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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF DIOCESAN VOCATION DIRECTORS 2017"— Presentation transcript:

The USCCB and Vocations Ministry

2 Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations
Rev. Luke Ballman Associate Director Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations

3 USCCB and Vocations Ministry
PPF 101 Vocations & Admissions Use of Psychology International Candidates

4 USCCB 101 National Catholic War Council (1917)
National Catholic Welfare Council (1919) National Catholic Welfare Conference (1922) NCCB & USCC (1966) NCCB (Committees of Bishops & Secretariats) USCC (addressed issues as part of larger society) USCCB (2001)

5 USCCB 101 2017-2020 Priority Initiatives
Evangelization Family and marriage Human life and dignity Vocations and ongoing formation Religious freedom

6 Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations (CCLV)
Committee Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Chairman Archbishop Samuel Aquila Archbishop John C. Wester Archbishop Charles C. Thompson Bishop Earl Boyea Bishop Arturo Cepeda Bishop James F. Checchio Bishop Thomas Daly Bishop Michael F. Olson Secretariat Fr. Ralph O’Donnell, Executive Director Fr. Luke Ballman, Associate Director

7 The CCLV Committee Mandate

8 CCLV Annual CARA Studies
Ordination Class Profession Class Permanent Deacon Class

9 Seminary Enrollment 2016-2017 College: 1,395 1,248 (2004-2005)*
1,460 ( )** Theology: 3,405 3,114 ( )* 3,723 ( )** * = Lowest ** = Most recent higher enrollment

10 Seminary Enrollment Trends

11 The Program of Priestly Formation (PPF)

12 Program of Priestly Formation (PPF)
Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis (Ratio) 1970, 1985, 2016) PPF (1971, 1976, 1981, 1992, 2005) Normative for all American (USA) seminaries

13 PPF Sources Vatican II Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis
Catechism of the Catholic Church Pastores dabo vobis Seminary Visitations

14 Vocations & Admissions
Discernment of Vocations (not a contest) A divine and ecclesial dialogue Responsibility of bishop & vocation director Thresholds for admission Gradualism

15 Vocations and Admissions: Norms
Develop/review policy and follow it Both the diocese and seminaries have admissions processes (n.39) Benefit of doubt—Church (n.42) Seminary not the place for therapy Obligation of applicant to give evidence of a vocation Confidential but shared information Trust your gut

16 Vocations and Admissions: Norms
Pre-theology Two years for all four dimensions of formation, not just philosophy (n. 60) Screening process Interviews Letters of reference Records (cf. 63, 64, 66) Medical & Psych evals. (n.47, 52 & 65) Criminal background checks

17 Vocations and Admissions: Norms
Get to know your psychologist Confidential but shared information Do your homework Beware of men who “shop around for the best diocese” Don’t rush the process (the vocation won’t go away)

18 Vocations and Admissions: Norms
Open & frank discussion of life experiences Evidence of having lived in continence for two years Evidence of or inclination toward criminal sexual activity with minor Candidates with same-sex experiences and/or inclinations (PPF #)

19 Vocations and Admissions: Norms
Right to privacy & sharing of sensitive information with formation personnel Debt, college and otherwise Sense of entitlement Recent converts

20 Readmission of Former Sems: Norms & Addendum A
Requirement to consult all previous formation programs (n. 61) 2-year period after dismissal from previous formation program (n. 62) Purpose of these procedural norms: Full disclosure Confidential exchange Consultation

21 CCLV Guidelines on the Use of Psychology in Seminary Admissions
Provides basic principles Psychology Canon Law Civil Law Webinar for psychologists (St. Luke’s)

22 USCC Guidelines for Receiving Pastoral Ministers
To assist with, developing, reviewing and implementing diocesan & seminary policies & procedures Provides basic principles Presentations available on line

23 Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations
Rev. Luke Ballman Associate Director Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations


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