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MODUL 20 Employee Right &Discipline

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1 MODUL 20 Employee Right &Discipline
Matakuliah : J0124/Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Tahun : 2007/2008 MODUL 20 Employee Right &Discipline

2 Learning Outcomes After studying this chapter, the students should be able to : Discuss the meaning of discipline & how to investigate a disciplinary problem. Describe the approaches of disciplinary system Identify the disciplinary system that fit to the company Bina Nusantara

3 Outline Right affecting the employment relationship Discipline
Disciplinary problems Disciplinary system Approaches of disciplinary system Investigative interview Bina Nusantara

4 Rights affecting the employment relationship
Employment-at-will Wrongful discharge Just cause Due process Bina Nusantara

5 Discipline Discipline is management action that encourages compliance with organizational standard. Preventive discipline Types of discipline Corrective discipline Bina Nusantara

6 Disciplinary Problems
Attendance problems Dishonesty & related problems Work performance problems On-the job behavior problems Off-the job behavior problems Bina Nusantara

7 Disciplinary System  Establish rules & goals
Employer Establish rules & goals Communicate rules & goals  employees Assess behavior Modify undesirable behavior Bina Nusantara

8 Approaches of Disciplinary System
Hot Stove Rule Progressive Discipline Positive Discipline Bina Nusantara

9 Investigative Interview
This interview is necessary because the supervisor’s perceptions of the employee’s behavior may not be entirely accurate. The most important is the employees must be given a full opportunity to explain his/her side of the issue Bina Nusantara

10 Analyze the reasons for poor performance Keep it private
Guidelines : Root out the causes Analyze the reasons for poor performance Keep it private Attack the problem and not the person Bina Nusantara

11 Closing The employment relationship is a reciprocal one in which both employers & employees have rights. Discuss the meaning of discipline & how to investigate a disciplinary problem. Describe the approaches of disciplinary system Identify the disciplinary system that fit to the company Bina Nusantara

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