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Ego Id. Ego Id Parapraxis Humor Id Parapraxes When the ego does not do its job properly, elements of the id may slip out and be seen Forgetting Slips.

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Presentation on theme: "Ego Id. Ego Id Parapraxis Humor Id Parapraxes When the ego does not do its job properly, elements of the id may slip out and be seen Forgetting Slips."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ego Id

3 Parapraxis Humor Id

4 Parapraxes When the ego does not do its job properly, elements of the id may slip out and be seen Forgetting Slips

5 Freudian Slip







12 Slips Unintended actions that are caused by the leakage of suppressed impulses Denial and slips People don’t do them on purpose The more they deny them the more truth there is to it!

13 Examples Me and “mother” / “girlfriend” story
I don’t think we’ve been properly seduced, um, introduced” “What do you think of Fraudian theory?” “I hope you are well and unhappy” “Pleased to beat you” “He can eat and drink what I want” Using the name of an ex? Breaking something on accident “Accidentally” leave something at someone's house?

14 Slips More likely to occur when a person is tired or fatigued
Note: Being tired dos not cause a slip to occur

15 Parapraxes vs. Humor Parapraxes Humor
Impulse leaks out in an uncontrolled manner Humor Impulse is crafted to come out in a controlled manner Parapraxes are a failure of the ego; humor is a success!


17 Anxiety Ego tries to keep reality in check
Ego tries to keep the id, superego, and reality “happy” The tools the ego uses to do this (and avoid anxiety) Defense Mechanisms Note: these are not “cures”, just Band-Aids

18 Defense Mechanisms Anna Freud
Organized different types of defense mechanisms

19 Defense Mechanisms Tools used by the ego to “trick” other parts of the mind Primary vs. Secondary Thinking Tools used by the ego to distort reality to protect the self Reduces anxiety Used unconsciously by the ego once anxiety is sensed

20 Test Grade

21 F

22 “No!”


24 “No -- I just didn’t do that!”


26 “No!”


28 “Oh No!”


30 “No!”

31 Why do we say “no” in these types of situations?

32 Denial Denying that the source of anxiety exists (or failing to perceive it in the first place) Gives a psychological “breather” Just temporary After it is used we can deal with the issue or use another defense mechanism




36 Repression The process of excluding distressing thoughts and feelings from consciousness “Deeper” than denial “Motivated forgetting” Freud thought is was the primary ego defense Direct approach to avoid anxiety

37 Repression Forget a name? Forgot to call someone?
Do you remember the Oedipal/Electra complex?

38 Evidence Extremely weak Why does this sometimes happen?




42 Reaction Formation Ego guards against id impulse by expressing its opposite extreme Two steps: 1) The unacceptable impulse is repressed 2) The exact opposite is expressed on a conscious level

43 Reaction Formation

44 Reaction Formation Id Sexual Desire

45 Reaction Formation Sexual desire causes neurotic and moral anxiety
Sexual desire is repressed Id Sexual Desire

46 Reaction Formation Sexual desire causes neurotic and moral anxiety
Sexual desire is repressed To further protect woman, the ego has her go to the opposite extreme Id Sexual Desire

47 Reaction Formation Sexual desire causes neurotic and moral anxiety
Sexual desire is repressed To further protect woman, the ego has her go to the opposite extreme Id Sexual Desire

48 Reaction Formation “Of course I not a sexual deviate, I actually protest against pornography!” Id Sexual Desire

49 Reaction Formation Examples:
In grade school – what do you do to the people you “liked” the most? Homosexual impulses

50 Reaction Formation “Giveaway – There is a lack of proportion between the provocation and the response”

51 Reaction Formation Do you love your younger brother / sister? Why?

52 Reaction Formation Evidence: Women were measured on “sex guilt”
Exposed to erotic stimuli Women high on sex guilt reported lower levels of arousal, but had greater physiological arousal.

53 Reaction Formation Evidence: “Homophobic” men
Exposed to homosexual erotic stimuli These men reported lower levels of arousal but, had greater physiological arousal.

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