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Recently Discovered Animals in the Amazon Rainforest

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1 Recently Discovered Animals in the Amazon Rainforest
Michael Mitchell Seagulls June 2016

2 How many types of species have been discovered in the last decade?
257 fish 216 amphibians 55 reptiles 16 birds 39 mammals

3 Fish Discovered Apistogramma cinilabra
In the last decade people have discovered countless numbers of fish in the Amazon. Pictured on the right is a dwarf cichlid that has adapted to extremely low oxygen levels. Tometes camunani A herbivorous species of piranha. It inhabits rocky rapids (fast white flowing water) where its main food source grows and is called ‘podostemaceae’ (riverweeds)

4 Mammals Discovered Milton’s titi monkey
This is a new monkey found by the Roosevelt river and are told apart from other titi monkeys by there orange sideburns and how it purrs like a cat. Finger Monkey Finger monkeys inhabit wooded and ragged areas in the Amazon . They can live for 15 to 20 years but there life span may be less in the wild than in captivity.

5 Birds Discovered Collared puff-bird
It lives in the understory and the canopy. Its main diet is lizards ,frogs , snakes and insects. It’s cm long and it weighs grams. Chorozinho do aripuana This bird lives around rivers and is so new it doesn’t even have a scientific name yet – it is referred to here under it’s genus name.

6 Amphibians Discovered
Milk frog In nature, these frogs live and breed exclusively in the canopy of the Amazon rain forests, as high as 100 feet above ground Bat Frog This frog was found in the Amazon and named the ‘bat frog’ – named after the musician Ozzy Ozborne because of his love for bats.

7 Reptiles Discovered War-painted lizard
This extraordinary-looking species of lizard was discovered in the part of the Amazon that extends into Guyana. Despite its extraordinary colouring, this lizard is very shy and has a tendency to avoid being seen by humans Pinocchio Lizard This lizard was thought to have been extinct for many years, however in 2005, a group of bird-watchers near Mindo spotted a strange-looking lizard crossing the road. One of them shared a picture when they got back home, and herpetologists realized that the Pinocchio lizard was still alive and well.

8 This is the end I hope you enjoyed it

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