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Speaker & Author: Victor Manuel García-Barrios

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Presentation on theme: "Speaker & Author: Victor Manuel García-Barrios"— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaker & Author: Victor Manuel García-Barrios
OpenACS and .LRN Conference Monitoring of Learning Performance From Eye-Tracking Support to Explicit Feedback Speaker & Author: Victor Manuel García-Barrios

2 Agenda Background & Motivation: AdeLE Behaviour Tracking Our Approach
Prototype Conclusions © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

3 Background & Motivation: AdeLE
Once upon a time.. ..”pretty Adele”! The Adele movie © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

4 Background & Motivation: AdeLE
Adaptive e-Learning with Eye-Tracking Research project by Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media (IICM) at Graz University of Technology Information Design at FH Joanneum, Graz Main aim An adaptation-pertinent system: development of an innovative framework for personalised e-learning © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

5 Background & Motivation: AdeLE
Usage of ‘Tobii 1750’ Eye-Tracker for AdeLE © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

6 Background & Motivation: AdeLE
Expected Results (AdeLE start: 2003) Improved knowledge about users' behaviour Identification of possible user problems and development of correction and adaptation mechanisms Detailed course-progress tracking, recording of consumed content, recording of cognitive processes Improved and personalised media and content presentation Identification of problematic areas in the content flow and / or content structuring Identification of the need for detailed additional information related to the learning content © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

7 Background & Motivation: AdeLE
real-time learner observation display interaction learner interaction notify adapt assets in instruction ask MS notify calculate next instruction ask MS get instruction inform MS display instruction inform MS © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

8 Background & Motivation: AdeLE
Service-oriented Approach External Systems, Manager Module , Profiler Module, Modeler Module, Tools Module © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

9 Behaviour Tracking Observing Behaviour! © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios
© 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

10 Behaviour Tracking Observing Behaviour! © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios
© 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

11 Our Approach Cognitive style: WAVI Model [Douglas and Riding 1993], [Riding and Douglas 1993], [Rid‐ing and Watts 1997] [Rasmussen 1998], [Riding and Rayner 1998], [McLoughlin 1999], [Sadler‐Smith and Riding 1999] Behaviour Tracking: limited to the scope of tracking the learner’s gaze‐behaviour while consuming online lessons. © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

12 Our Approach “Simplified Traditional E‐Learning” vs. “Improved Knowledge Transfer through AdeLE’s Real‐time Behaviour Tracking ” © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

13 Our Approach Need a tool that helps teachers to define in a Web page which segments of the content are (a) didactically relevant, i.e. ‘must be learned’, (b) should be considered, ‘should be read’, or (c) might be ignored. Thus, evaluate.. An evaluation study has been conducted with AdeLE’s eye‐tracking system at the University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum (Graz) in order to find eye movement parameters that provide a distinction among the three different gaze behaviours “skimming”, “reading” and “learning”. © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

14 Our Approach Evaluation
The complexity (i.e. randomness) of a gaze path was measured in terms of its entropy (as defined in the field of Information Theory; see e.g. [Borst and Theunissen 1999]). The study identified distinctions among the entropy values of the three different behaviours [Pripfl 2006]. Example: reading vs. learning © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

15 Our Approach Output for a Lesson in AdeLE
after entering a Course Page for the first Time © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

16 Our Approach Output for a Lesson in AdeLE
after a ‘NOT OK’-Status of the State Modeler © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

17 Prototype © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

18 Prototype The editor’s View!
Advantages: marking assets (and getting feedback, accodingly), rating assets, commenting, social tagging, building URL-based courses, user management, .. © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

19 Conclusions (1/2) Achievements in communication technology have direct impact on traditional learning.  Teachers have to reconceptualise their notion of didactical goals and strategies.  They have to be conscious about the fact that there exist several e-learning tools, which may support them to better achieve their didactical intentions. © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

20 Conclusions (2/2) Stagezilla platform-independent client side tool
provides useful learner information to the server side of e-learning systems or components tracks relevant, real‐time observations of learner behaviours collects relevant personal information about the participating community. It supports also adaptive systems to better know the individual user and better create assumptions about each user, e.g. Behaviour Tracking technique of the AdeLE system. © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

21 GRACIAS for Your Attention!
Important URLs … Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media (Graz University of Technology) … Speaker’s homepage Get in digital touch: … AdeLE prototype, publications … Online journal for e-learning © 2006, V.M. García-Barrios

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