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Presentation on theme: "S4/5 OPTIONS INFORMATION EVENING January 2017"— Presentation transcript:


2 Senior Phase 16+ Choices - What next?
Age 16 Leaving Date Before 1st October 31st May After 1st October but before 1 March December School (S5 or S6 including Senior Vocational) Early access to college (with EDC permission) Further Education (College or University) Employment Training (including Modern Apprenticeships)

3 82% 13% 5% Leaver Destinations HIGHER / FURTHER EDUCATION TRAINING /


5 Turnbull Curricular Pathway
S4 Pupils study a minimum of 7 qualifications in S4. S5 Pupils study a minimum of 5 qualifications in S5. S6 Pupils usually study a minimum of 5 qualifications in S6.

6 Turnbull Curriculum Map

7 Course Progression Higher (A-C)  Advanced Higher National 5 (A-C)
Higher Grade National 4 National 5 National 3

8 S5 Option Form

9 S6 Option Form

10 Options Info - Vocational Programme
Courses at SCQF Level 4 – 6 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons (1.30 – 4.20 pm) Transport from school – make own way home Application Form and Interview for courses College Induction takes place in June COURSES ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AND UPTAKE

11 Options Info - Foundation Apprenticeships
Foundation Apprenticeships are a college and work-based learning opportunity for secondary school pupils to gain an award at the equivalent of a Higher (SCQF 6). Young people spend time out of school at college or with a local employer, and complete the Foundation Apprenticeship course alongside their other subjects. The qualification takes TWO years to complete and is linked to one of six key sectors of the Scottish economy, so young people are getting industry experience which will help them kick-start a successful career in their chosen field.

12 Options Info - S6 Advanced Higher
Valuable qualification at SCQF Level 7 and so can be excellent preparation for Higher Education However, students should check entry requirements and ensure they already have necessary qualifications at Higher for University If not, it may be better to consider more Highers rather than AH where appropriate

13 Options Info - Wider Achievement Awards
ASPIRE Leadership Personal Development Working With Others Personal Finance Scottish Studies Volunteering CARITAS (S6 Only) MOODLE YASS (S6 Only)

14 Building Success – Aim High
Aim high in your aspirations: 5 “First Sitting” S5 results especially important S6 choices finalise qualifications for next steps Courses designed to support progress to next level Evidence suggests more courses mean more success % Success GPA 3+ H out of 5 100% 95% 70% 40% 3 H out of 3 80% 63% 34% 15% SQA Research

15 Building Success - Making Informed Choices
21/04/2018 Building Success - Making Informed Choices Discuss options in PSE class inserts Discuss information in Pupil Profiles Read course info in Options Information Booklet Research career interests and requirements Discussion with Pupil Support Teacher Discussion with SDS Careers Adviser NB Courses need finished!

16 Building Success - Making Informed Choices
21/04/2018 Building Success - Making Informed Choices Good reasons for choices: Ability and aptitude Certainty of plans and relevance of courses to them Enjoyment Commitment (courses will need to be finished) Poorer reasons for choices: It’s what your friends are picking Departmental or teacher preferences Based someone else's advice alone NB Courses need finished!

17 Options Timeline S4 S5 PSE Programme Begins January Profiles
Options form issued & completed January/February Pupil Support Interviews (by request) Induction Day 5 June Timetable Begins 6 June SQA Results (paper copy) 8 August Options Confirmed/Changed Before new term

Nationals in a Nutshell – the National Parent Forum of Scotland Scottish Qualifications Authority of Maximising Attainment Workshop – August

19 Questions?


21 Support from SDS What do we do?
Careers Information Advice and Guidance to Young People and Adults throughout Scotland. School Careers Adviser based in each secondary school in East Dunbartonshire. Meet each year group through class talks on Career Management Skills , My World of Work website and Labour Market. Careers Interviews with pupils. Post School Team to support young people until they gain an opportunity. Advice & Support for employers and training providers.

22 College Education Full time COLLEGE courses start around AUGUST.
Limited January start courses. Wide range of courses from National Qualifications and Access through to HNC/D. Entry varies – eg: “none” to National 4 or 5’s to 1-3 Highers. Can “step” from one level of course to another eg: NQ onto HNC/D. HNC/D can give entry to Year 1-3 of relevant University Degree. Apply online via College website. For August start courses – APPLY JANUARY onwards. Sooner rather than later as demand is high.

23 Modern Apprenticeships
What it is What it is not Work-based training towards an approved qualification at different levels (up to Degree level for some sectors) A training programme A real salaried job A youth employment ‘work experience’ scheme Available for new starts or existing employees aged 16-24 Just for new employees Financial support to employers to cover training A free employee

24 Modern Apprenticeships

25 Entry to a Modern Apprenticeship
There are no set entry requirements, however: Typically and as a general rule, most employers ask for 3 x National 4’s, and these can vary depending on occupational sector. For Example; Construction; English, Maths and Science or Technical Subjects. Some Higher Level MA’s such as Accounting will require Highers to access. Some industries/employers will require you to sit a pre employment assessment before you can apply for a modern apprenticeship. For example; Glasgow Training Group (GTG) & SECTT-Electrical. You can access practice papers on the appropriate website Search for vacancies at

26 Employment Services Skills Development Scotland (SDS) offer careers support and advice for job seekers not just in school or via web resources but at their centre in Kirkintilloch: New College Lanarkshire East Dunbartonshire Campus 50 Southbank Road Kirkintilloch G66 1NH Tel: Find us on Facebook – SDS East Dunbartonshire

27 Questions?


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