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¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Sra. Fahy

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Presentation on theme: "¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Sra. Fahy"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Sra. Fahy

2 ¿Quién es Señora Fahy? Teresa Fahy
Teacher of Spanish. 16 years. Student of Spanish: 25 years and counting…. Before teaching: Navy analyst for 10.5 years. Husband: Theodore (Panamanian/American). Mother and grandmother. Lived in Japan, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Brazil, Have traveled to Ecuador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Aruba, Costa Rica, Uruguay, England, Spain and South Africa. BS: Spanish/Business University State of New York : MA Educational Leadership, Management and Policy -Seton Hall University

3 Mi perro muy consentido:

4 How will students be graded?
Tests/Major Assessments: 100pts ea. Quizzes/Minor Assessments: pts ea. Homework: pts ea. (1/2 credit –1 day late) Class Participation 15 pts ea.

5 Grades on Report Card 90 - 100 Excellent 80 - 89 above Average
65 – 69 Below Average Below 65 - Failing

6 Materials needed for class.
Pencils and Pens (black/blue), highlighter. Spanish Binder/Notebooks for keeping handouts/taking notes. Textbook (please cover) USB/Flash/Thumb drive Earphones (computer lab days) A great attitude!

7 What will students learn this year?
Reinforce the basic structure of the Spanish language Speak about themselves: Polite exchanges Daily activities Family and friends Community, School And more depending upon level. Culture

8 Class Rule RESPECT

9 Respect yourselves: Come dressed like and act like ladies and gentlemen.
Respect each other: Treat each other with kindness and dignity. Help each other. Respect the learning environment: Arrive on time – take your seat and prepare to learn Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged instead of shouting out. Be silent and attentive while others are speaking, etc. Be on task during individual and partner activities. These behaviors ensure a calm environment in which every student can learn. No one can learn in chaos.

10 Extra Help I can give extra help after school during the tutorial period. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, there is a late bus. The late bus times and routes are posted on the HS website. I can stay on other days if students have transportation home. Students must make an appointment. Or at lunch or at another time–by appointment! We’ll have a working lunch!

11 Otra Información My is: This is the fastest way to communicate with me. me at any time you have a question or concern. Voic Dial the school main number: then: Ext: 3526 (voic s are sent directly to my ) Webpage: Go to WHHS website, Staff, then Fahy Online textbook: (students will be issued a logon ID and password)

12 Classroom Procedures Entering the classroom:
Enter the classroom, find your desk, get out your materials to learn and any assigned homework. Look at the Objectives poster to refresh yourself on what we will be focusing on in class. The classroom assistant passes out Libritos. Students get out homework, etc. If there is a “Haga Ahora” on the board, complete that in your Librito. Sometimes the DO Now will be written or sometimes a verbal practice. If you need a writing instrument, feel free to take one from the pink container on the side board. Do not bother a neighbor for a pen/pencil. If you owe me old work –Hand it to me personally. Classroom Procedures

13 Passing in papers: I will say, “Pasen los papeles al frente,” Pass papers to the front and then to the right to the desk nearest my desk. I will collect them from that student. At the end of class: Remain seated in your assigned seat until the bell. Do not change seats just to get nearer to the door. I will make you move back. I will not dismiss you unless all students are seated. Cell phones are not permitted to be used in class unless explicitly allowed. If I see that you are using your phone on the down low, It will be relegated to the Cárcel de Teléfonos. Leaving and entering the classroom. You must have your ID and passbook or a pass to leave the classroom. Sign out (using pen) where you need to go (i.e., baño, biblioteca, enfermera, etc) and then bring it to me to sign. When exiting the classroom, close the door but leave it slightly ajar so that you do not have to knock and disrupt the class to re-enter. More stuff

14 If you are absent: Come see me for handouts you may have missed.
If you missed a quiz or test, you will see your name on the front board. See me to schedule the make-up quiz/test. If you missed a lesson, I may ask you to come at lunch and make it up so that you don’t miss important concepts.

15 I am so happy to be teaching Spanish to you this year!
I believe every student is capable of being successful in Spanish regardless of past experiences, and will do everything in my power to help you succeed!

16 ¡Gracias por su atención!
We are going to have a fabulous year!

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