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My contribution to Solving Climate Change

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1 My contribution to Solving Climate Change
Mrs. Adams Example presentation The score on this presentation would be ~6 out of 8 I have not organized the material as well as it could be or include relevant pictures but I wanted you to see how the outline could be used to make certain all of the required parts of the assignment are included. However, the information given is in my own words, the facts are correctly cited, and a resources cited slide is provided at the end

2 Summarize the solution and the science of the solution
Describe what you would do or already do My choice for helping our environment and reducing the effects of climate change is by not having any offspring. Describe how this solution, scientifically, will reduce the impacts of climate change. According to the U.N. Environmental Program (Biello 2007), the amount of land needed to provide each human being with food, clothing, and other resources is approximately the size of 27 soccer fields (218530m2). The problem is that the Earth can provide only approximately 19 soccer fields ( m2) of land for every person living today (Biello 2007). By opting out of procreating, I am reducing the amount of land that needs to deforested, mined, or used to grow food or sustain farm animals.

3 One positive interaction: extra Money
Describe one positive interaction from implementing this solution I will save almost a quarter of a million dollars by not having a child. Factor This is linked to economics Identify who or what will be positively affected by implementing this solution. I will be positively affected because I will have more money per month to spend. How will we know this is a positive interaction? Over the time period when I would normally give birth to and raise a child, I will be able to instead spend money on myself , my husband, my family, my friends, school supplies, and charities. For example, I have extra money to pay for a flight, which is normally around 1200 euros, to the United States at least once each year to visit my family. Describe the evidence that support the description of the effects described above. According to CNN money, the cost of having and raising a child today will cost, on average, euros per year and euros in total to raise a child to the age of 17 (Vasel 2017). (money saved)

4 One negative interaction: increased risk of cancer
Describe one negative interaction from implementing this solution When women are pregnant, they do not have their menstrual cycles. fewer menstrual cycles means less exposure to some hormones (Reproductive history) By not having children I have a higher chance of breast and ovarian cancer because I am exposed to more hormones that increase my risk of these cancers. factor Health Identify who or what affected My health might be negatively affected by not having any children. How will we know this is a negative interaction? I actually do not know now if this negative interaction will occur but knowing that I have a higher chance of cancer because I did not have children, does cause me some stress. However, I would still not change my decision. Describe the evidence that support the description of the effects described above. In a study of almost 2000 women in the USA, those who gave birth to at least one child and breast fed their child showed a 22% reduced risk of ovarian cancer (Jordan 2012) Women who have their first child before age 24 have a 50% lower chance of breast cancer (Britt 2012)

5 Resources Cited “The Anatomy of A Silent Crisis.” 2009, Biello, David. 10 Solutions for Climate Change. Scientific American, 26 Nov. 2007, Biello, David. “The World Is Not Enough for Humans.” The Sciences, Scientific American, 26 Oct. 2007, Britt, K, et al. “Pregnancy and the Risk of Breast Cancer.” Endocrine-Related Cancer., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 24 Apr. 2012, Jordan, SJ, et al. “Breast Feeding and Risk of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.” Cancer Causes & Control : CCC, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 24 Apr. 2012, “Reproductive History and Cancer Risk.” National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, 9 Nov. 2016, Russo, Jose, et al. “The Protective Role of Pregnancy in Breast Cancer.” Breast Cancer Research, BioMed Central, 2005, Vasel, Kathryn. “Cost of Raising a Child: $233,610.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 9 Jan. 2017,

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