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Chapter 3 Section5 Subtracting Integers.

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1 Chapter 3 Section5 Subtracting Integers

2 Bell ringer Example 1 & 2 1.)Example 1 Subtract Positive Integers

3 Question of the day Multiple choice a. To Subtract a Integer you

4 Classwork Example 3 & 4 1.) Example 3 Subtract Negative Integers :Find 4 – (–3). 2.) Example 4 Subtract Negative Integers :Find –12 – (–7).

5 Lesson: subtracting integers
To subtract a integer , you add its opposite Step 1 Keep the first number Step 2 Change The Subtract or Addition sign ex. If it is addition change to subtraction if it is subtraction change to addition Step 3 Switch The last Number ex. If it is positive change to negative if it is negative change it to positive Example 1 - Subtract 1) 8-13= {8-13=8+(-13)=-5 To subtract 13, add -13 Simplify Example 2 – Evaluate x-y if x=-6 and y=5 1.)x-y=(-6-5=) -6+-5=-11 Replace the x with -6 and the y with 5. To Subtract 5 add -5 ,Simplify.

6 Exit Ticket Example 5 & 6 1) Example 5 Evaluate an Expression
1) Example 5 Evaluate an Expression ALGEBRA Evaluate f – g if f = –8 and g = 5 2) Example 6 Use Integers to Solve a Problem TEMPERATURE On a particular day in the desert, the low temperature was –3F and the high temperature was 51F. Find the range of temperatures.

7 Homework 3-5 Subtracting Integers # 1-19 all In Power Point

8 *Remember Weekly Report Question of the day everyday Report Cards Go Home Final Exams

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