjuster The computer program Colossus (or one like it) DC or Orthopedist paid by Ins. Co. to make you look bad Lawyers for Ins. Co. 12 people chosen for jury duty

Your patient’s Attorney Ins. Co. Claim Adjuster The computer program Colossus (or one like it) DC or Orthopedist paid by Ins. Co. to make you look bad Lawyers for Ins. Co. 12 people chosen for jury duty WHAT WILL THESE PEOPLE THINK OF YOUR RECORD KEEPING?

21 Bad Record Keeping = Low PI Settlements

22 Bad Record Keeping = Low PI Attorney Income

23 Bad Record Keeping = NO Referrals from Attorneys

24 Good Record Keeping = HIGH PI Settlements

25 Good Record Keeping = HIGH Income for PI Attorney

26 Good Record Keeping = PI Referrals for YOU

27 Ironically… I will show you today that good documentation
is also the first step to doubling or tripling the doctor’s income when treating PI patients. Let’s take a close look at good documentation with these forms.

28 Med-Pay Coverage? Ask it right on the intake form.
If the patient doesn’t know, ask him/her to bring in a copy of the Declarations Page of their policy.

29 Why ask for the patient’s Uninsured/Underinsured?
You have to make a business Decision about whether to take a lien on a PI case. If the patient has UM coverage, it is less risky to take a lien. If the patient doesn’t know, ask him/her to bring in a copy of the Declarations Page of their policy.

30 Date of Accident v. Date First Dr. Colossus considers a PI case much
weaker with GAPS IN CARE. “Patient can’t be that injured if he didn’t go to a doctor for 4 weeks.” While not true, it helps you make a business decision about a lien.

31 Cost of ALL medical treatment?
You need this info for your final report to the attorney. This section down here helps you get the amount of other Dr. bills & to get the records.

32 Why ask about Loss of Income?
It needs to be in your report. YOU are the one putting the patient on disability. Patient gets reimbursed 100% for all lost income in PI cases. PI attorney makes more money. You get more referrals.

33 Why ask Property Damage (PD)?
Under $2000 PD is sent to the “fraud” investigation dept. Over $2000 PD is not questioned much by insurance It’s a business lien

34 You MUST, MUST, MUST get the patient’s medical records.
Why ask Personal MD? You MUST, MUST, MUST get the patient’s medical records. They are full of info important in a PI case. Ins. Co will have these records and use them against you. Know what is in them before you write your report.

35 Ambulance, Hospitals, Doctors?
These are facilities that have treated the patient AFTER the accident. There is great info in them. A good PI doctor will include in the report both the cost and what is in the records of each and every provider.

36 Colossus doesn’t look much at those things.
WHERE IS ALL THE REST? Seat belts Angle of impact Head turned Mechanism of Injury Hat flew off Etc. Colossus doesn’t look much at those things. Colossus “values” the case based on the information on these 4 forms.

37 Be sure to fill in the boxes (like a Scantron) Don’t make check marks
Don’t make X’s The patient fills this out. You go over it with the patient during the consultation.

38 Traumatic Brain Injury
Every symptom on the left and all those on the right down to “Feeling Isolated” are symptoms of: Brain Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury

39 Several things are so important they are asked multiple times on
this form: Sleepiness Very Tired Dozing During Day Fatigue Sleeping Problems A brain concussion that causes “Hypersomnolence” is not only common, it is a ratable PERMANENT IMPAIRMENT that the PI attorney can use to get the patient an extra $10,000 - $40,000 in the settlement. Do you want referrals? Hmmm…

40 Permanent Impairment-Cognition The other ratable brain impairment
is for abnormal Cognition. The symptoms include: Difficulty Concentrating Mindless Staring Blurry Vision Headache Attention Problems Groggy Can’t Remember Numbers Reading Problems Difficulty Adding/Subtracting Poor Attention Difficulty Learning New Things Difficulty Understanding Difficulty Remembering Re-reading things Difficulty Planning/Organizing

41 Permanent Impairment-Cognition
The PI attorney can get your patient an extra $20,000 - $40,000 for a rated brain cognition impairment. About 1/3 of your PI patients have a ratable brain impairment. Most of you have noticed that the patient has this problem… then: 1. failed to diagnose it 2. failed to document it 3. failed to test for it (and bill $250) 4. failed to do followup testing (and bill another $250 every re-exam) 5. failed to treat it (and bill $45 each visit for cognitive exercises) Sloppy doctoring = Low doctor pay

42 Brain Concussion Good doctoring = High doctor pay
Find it on this form. Diagnose it (on next form) Treat it 90801 = Neuropsych consultation 90801 = $95 each time 90801 = 6 to 10 times in avg. case 96118 = $150 each time 96118 = 6 to 10 times in avg. case 97532 = $45 each 15 minutes 97532 = times in avg. case Good doctoring = High doctor pay

43 Brain Concussion $2,400 to $3,000 Good doctoring = High doctor pay
Average billing for diagnosis and treatment of a brain concussion patient with MTBI and cognition impairment… $2,400 to $3,000 Good doctoring = High doctor pay

44 Brain Concussion $2,400 to $3,000 (in addition to your other fees for
diagnosing and treating the Musculoskeletal Injuries) Good doctoring = High doctor pay

45 Brain Concussion $2,400 to $3,000 $3,000 to $5,000
plus $3,000 to $5,000 PI bill = $5,400 to $8,000 Good doctoring = High doctor pay

46 Lawyer settles the case Lawyer gets % of settlement
Brain Concussion PI Doctor’s Bill $8,000 Lawyer settles the case For $20,000 to $30,000 Lawyer gets % of settlement You get more Referrals Simply be a GOOD doctor… that’s all the PI lawyer asks of you.

47 Scope of Practice This presentation is based on the California Scope of Practice Check your state’s Scope of Practice laws to see if you can diagnose and treat brain concussion and MTBI

48 The Right Side of the Form
“Clunk” Sound in Neck About 25% of your PI patients will check this box. What does it mean? About $20,000 - $40,000 extra in the patient’s settlement. PI attorneys will refer you a LOT of cases if you do a GOOD job.

49 The Right Side of the Form “Clunk” Sound in Neck
This is the pathognomonic sign of Ligament Laxity Look for it on the Davis Series 3.5mm of Translation on the Flexion & Extension films is a ratable permanent impairment of 25-28% Whole Person. Want referrals? Try just being a good, thorough doctor who doesn’t miss these injuries.

50 Blanket Apology I know you are all good doctors
who are trying your best… Colossus & the Insurance Companies changed the rules of the PI game. To be a GOOD doctor in the area of PI, you must play by the new rules. I’m here to teach you the new rules today.

51 The Right Side of the Form The musculoskeletal injuries
are on the right side below “clunk” sound in the neck. These are only 1/3 of the symptoms listed on the form. They are worth less than 1/10 of the money that PI attorneys can get your patient. Pay attention to them Treat them But don’t ignore the high-value Symptoms and diagnoses on the rest of the form… if you want referrals from PI attorneys.

52 854.0 Traumatic Brain Injury
The Diagnosis Form What are the high value diagnoses on this form? 728.4 Ligament Laxity 850.0/850.1 Concussion 854.0 Traumatic Brain Injury 780.8 Sleep Disturbance Somnolence 300.0 Anxiety 300.4 Depression Disability

53 NOT JUST SPRAINS !!! The Diagnosis Form This example is a basic,
run-of-the-mill Chiropractic patient that was in a car accident. No high-value diagnosis. Basic stuff. NOT JUST SPRAINS !!! Use all the appropriate ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes for each body part injured. Don’t forget Disability…

54 The Diagnosis Form About 1 out of 3 patients who walk into your office
after a car accident will have most of these Diagnosis Codes. Be thorough Document well Make ALL appropriate Dx (if you want PI referrals)

55 The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? What’s that?

56 The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? What’s that?

57 728.4 ???? What’s that? Have a DACBR read ALL your
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? What’s that? Have a DACBR read ALL your films in PI cases. You can download a DACBR consultation request in the Doctor Forms section at

58 728.4 ???? It is the reason patients still have pain a year after
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? It is the reason patients still have pain a year after the accident.

59 728.4 ???? It is the cause of the “clunk” sound when the patient turns
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? It is the cause of the “clunk” sound when the patient turns or moves neck.

60 728.4 ???? It is an injury that chiropractic treatments can
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? It is an injury that chiropractic treatments can only make feel better with Lifetime Care.

61 728.4 ???? It is an injury that a decent PI attorney can get
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? It is an injury that a decent PI attorney can get $20,000-$40,000 from the insurance company.

62 728.4 ???? It is an injury you can see on a Davis Series.
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? It is an injury you can see on a Davis Series.

63 728.4 ???? It is the #1 most overlooked injury by DCs who treat
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? It is the #1 most overlooked injury by DCs who treat accident patients.

64 (If you want PI referrals)
The Diagnosis Form 728.4 ???? Please stop Overlooking it. (If you want PI referrals)

65 The Diagnosis Form 850.0 v What is the Difference?

66 850.0 v. 850.1 The Diagnosis Form Brief Loss of Consciousness (LOC)
is any loss from mere seconds up to 24 hours. Were you unconscious? is a stupid question. It is like asking Are you asleep? If the patient doesn’t remember their head going back, then forward, then knees hitting dash, then the car moving forward 8 feet, then… (you get the point)

67 850.0 v. 850.1 The Diagnosis Form Brief Loss of Consciousness (LOC)
is any loss from mere seconds up to 24 hours. Ask “Do you remember…” If not, there was a momentary LOC which is an 850.1 If they remember everything, then it is an 850.0

68 854.00 MTBI The 2nd most overlooked injury in PI Cases.
The Diagnosis Form 854.00 MTBI The 2nd most overlooked injury in PI Cases.

69 The Treatment Plan Form
There are 2 purposes for this form. It forces you to think about what you are doing to the patient. 2. It is an easy-to-read form with the CPT codes already on it that claims adjusters can use to input your treatments into Colossus.

70 The Treatment Plan Form Some people still say…
Don’t bill over $100 per visit. If you show a thoughtful Treatment Plan with multiple therapies to multiple body parts, including MTBI treatment, there is no reason you should not bill $175-$250 per visit. (please… straight chiropractors who only adjust the patient and do no therapies should bill no more than $75 per visit)

71 Diagnosis Codes Straight Chiropractors who treat
PI patients have an inherent conflict of interest. If you are philosophically opposed to diagnosing the patient’s injuries, you may be helping the patient with your adjustments, but undermining their legal case. The PI attorney will have nothing to fight the Ins. Co. The new rules of the PI game are driven by: Diagnosis Codes

72 The Treatment Plan Form 97110 Therapeutic Exercises $45 for 15 minutes
97532 Cognitive Rehab Exercises $45 each 15 min. unit (1-4 units once a week if you are doing it correctly.) Be sure to always check off (and give to patients) lots of home therapies and exercises. Note: and 96118 Med-pay carriers pay you $245 each time you do both of these. You typically do them 6-10 times during the treatment of an MTBI. ($1,470 - $2,450 in fees for being a good doctor. What a concept.)

73 The Treatment Plan Form HBTI’s 12 hour seminar
teaches you how to do all tests & how to bill for them. Note “Order Impairment Rating” You MUST get an impairment rating on ALL your patient’s injuries at the end of the case. Learn how at the HBTI seminar.

74 Do this form once. Do these 3 forms at first exam and every re-exam.

75 Click 2008 Seminars

76 Personal Injury for Chiropractors
How to correctly document PI cases Get PI cases referred to you by Attorneys How to prepare for depositions & court What to charge for your expert time

77 Preparing for Depositions
Have good records Review your records before the deposition The other side (insurance company’s attorney) wants to talk to you The other side pays you for your time ($250-$300/hour is normal) Get the check in advance (from insurance company’s lawyer) or on the day of the deposition before the deposition begins It is reasonable to ask for a 2 hour minimum The insurance company’s lawyer asks all the questions at a deposition Your patient’s lawyer will be there but won’t say much The best answers are “yes”, “no”, and “I don’t recall” If you are not sure, look at your records before answering Don’t volunteer information Don’t speak just because nobody else is… there is a lot of silence in a deposition

78 Preparing for Court or Arbitrations
Have good records Review your records before you testify at court or an arbitration The patient’s attorney pays you to show up and testify ($ /hr is normal) Get the check 1 week in advance (from your patient’s lawyer) It is reasonable to ask for a ½ day ($1000 to $1200) Your patient’s lawyer will ask you a lot of questions (and be nice to you) Answer your patient’s lawyer’s questions fully, but briefly The insurance company’s lawyer will then “cross examine” you (and be mean) The best answers are “yes”, “no”, and “I don’t recall” on cross examination If you are not sure, look at your records before answering Don’t volunteer information Don’t speak just because nobody else is… there is a lot of silence in a court After you hear the question, pause, think, turn to the jury, and answer Make eye contact with the jury Relax. You are there to help non-doctors understand doctor stuff Act like you are doing a report of findings and explain it to the jury

79 Personal Injury for Chiropractors
How to correctly document PI cases Get PI cases referred to you by Attorneys How to prepare for depositions & court What to charge for your expert time


81 Any Questions? Steven C Eggleston, D.C., Esq.
Practicing Personal Injury Law in California Director, Human Biomechanics of Trauma Institute

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