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Character Letter “The Scarlet Ibis”.

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1 Character Letter “The Scarlet Ibis”

2 Point of View – the perspective from which the story is told
Compose a friendly letter that explains how the narrator could have been a better brother to Doodle. Put yourself in the position of the narrator, compose the letter in first person (I, me, my, we, us, our, etc.)

3 Step One – Controlling Idea – the driving idea behind the entire essay in the introduction
Prompt: Explain how I could have been a better brother to Doodle citing specific examples from the story. All of your writing must be done in complete sentences. You do not have to write the stems exactly … make the writing your own! Address the letter on the first line: Dear Doodle, To form your controlling idea in the first sentence: Restate the prompt + because + answer= controlling idea. For example: I could have been a better brother to you, Doodle, by/because___________________________. Write your controlling idea on your paper.

4 Step Two – Body Paragraphs – offer examples and explanations to develop your controlling idea
What I did that was wrong: One example of something that I did that was wrong was______________________________________ ____________________________________. Explain what you did in more detail (action) Explain how you felt when you did it (emotion) Explain what you thought when you did it (thought)

5 Second Body Paragraph – continue to develop the controlling idea
What I should have done: Instead of _______________________, I should have _________________.  Explain what you should have done in more detail (action) Explain how you feel now that you know what you should have done (emotion) What I think now (thought)

6 Wrap it Up – concluding paragraph
Restate your controlling idea in another way I wonder statement: I wonder if ___________________________ Sign the letter (make up a name for Brother) Sincerely, ______________________

7 Mark the Parts Squiggle line: Controlling Idea (introduction)
Squiggle line: Concluding Paragraph (final connection to controlling idea) Circle: Any transitions used (introductory phrases: first, next, last, for example, therefore, as a result, to begin with, in conclusion, etc.) Box each paragraph: there should be four, intro., 2 body, conclusion Underline: Supporting details from the story

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