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Welcome Back to School Eighth Grade Blue Team

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School Eighth Grade Blue Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School Eighth Grade Blue Team
Arcola Intermediate School

2 Core Team Teachers Ms. Cantello Science Mr. Ford History
Mrs. Yost English Mrs. Hollenbeck Math Mrs. Harlow Gym/Health

3 Special Education Team
Ms. Bruce Math Miss. Kozlowski Math/Literature Mrs. Corrado English Mrs. McFate Instructional Aide

4 Language / Literature Teachers
Mrs. Tarlecki German Mrs. Serrano French Mr. Corrao Literature

5 Policies and Procedures
Follow all school rules outlined in the student handbook. Be respectful of your teachers and peers. Make up missing work immediately after an absence. Seek teacher assistance for lengthy absences.

6 Policies and Procedures
Upon entering the classroom, copy the homework and/or engage in the class opener. Be an active participant in class and complete all work, including preparing for tests and quizzes. Seek teacher help during 8th periods.

7 Homework You will have at least 20 minutes of homework in each content area every night. Don’t ever say that you don’t have homework. Even if you don’t have any formal work to completed, you can free read, review your notes, etc.

8 Assignment and Grade Postings
All homework assignments will be posted in the classroom on a daily basis Not all teachers will post assignments online Grades will be posted online and may be accessed through parent portal

9 Supplies Three Ring Binder Student Preference
May have two binders, one for the morning and one for the afternoon. Will require dividers or separate folders for each class May have individual binders for each class. May have one large binder for all classes.

10 Additional Supplies Plenty of notebook paper
Sharpened pencils or other writing utensils, blue or black pen, highlighter Agenda book (to be distributed on the first day of school) TI 83 or TI 84 plus graphing calculator and a 3 subject spiral Folder for each subject Earbuds

11 Sanitation Supplies Consider donating some of the following to your homeroom… Hand Sanitizer Tissues Clorox Wipes

12 Team Trips/Special Events
Medal of Honor Grove November Reading Phillies May/June Team Days All trips and special events are subject to change and cancellation, especially considering student behavior and work ethic.

13 Website Visit the team and teacher websites regularly.
Teachers often post important handouts and power points. The team website also may have homework posted regularly.

14 Team Text Alerts The team will send text alerts, regarding important events, major assignments, and due dates. To receive the text alerts, text @8blue20 to If this does not work to (703)

15 Team QR To go directly to the team’s website, use the QR code below.

16 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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