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Year 11 into 12 Options Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom.

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1 Year 11 into 12 Options Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom

2 All subjects will be reformed with the exception of: Maths
September 2016: All subjects will be reformed with the exception of: Maths Communication Studies Government and Politics Neal Rachel Liam Jack Max Tom

3 Move to 3 subjects for the majority of students:
Universities make selections based on three subjects School judged on students performance in best three subjects New A Levels are more rigorous with more content ‘A Level’ topics are worth more – need to be able to deliver some content in year 12. Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom

4 Individual entry requirements for subjects the same as last year.
Introduction of APS as an additional entry requirement Worked out by adding up the points from best 8 subjects then dividing by 8 Neal Rachel Liam Bryan GCSE BTEC A* Distinction* A Distinction B Merit C Pass D E F G 58 52 46 40 34 28 22 16 Jack Max Tom

5 Average Point Score (APS) Level Possible Subjects Available A
Offer Average Point Score (APS) Level Possible Subjects Available A 46+ (including English/Maths and Science grade B) 3/4 A Levels Any choice of A Levels B (including English and Maths grade C) 3 A Levels 3 A Levels/Vocational Courses excluding Maths and Sciences C 3 Level 3 Vocational Courses Level 3 Vocational Courses English and/or Maths resit D Below 34 3 Level 2 Vocational Courses Level 2 Courses English and Maths resit Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom

6 Subject Grade Score English Language A 52 English Literature Maths RE
46 History C 40 German Biology Chemistry Total 384 APS 48 Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom

7 Subject Grade Score English Language C 40 English Literature Maths D
34 RE History German Core Science B 46 Additional Science Total 320 APS Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom

8 Sixth Form Information Evening for students and parents
Dates Event 5th November 2015 Year 11 Parents Evening 19th November 2015 Sixth Form Information Evening for students and parents 30th November-10th December 2015 Mock examinations 14th December 2014 11 into 12 Taster Day 6th January 2016 Mock examination results issued to students 15th January 2016 Deadline for application forms to be handed into the office January 2016 Construction of Option Blocks February 2016 Draft Option Blocks published Interviews with students April 2016 Course offers made to students Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom

9 Options Evening Thursday 19th November:
: students talk to subject leaders : presentation in the hall Boards will be ready 16th November (speak to those in department who lead an A Level subject). Banners will be provided Other information to be presented – ie course content, student successes, assessment, trips. Neal Rachel Liam Bryan Jack Max Tom

10 A sixth form to be proud of: Rated as good by Ofsted in November 2014
‘Students enjoy being in the sixth form’ with ‘good and outstanding teaching and learning taking place in sixth form lessons. AS and A Level judged as good by ALPs Neal Rachel Liam Jack Max Tom

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