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Importance of learning programming fundamentals

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of learning programming fundamentals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of learning programming fundamentals
MMVC 17 Importance of learning programming fundamentals Harshita Kapoor

2 In this session Brief introduction to programming
Hosting your own website Customising your website Password security

3 Programming Solving problem using technology Website Software App

4 Flow Algorithms - Pseudo code Flowcharts - Diagrammatic representation
Programs - Programming Language

5 Programming Language Intimidating. No...please keep the myths away
Language with structure, syntax Interact with computer machine Conveys a message

6 Languages Mark-up Scripting Programming

7 Website Development Functioning of Internet Data Transfer Architecture
Technologies used Client Side HTML CSS JavaScript Server Side Java Php Database

8 Customise Website Customise Website Edit Content Simple SEO Analytics

9 How would it be of help Working on software online/offline
Improves problem solving/logical thinking skills Creativity Persistence

10 Save Time and Money

11 Digital Natives Coding - part of school / universities curriculum
Speak their language to connect with them

12 Speak their language Use a software to teach programming, in your own language. Scratch- 40 Languages 150 countries

13 Do You Teach Online Using an existing platform Using an LMS
Develop your own website - Wordpress Integrate LMS with your website – Moodle

14 Hosting Domain Name Hosting Plan

15 Who Address Name plate

16 Who Address – IP Address Name plate – Domain Name

17 Type Various hosting plans

18 Backend Cpanel - Control Panel

19 Wordpress

20 Wordpress Wordpress requires integration of Plug-in

21 Coding

22 Customisation

23 Customisation

24 Customisation

25 Customisation

26 Software List of popular CMS List of popular LMS Wordpress Joomla
Drupal Magento List of popular LMS Moodle WizIq Canva Google Classroom

27 Steve Jobs

28 Cyber Security

29 Password Combination of alphabets, digits and symbols

30 Attacks Dictionary attack Brute force attack

31 Dictionary Common words used from dictionary
With some combinations of digits Example:- Breeds of dogs Indian/Russian names Idioms

32 Brute Force Alphabets in small case Alphabets in capital case
Digits 0-9 Symbols

33 Measures Brute Force Masking 3-4 tries Invalid-> blocked

34 Embrace technology

35 Questions

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