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Roots of American Democracy

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1 Roots of American Democracy
Chapter 5, Section 2

2 Justice and Self-Government
In 1215, English nobles forced King John to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter). By signing, the king agreed that he was NOT above the law. Like everyone else, the king had to obey the laws of the land. Limited the king’s power by granting rights to nobles and freemen. Land could not be seized by the crown. Could not be taxed unless a council of prominent, or group of men agreed too. Rights of Magna Carat were expanded over time. Remains foundation of modern American democracy.

3 Parliament and Colonial Government
Parliaments was England's lawmaking body. Two Houses- 1.) House of Commons- elected officials 2.) House of Lords- nonelected nobles, judges, and clergy. Colonists’ model for representative government. As Parliament was overseas, the colonists wish to keep their right of representation. Formed own elected assemblies. Virginia House of Burgesses- imposed taxes and managed colonies. Conflict arose when Parliament passed laws without their consent. Disliked when king appointed royal governors to rule select colonies.


5 King Limits Self-Government
In the mid 1600’s, Massachusetts and other colonies were ignoring the Navigation Acts and were smuggling goods. The people of Mass. claimed that England had no right to make laws for them. King Chares II revoked their charter and their right to self-govern.

6 Glorious Revolution , Parliament secretly ask Mary and William of Orange to head the English throne. 1689 William and Mary agreed to uphold the English Bill of Rights. Established an important principle that the government was based on laws made by Parliament , not on the desires of the crown. People had a right to voice their opinions without the fear of being arrested.

7 Colonial Governments

8 English Claim English Rights
After hearing about the fall of King James, the colonist quickly claimed the English Bill of Rights. Massachusetts regained its right to self-government and the ability to elected assemblies, BUT had to accept a crown appointed governor. During the early 1700’s, England interfered very little in colonial affairs. Hands of policy= Salutary Neglect.

9 Zenger and Freedom of Press
John Peter Zenger – published one of the 1st newspapers in the colonies In 1734, Zenger was arrested for publishing stories that criticized the governor Zenger was put on trial for libel – the act of publishing a statement that may unjustly damage a person’s reputation. He was found not guilty; freedom of the press would later become a basic American right.

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