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TWENTEMENT Using the Living Smart Campus as an incubator

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Presentation on theme: "TWENTEMENT Using the Living Smart Campus as an incubator"— Presentation transcript:

1 TWENTEMENT Using the Living Smart Campus as an incubator
for developing the tools for 21st century BLENDED DEMOCRACY Bas Denters / Maya van den Berg / Pieter-Jan Klok Paul Havinga / Nirvana Meratnia Alexander van Deursen Henk van der Kolk

2 Bornholm: Folkemødet Democratic Festival: four days
Debates on social & political issues Participants National and local politicians Ordinary Danes Attendance: (2012) to > (2016)

3 Twentement September 2017 Location: Roombeek Blended democracy
Real time debates ICT and social media Two roles UT: Developing concept “BLENDED DEMOCRACY” and ICT tools Developing tools and data analytics for monitoring and evaluating the festival Next five months : preparing for 1st edition

4 Internal partners and support
IGS and CTIT Public Administration Communication Sciences (Alexander van Deursen) OMD (Henk van der Kolk) Pervasive Systems (Paul Havinga en Nirvana Meratnia) …….. Next five months: Building partnerships securing internal and external support Support Organization of meetings Use of DesignLab facilities (e.g. hackatons) Using Campus events as test-bed Publicity in UT and regional / national media ………

5 Tubantia + Regional media, Museums
Enschede Regio Twente Tubantia + Regional media, Museums Province Overijssel (Sociale Kwaliteit) Ministerie BZK VNG Research funding: EU Urban Europe NWO SURF SIDN-fonds Next five months: Secure funding for developing tools Secure research funding

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