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תפקידה של רשימת הספרות בפרסום מדעי

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Presentation on theme: "תפקידה של רשימת הספרות בפרסום מדעי"— Presentation transcript:

1 תפקידה של רשימת הספרות בפרסום מדעי
כל פרסום מדעי חייב להתבסס על ממצאים מדעיים שפורסמו ולדווח על ממצא או ממצאים שטרם פורסמו. לכן מאמר מדעי נכתב באופן שבו בכל משפט שיש לו משמעות עובדתית חייבת להיות התייחסות למקור מדעי (פרסום מדעי קודם) שבו מוצגת עובדה זו. "מראה המקום" לפרסום קודם נקראת "ציטוט" (citing) ומופיעה בתוך הטקסט עצמו האינפורמציה ורשימת המקורות הספרותיים נקראת "רשימת ספרות" (Reference). האינפורמציה חייבת (במינימום) לאפשר לקורא להגיע למקור ומאפשרת (במקסימום) לקורא לדעת את שם המאמר, רשימת כותבים וכו'. לכתב עת שונים כללים שונים לגבי האופן שבו יוצג בציטוט בגוף המאמר והדרך שבה מנוסחת רשימת הספרות. דבר זה מהווה בעיה בכתיבה המדעית.

2 Reference Management

3 Reference Management Your topic: article Your paper citations book
conference paper Your topic: Your paper reference list/bibliography citations Lots of typing Lost references Mistakes Managing References 3 3

4 Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 References come in all shapes and sizes.
You need to store them in a consistent format so you can find all the references by a particular author or on a particular topic, say. When you quote them in a thesis, paper etc you also need to quote them in a consistent style. But there are many different styles in use, and different publications may follow different rules – so you may need to quote the same reference in different styles on different occasions. To do this manually involves a LOT of re-typing – and you need to understand a lot of different rules. With reference management software, you can do all this at the press of a button Journal 3

5 Reference management softwares
Tools that help scholars to create and manage their lists of references for research projects. Most tools are designed to organize citations into specific formats for the preparation of manuscripts and bibliographies. Many search tools provide ways to download references into reference management tools.

6 Reference manager article Your article citations book conference paper
2. Searching the databases 1. Creating your library 3. Creating your paper Google Scholar, EBSCO, APA, SCOPUS…. article book conference paper Your article citations It is widely accepted that short-lived proteins… Your personal library Reference reference list/bibliography 4. Generating a reference list According to predefined style Metadata information Managing References 6 6

7 Metadata Journal name Publication information Title Authors
Affiliations Abstract Keywords

8 Commercial Reference Managers
EndNote Desktop (there is a limited web-based platform) must be installed on your own machine Cost, personal licence. RefWorks (currently available at Tel-Hai) web-based Use on any machine with internet connection Free while you are a member of an academic institution. Mendeley Additional functions, such as PDF libraries and annotations Open access.

9 Download Mendeley




13 Your own library metadata
This is what your Desktop Library looks like. The desktop is divided into three panes. They follow a workflow hierarchy from left-to-right. Any activity in the left pane affects the display of content in the center pane. Furthermore, any activity in the center pane is reflected in the right-hand pane, the document details pane. metadata

14 My library

15 Library generation & update
We’ll start by setting up your Mendeley library.

16 Scopus search



19 Many other search engines export metadata directly to Mendeley

20 Web importer

21 Right click




25 Drag and Drop Mendeley makes it easy to add documents. The simplest way is to drag and drop a file right into Mendeley.

26 Mendeley Hints Seven Ways to add documents 1. Single PDF (drag & drop) 2. Direct export from the web (Google Scholar, PubMed etc.) Folders (drag & drop) 3. Import Refworks library 4. Use web import tool bar

27 Inserting citations So how about your own papers? Mendeley’s Citation Plug-in will save you time by helping you cite references as you’re writing new research. No more tedious hours spent checking style guides and manually writing your bibliographies. Mendeley will do all the work for you!

28 On Mendeley

29 On MSWord














43 Manage your library Open attached PDF files in integrated viewer
Documents can be marked read/unread Star your favorite papers Filter by authors, tags, publications or keywords

44 Search Your Documents Full text search, or filter your results
documents by author, tag, publication, or keyword Once you have a lot of documents in your library, you may want to try Mendeley’s search function, which you can see here at the top right. Type in words from the title, the author’s name, or other keywords, and Mendeley will show you all the documents that match your search. You can filter your results by Author, Title, Publication Name, Year, or Notes. On the left side, you can see a list of author names. You can change this to list keywords, tags, or publication titles. This feature is helpful if you want to see every article by a single author, or everything published in one journal.



47 Read and annotate PDFs Mendeley has a built-in PDF viewer which allows you to open multiple documents at a time, and add annotations and highlights to your PDFs. This is a great way to keep track of your notes

48 The PDF Viewer This is what your PDF viewer looks like. As you can see in the top bar, you can have multiple files open at one time in Mendeley, so you can work on several articles at once. Mendeley remembers where you were on the page, so you don’t waste any time searching for what you read last.

49 Read and Work in the PDF Viewer
Once you’ve found the article you were looking for, you can open and read it in Mendeley’s PDF viewer. Here, you can search through the article by keyword. Mendeley will highlight every instance of your keyword in the entire document.

50 Annotate and Highlight
The Mendeley PDF viewer lets you highlight your text, or annotate the article by adding sticky notes. You can also add article-wide notes in the right hand column.

51 Annotate and highlight

52 Look Up Term Definitions
If you come across any words or terms you haven’t heard before, simply right click and choose ‘Define’ to look it up. Mendeley will then retrieve definitions and explanations for you.

53 How to import an existing library from Refworks to Mendeley
4. 5. How to import an existing library from Refworks to Mendeley








61 Create your research profile
Connect with colleagues and join new communities Mendeley Web is an academic social network, so a great way to start networking is to build your professional research profile. Here you can showcase your research, receive statistics on your publications, and connect with other researchers and colleagues, for example by ‘Following’ them on Mendeley. Share Your Publications

62 Showcase Your Publications
Add your own publications Mendeley adds the PDFs to the public database Showcase them on your profile You can add works to ‘My Publications’ on your profile by putting files in your ‘My Publications’ folder on Mendeley. In Mendeley Desktop you can find that folder in the pane on the left. Add only your own publications, for which you own the copyright, to this folder, as doing so adds the full text to Mendeley’s public library.

63 Stay Up-to-Date and Learn More
Get new tips and stay connected by visiting our blog at Read our guides and watch our tutorial videos If you’d like to stay up to date with new developments in Mendeley, or if you’d like to learn new tips, you can stay connected by visiting our blog at If you’d like to learn more about specific features of, check out our resource center online, or visit our YouTube channel. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and see our photos on Flickr.

64 Mendeley “It’s time to change the way we do research”
We’ve come to the end of this presentation. This was a lot of information to digest, but if you don’t remember it all, don’t worry. You can check out the webinar version of this presentation on Mendeley’s official YouTube channel, where you will also find other videos explaining Mendeley’s features. Thank you for attending this session and welcome to Mendeley. It’s time to change the way we do research!

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