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Stand Up For Someone’s Rights

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1 Stand Up For Someone’s Rights
Social Media Toolkit

2 What is “Stand Up?”: The “Stand Up for Someone’s Rights” campaign is inspired by former First Lady and UNA-USA trailblazer Eleanor Roosevelt and her famous observation: “Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home.” Launched by the UN Human Rights Office, the campaign is a reminder that human rights “start with each of us” and our communities standing together against intolerance, injustice, and discrimination. At its heart “Stand Up” seeks to raise awareness about the essential role of human rights in people’s everyday lives, and encourages people to support the human rights of others, in their communities and with their decision makers.  In doing so, says the UN Human Rights Office, “local actions can add up to a global movement.” @USYouthObserver

3 SAMPLE TWEETS Take the pledge and add your voice to the growing list of global human rights supporters #UNAStandUp “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” #UNAStandUp For Someone’s Rights! is answering a global call to "Stand up for Someone's Rights Today" #UNAStandUp #UNAStandUp

4 SAMPLE FACEBOOK POSTS Join us and #standup4humanrights. We want to encourage, support and amplify what you do in your everyday life to defend human rights. Together, let's take action for greater freedoms, stronger respect and more compassion. #UNAStandUp ”To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” – Nelson Mandella. Take the pledge and add your voice to the growing list of global human rights supporters #UNAStandUp Kehkashan Basu is a 16 year old environmental and child rights activist from Dubai. Learn how she stands up for someone’s rights and how you can too: #UNAStandUp UNA-USA chapters across the country are standing up for human rights through Stand Up 4 Someone’s Rights Campaign. Share how you stand up for someone’s rights by using the hashtag #UNAStandUp and telling your story! #UNAStandUp

5 5 Ways to Stand Up For Someone's Rights
BLOGS TO SHARE 5 Ways to Stand Up For Someone's Rights Stand Up 4 Human Rights Submit your blog post about how you stand up for someone’s rights by ing Anna Mahalak, UNA-USA Youth Engagement Manager at #UNAStandUp


7 SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: United Nations Association of the USA

Anna Mahalak, UNA-USA #UNAStandUp

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