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Joint Velocity and the Jacobian

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1 Joint Velocity and the Jacobian
How did I do that? Look! I can move!

2 Chapter Objectives By the end of the Chapter, you should be able to:
Characterize frame velocity Compute linear and rotational velocity Compute Jacobian and robot singularities Bibliography: Craig’s book Handout

3 Velocity of a Point The position of a point in frame B in terms of frame A is Point velocity in A = derivative with respect to time: When differentiating, two frames come into play: The frame with respect to which we differentiate The frame in which result is expressed, e.g.:

4 Rotational Velocity Suppose now that B is rotating w.r.t. A:
Differentiating: A trick to get an economic representation: It can be shown that:

5 Rotational Velocity (cont.)
We write: Wedge operator Where: Rotational Velocity A “cool” expression of velocity due to time varying rotation:

6 Linear + Rotational Velocity
If we have simultaneous time varying rotation & translat.: Using Homogeneous Coordinates, we can show that:

7 Link Differential Transformation
Recall the general link transformation: Differentiating:

8 Differential Transformation (cont.)
Using the formula for the inverse: Therefore:

9 Differential Transformation (cont.)
The last expression can be written as: The angular and linear velocities are:

10 Velocity Propagation from link 2 link

11 Velocity Propagation (cont.)
Rotational velocities may be added as vectors: Where: Also: With respect to the linear velocity:

12 Velocity Propagation: Prismatic Joint
For the case i+1 is a prismatic joint:

13 An Example: V3 L2 L1

14 The Jacobian Jacobian = Multidimensional Derivative Example:
6 functions fi , i=1,…,6 6 variables xi , i=1,…,6 Write: y1 = f1(x1, x2, …, x6) y2 = f2(x1, x2, …, x6)  =  y6 = f6(x1, x2, …, x6) In vector form: Y = F(X)

15 The Jacobian (cont.) Taking derivatives: Jacobian
Dividing by t on both sides: The Jacobian is a time varying transformation mapping velocities to velocities

16 Jacobian for a Manipulator
Robot kinematics give: frame of EE = F(joint variables) Using the Jacobian: velocity of EE = Jjoint variable derivatives If all joints rotational, and calling: then we write:

17 Singularities of a Robot
If J is invertible, we can compute joint velocities given Cartesian velocities: Important relationship: shows how to design joint velocities to achieve Cartesian ones Most robots have joint values for which J is non-invertible Such points are called singularities of the robot.

18 Singularities (cont.) Two classes of singularities:
Workspace boundary singularities Workspace interior singularities Robot in singular configuration: it has lost one or more degrees of freedom in Cartesian space

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