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The Development and Validation of an Endoscopic Grading System for Barrett’s Esophagus The Prague C & M Criteria Gastroenterology 2006;131:1392~1399 This.

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1 The Development and Validation of an Endoscopic Grading System for Barrett’s Esophagus The Prague C & M Criteria Gastroenterology 2006;131:1392~1399 This article is about The Development and Validation of an Endoscopic Grading System for Barrett’s Esophagus ,,,The Prague C & M Criteria this article was published at gastroenterology 2006 volume 13. Prof. 장린 / R3 김석연

2 Background & Aims Barrett’s esophagus (BE) Aims
a premalignant condition for esophageal adenocarcinoma associated with chronic GERD its diagnosis relying initially on recognition of a columnar-lined distal esophagus Salmon-pink in color Biopsy specimen : intestinal metaplasia Aims develop and validate criteria the endoscopic diagnosis and grading of BE Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is a premalignant condition for esophageal adenocarcinoma and associated with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease. its diagnosis relying initially on recognition of a columnar-lined distal esophagus. The columnar linined mucosa of the distal esophagus. Biopsy specimen reveal intestinal metaplasia They Aimed to develop and validate explicit, consensus-driven criteria for the endoscopic diagnosis and grading of BE.

3 Material & Methods

4 Working Group Structure and Meetings
A subgroup of the International Working Group for the Classification of Oesophagitis (IWGCO) Research and clinical interest in BE The first meeting - September 2002 Strategies for development of criteria for grading Voting and discussion A su All the members of the subclub,which is International Working Group for the Classification of Oesophagitis have a Research and clinical interest in BE. The first meeting was convened in September 2002 and Strategies for development of criteria for grading of BE Through Voting and discussion

5 agreed on criteria and developed materials for
formal evaluation using video-endoscopic recordings gathered in 29 patients The Criteria C (circumferential) & M (maximum extent) Endoscopically visualized BE segment The working group agreed on criteria and developed materials for their formal evaluation using video-endoscopic recordings gathered in a standardized manner in 29 patients The criteria included assessment of the circumferential & maximum extent of the Endoscopically visualized BE segment as well as endoscopic landmark

6 FIG 1 is a assessement score sheet for analysis of endoscopy vidieos.

7 M C C is a extent of circumferential metaplasia, M is maximal extent of the metaplasia. This figure shows C2M5.

8 C M Video still of endoscopic barrett`s esophagus showing an area classified as C2M5.

9 Results

10 R C The RC of Circumferential extent is 0.91, maximal extent 0.66.

11 Table 3 shows the number of video clips with C and M assessments in the relationship to the length of the BE segment. Almost half of the C assessments but only 5 of the M assessments were less than 0.5cm 29 29

12 R C The RC of C value were 0.94 C and M was 0.93, representing an “almost perfect” Also, RC of diaphragmatic hiatus and GEJ were “almost perfect”

13 Table 5 is a percentage agreement for C and M values.
The exact rates of the agreements C and M were 53 percents and 38 percents, respectively. Whereas the values for agreement within 2 cm were 97%and 95%,respectively.

14 Table 6 is a overall kappa values, based on BE length.
One above 1 cm was 0.72, the other below 1 cm was 0.21.

15 Conclusion The Prague C & M criteria have high
validity for the endoscopic assessment of visualized BE lengths

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