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Drug Abuse Resistance Education
D.A.R.E Drug Abuse Resistance Education
TABLE OF CONTENTS Alcohol - Pages 3 - 7 Tobacco - Pages 8 - 12
Peer Pressure - Pages Bullying - Pages 16 - 20 This is what I learned!
Welcome Hello, my name is Sarah! Today I will share my four chosen topics! I chose these topics because I think that they were some of the most interesting ones and they will help make many futures better. I hope you have a nice graduation! Now sit back and relax... And Enjoy!
Alcohol Alcohol is a beverage that comes in many ways. They all have effects that can cause harm to many parts of the human body. The organs are most affected by this. Some effects can vary depending on the drink. The effects are not very good. The reason being is because your body sees alcohol as a poison. When you drink alcohol your body produces something that shoots at the “poison” to stop it from reaching contact with your liver. If you have a full stomach it can help it from reaching contact with your liver. Your body knows its bad, but alcohol can make the consumer feel good. That’s the trickery to getting addicted.
Why it’s addicting When someone consumes alcohol a part in your brain called the “reward-center” starts to work. When your brain gets pleasure it wants more. It craves something intensely. When you crave something, you most likely will try to get it any way you can and as much as you can. Even if it’s bad for you. Imagine your dog and how you had to train it to go to the washroom outside. When it did what it was supposed to do it got a treat. That would be a “reward!” Now your dog does his business outside.
Everybody is different
Everybody responds to drinking alcohol differently. For some people you might get addicted really fast and others might get addicted slower. Sometimes genetics can be the reason to some of this. If your grandparents or other relatives have had addictions then you might be more prone to them. But that’s not always the case.
Teens are more prone to addiction
There are many reasons teens are more prone to addiction. They are more prone to addiction than (some) adults because their brain is not done growing. The effects are still the same as adults but since a teens brain isn’t done growing it might slow down the brain from growing. And you are not supposed to drink alcohol as a teen! If you get caught you will get charged……
Some health effects of drinking
Effects can vary depending on the person and the drink. Here are some of the effects. Loss of control, loss of coordination, uncontrollable behavior, uncontrollable emotions, memory loss, organ damage, etc. (Getting arrested if necessary) If you CHOOSE to drink and drive, drink too much you will suffer the long term consequences.
Tobacco Tobacco comes in many forms and is used in many ways. It starts as the tobacco plant and they can use it to make into cigarettes, cigars, chew, fine cut tobacco and more products. However, the tobacco isn’t the main addictive ingredient. Nicotine is found in every tobacco product.
Cigarettes Cigarettes have been around have been around for hundreds of years. When they first arrived nobody knew about the effects and thought you were “cool” if you smoked. When everyone first found out that they could give you lung cancer and other diseases, people started suing the cigarette companies. As a result, they now put a disclaimer/picture of what will happen to you from smoking. Some effects: clogs arteries, heart attacks, cancer, yellow teeth, yellow nails, death.
Cigars A cigar is basically a thicker version of a cigarette. Though sometimes they can be cigarette size. They smell different than a cigarette.
Chew Chew contains more nicotine than a cigarette. Instead of actually swallowing chew it make holes in your lip and the “poison” gets through there. Fact: If someone chews “chew” for 30 minutes it has the same amount of nicotine as 3 cigarettes. Effects: Addiction, cancer.. etc.
Why not to use tobacco products
You shouldn't use tobacco products because the worst case scenario is death. Using the products is a CHOICE with negative consequences. Once someone is addicted it’s hard to stop. So don’t start. If someone is addicted to cigarettes or another substance they probably spend a lot of money on tobacco. So, if you want to be able to pay your bills, DON’T USE TOBACCO! People who smoke aren’t bad people, they just made bad decisions.
Peer pressure Sometimes your peers might get the idea of smoking, drinking etc. When you’re older of course. They might ask you to try something. It’s really hard to say no to your friends even if you know it’s bad. Sometimes they might nag you an try to manipulate you to try some. It's your responsibility to say “NO” in a firm, strong way without making them feel bad as well.
How to stay in charge Have you ever heard someone say “If your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too?” Well, this is the same thing. If your friends are risking the consequences of drugs and addiction for long term, would you join them. I hope you are saying no. If your friends ask you to try an addictive product and you know it’s bad, you should tell them that in a firm, but still kind way. If they keep nagging you to try some you have to get firmer and keep saying no. If it gets really bad you can walk away. Don’t hang around people who make bad decisions. Especially if they want you to do so as well.
Being friends When someone is your friend it is really hard to say no to them. You probably don’t want to lose them as a friend. It can be hard. By saying “NO” you can build up confidence as well. Here are some ways to be in charge: Say no, walk away, tell them the risks, use humor, etc. These are kind ways to not lose them as a friends but influence them as well! T-Swizzle
Bullying Bullying is a type harassment when one (or more) people try to tease you, make you feel bad for your looks, perhaps disability, etc. It’s only classified as bullying when the person has done it more than once and does it continually. There are different kinds of bullying. There is physical bullying, cyberbullying, emotional/social bullying and verbal bullying. (Bully)->
Cyberbullying Cyberbullying involves the internet. If you have a social media account such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. people from anywhere could look at you profile and message you something. If it’s bullying it will be something hurtful and they will do it often. I’m not trying to say that social media is bad, but it has risks. People think because it’s online, they won’t get hurt. They can’t say it to your Cyberbully -> face ……………….
Verbal/social and emotional bullying
verbal bullying is when someone would threaten you or use words against you. Teasing is a part of this too. Emotional bullying is someone trying to use your emotions against you and make you feel bad about yourself. It could be spreading rumors, talking bad about you behind your back.. ):
Physical bullying Physical bullying is when (sometimes a group) people hit you, kick you, trip you, or try and hurt your physical self.
Why people bully Sometimes the bullies might have gotten bullied or hurt before and that is their way of letting their anger out. They might be miserable and think it will make people like them. Especially if they act tough. BUT it doesn’t work… DON’T BULLY!
How to prevent bullying
To stop a bully you can tell a trusted adult the five w’s. Who, what, where, why and when. Then they can report it and stop the bully! Nobody likes to feel bad, it’s best to tell someone before it gets too bad.
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