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Adding value to Linus Revive Through Innovation

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1 Adding value to Linus Revive Through Innovation

2 INTRODUCTION Linus Revive core expertise is a bedrock for enabling BCM in the hands of the BCP Team : At the click of a button it produces customised Response Plans Compliance with obligations for BCP in place and effective Gives Board and CEO assurance that critical business processes are identified and BCP test exercises are up to date Linus Revive marches ahead through innovations : BCM now at the fingertips of key stakeholders Unlocks insights in charts and graphs, everyone understands Turns BCM into a profit centre Read on

CANI stands for Continuous And Never- Ending Improvement. CANI STEP-UP is an add-on product to Linus Revive to capture the spirit of ISO , section 10.2 Continuous Improvement. INNOVATION 1- CANI do TENpointTWO? STEPUP I N A C 10.2 Continual improvement The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy or effectiveness of the BCMS.

4 Established techniques for continuous improvement
In one word: Innovate Some established techniques for innovation and continuous improvements : TRIZ SCAMPER SIT ARIZ EIGHT DIMENSIONAL VIEWS Established Techniques

5 What have we implemented in CANI-STEP-UP?
We have implemented SCAMPER and there is an extension which can accommodate other tools of your choice. SCAMPER stands for: S Simplify C Combine A Adapt M Modify Minify Magnify P Put to other use E Eliminate R Rearrange

6 CANI DO – 10.2: Product Features
You get started with SCAMPER methodology You can add your own methods It collects innovative solution to improved aspects of BCMS It records solutions emerging from using these tools It codifies the process and moves BCMS towards being a profit centre, transforming it from its traditional role of a cost centre. INNOVATION SCAMPER

7 CANI DO TENpointTWO In a nutshell
You can implement ISO section using this add-on tool, ensuring full compliance It codifies the improvement process It provides a quantitative methodology to improve operations on a continual basis You can extend CANI using your own methods It creates a knowledge base of innovative solutions to improve your BCMS and to benefit other members of your team It can turn around BCMS from cost centre to being a profit centre.

8 INNOVATION 2 - Revive BCMS Analytics
Analytics adds insight and new dimensions to your BCMS Current components of the Analytics Group are You can select which you want on display You can (on the fly) design your Analytics Group by adding features. Activity Chart Calendar of Activities Risk Analysis Bulletin to Work Group Books on your Fingertips

9 INNOVATION 3 - Mobile Platform
INNOVATION 3 - Mobile Platform Role of a Mobile Platform and an APP Revive Mobile Platform delivers readiness to implement a number of APPS suited to different group of users. A Mobile Platform lets you create a variety of APPS using a Data Warehouse

10 Linus Revive Mobile Platform?
Linus Mobile Platform extracts multiple sets of data in a Data Warehouse repository to be used to create mobile applications Mobile Platform lets you create your own defined user group, permissions and what will be used by them.

11 Linus Revive Mobile Platform
Delivered with useful applications Which you can put into use immediately Which you can extend by adding more applications You don’t have to learn any programming; we assist you in achieving your organisational mobile goals. Two pronged Mobile implementation which you can use immediately are: Mobile Publisher Mobile Distributor Mobile Publisher

12 Mobile Publisher You can publish documents for mobile access to group of users. The documents emerge from Linus Revive Documents could also emerge from sources outside Linus Revive This dual mode offers you unlimited facility to create documents for distribution. Mobile Publisher

13 Mobile Distributor Once you have published documents, you can move to the next stage that is distribution of the documents. You can define users groups and authorise them to use mobile devices to access these documents. The Platform has an alert facility to let you revise the document and republish them at defined interval Mobile Distributor

14 INNOVATION 4 - Books on your Fingertips
INNOVATION 4 - Books on your Fingertips Linus Revive prepares a number of books after collecting data related to Business Continuity. You can reach these books from easy to use menu structure. Challenge for us was can we simplify this process further and make the access to books intuitive? That is what we have achieved by designing: “Books on your finger-tips (literally)”.

15 A New Book-Shelf Linus Revive adds another feature on the start-up screen It presents bookshelf containing all coloured books By a single click on the book shelf, you can access all the books. How?

16 Concept of Books on your Finger Tips
Problem definition; where is the Response Plan when needed? Solution; ready made at the click of a button Result; I’m given a book with the right instructions. The user is taken on a roadmap made of your palm

17 The Palm, the Fingers, the colours and the books
You encounter a palm fully charted and mapped. Each finger represents a colour, visible and bright Each fingertip holds a book Reach any book you wish Nothing could be simpler than the books on your fingertips. Legends: Emergency Response Procedures Recovery Director Procedures Background Document Activity Contingency Procedures Resource Recovery Procedures

18 Would you like to wear something on your sleeve?
As we deduced from the guiding hand that each finger represents a book. Now what if you wanted to add another book which comes from outside the system? You can easily do that by wearing an additional book on your sleeve. The application of this concept is numerous. What other document you want to add? What other user groups you want to address? The possibilities are limitless.

19 Lead Business Resilience Consultant
Next steps Linus Revive 4 Pillars Discuss with us how to enhance your BCM Systems; Using the innovation added to Linus Revive’s core expertise Test out the Linus Revive BCMS Analytics, you can try before you buy Extend your BCMS reach through the Linus Revive Mobile platform Intuitively compile BCMS data into eBooks, couldn’t be easier to read For any inquiries please contact Brett Denison Lead Business Resilience Consultant Web Based Technology Mobile Platform Analytics SQL Phone no : :

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