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Collimator motorization/control SPS/TT40 tests and LHC

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1 Collimator motorization/control SPS/TT40 tests and LHC
Fabrice Decorvet

2 Requirements for installations in LHC tunnel
50 Mgy over 10 years 300 to 1500 m wiring line 5 μm position precision Low EMI noise High reliability Restricted human intervention time MTBF of 500’000 hours says that there is an 83.9% probability that the product will operate for the 10 years without a failure

3 Test SPS LSS5/TT40 equipments
Motorization* 5μm LEP(1MGy) Resolver 5μm LEP(1MGy) Linear potentiometer 100μm ≥50MGy LVDT 20μm ≥50MGy PT /10°C Accelerometer piezo (10Hz..7kHz) Audio recorder start remotely LVDT: Linear Variable Differential Transformer * contacts: A&P, CEA, Midi Ingenierie

4 Wiring requirement Power dissociate from signal
Appropriate shielding and grounding Grounding continuity

5 Wiring: SPS quick plug Constraint due to narrow section
Additional source for connection error and non-conductor Ground discontinuity Extended wires to patch panel Patch panel in basement

6 Wiring 50% control price, to save money:
SPS test to define if NE48 cable can be used

7 Interface

8 Collimator Performance
Mechanical Stop = reference Switch = safety Effective excursion = out of switch

9 Axe Initialization Motor off = jaw auto retraction = lim- mechanical Stop = reference Motor position reset Read out position sensors (pot/LVDT) Unable lim- switch Motor movement out of lim- switch Effective excursion: 0,5 to 35 mm Stop drawer = butée

10 Conclusion SPS test - using LEP motor and control: LHC
Wiring and quick plug LVDT Remote control LHC Increase motor resistance Select wiring and quick plug Define control

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