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Senior School Information Evening
mmm Senior School Information Evening Welcome Curriculum coord ~ Anthea Wood VCAL ~ Bruce McInnes VCE Year ~ Bruce McInnes Year ~ Ken Cousins Year ~ Dave Allan Careers ~ Mark Sampson SLIDE 1 Thank you for coming tonight The aim of this evening is to give you an overview of the Senior School and to give you the information you need to choose your course for next year.
VCE VCAL SENIOR SCHOOL Victorian Certificate of Education
mmm SENIOR SCHOOL VCE VCAL Victorian Certificate of Education SLIDE 2 In 2017 there will be two certificates offered at year 11/12 VCE = Victorian Certificate of Education and VCAL = Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning which was introduced here in 2003 with some Year 11 students. Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning
mmm SENIOR SCHOOL VCAL VCE A single certificate completed over a minimum of two years Produces an ATAR score to get into university Available at 3 levels: -Foundation -Intermediate Senior Leads directly to employment or TAFE SLIDE 3 Differences between VCE and VCAL VCE is a single certificate over 2 years. At the end of Year 11, students will have completed a number of units (1 unit = a semester’s work). Some of the units could be VET units which are Vocational Education Training units and we will talk about them later. At year 11 all assessments are done within the school and are based on students demonstrating outcomes ie: skills or knowledge rather than just completing tasks or work requirements. At MSC, school based examinations are held at the end of each semester and are used to indicate a level of understanding. VCAL has two main differences to VCE 1 = a VCAL Certificate can be completed in one year 2 = VCAL units do not have exams but you will have to demonstrate skills and knowledge. As part of VCAL, students can do VET units and VCE units and may do examinations as part of these units It is possible to move from VCAL to VCE and vice versa.
?????All those Acronyms????? VCAL = Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VCE = Victorian Certificate of Education VCAA = Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority RTO = Registered Training Organisation ATAR = Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking VET = Vocational Education Training TAFE = Technical And Further Education ASBA = Australian School Based Apprenticeship VTAC = Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
Year 10 ASBA Cert 11 / Cert 111 VCAL Employment TAFE University VCE
VCAL - 2017 VCAL Course Literacy & Numeracy English Maths Work Related
mmm VCAL VCAL Course Literacy & Numeracy English Maths Work Related Skills WRS Community Projects Industry Specific ASBA Certificate Personal Development PDS
mmm SENIOR SCHOOL Who is VCAL for? Students seeking a vocational pathway on completion of school eg. Traineeship, apprenticeship or TAFE Students who learn best where learning is practical and “applied” Students who have initiative and who are self-motivated SLIDE 4
VCAL Course at Mansfield Secondary College
mmm SENIOR SCHOOL VCAL Course at Mansfield Secondary College English/Mathematics Industry specific skills VCAL work related skills Personal development skills Certificate 2 Business or Certificate 3 Catering Operations (Students must have a Australian School Based Apprenticeship) SLIDE 5
Assessment in VCAL Certificate courses and ASBA are competency based. (skills are listed and students assessed as either competent or not yet competent in each skill as the course progresses) Learning outcomes of VCAL units assessed on the job, eg. in the workplace or in other relevant situations, such as community or voluntary activities. Assessment is not graded.
Australian School Based Apprenticeships
mmm VET ASBA's & VET is Australian School Based Apprenticeships A broad range available in most areas of work. Students are employed on a part-time basis Students undertake a relevant industry based certificate. Certificate II in Business Certificate I11 in Catering Operations Certificate 11 Agriculture SLIDE 9 There are 2 types of VET units VET in schools involves students doing particular * VCE unit + * TAFE training + * a work placement Australian School Based Apprenticeships are where students are actually * employed and trained on the job as well as * Completing additional training provided by a Registered Training Organization.
ASBA Examples Level II/III School Based Apprenticeships Automotive
Business Community Service (Aged Care) Children’s Service Retail Operations Sport and Recreation Outdoor Recreation Community Recreation Building and Construction Media Plumbing Automotive Hospitality Information Technology Agriculture Horticulture Engineering Education Clothing Production Fitness Electrical Hairdressing
mmm VCE VCE ATAR Score UNIVERSITY FURTHER EDUCATION TAFE APPRENTICE- SHIPS EMPLOYMENT SLIDE 12 Where can VCE lead? VCE students obtain an ATAR score for University entry Further education eg: TAFE Apprenticeships Employment
Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking
What is the ATAR? The ATAR stands for: Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking Gives your position in the state & for interstate courses after your VCE score has been calculated For example if your VCE score is in the top 20 students in the state, your ATAR will be If you are in the next 20 students it will be etc. If you are in the middle group of the whole state i.e. the “average” student your ATAR will be 60.00
How do I choose my subjects
Choose the subjects you enjoy! Choose the subjects you need!
Maths VCAL: you must do Foundation Maths
VCE: you do not need maths to qualify for your VCE. It is recommended.
Maths X Year 11: Foundation General Methods
Year 12: Further Methods Specialist X
How is my VCE score calculated?
Each subject has a study score (max 50) Take your best 3 “scaled” study scores and add them to your English score Other additions: 10% of your 5th and 6th subjects If you have done an ASBA, you also get 10% of the average of your English + best 3 subject scores
VCE Completion Requirements
mmm VCE Completion Requirements Satisfactory completion of a minimum of sixteen units, including: Three units of English or English Literature - two being from the 3/4 sequence. Three additional 3/4 sequences in VCE/VCAL or VET Therefore 8 units must come from the 3/4 sequence SLIDE 13 To complete your VCE you must successfully complete 16 units, including: 3 units of English 3 x 3/4 Sequences. Can include VET units.
VCE Completion Doing Units 3/4 in Year 11
-gives you an idea of the workload in Year 12 -an opportunity to get a really good score in one Year 12 subject -SAC requirements: you can’t miss SACs
Assessment in Units 1 & 2 Mainly in class
mmm Assessment in Units 1 & 2 Mainly in class eg short reports, oral, poster or media presentations; preparation of web pages; demonstrations; prac work; tests; modelling; exams Students are assessed against Outcomes: Statements of the knowledge & skills that need to be demonstrated in order to complete the unit. Some assessment tasks are also graded and reported as Very High, High, Medium or Low SLIDE 17 In Year 11 all assessment is school based and most will be completed in class. A task may take a few days to complete or it may be completed in 1 or 2 class periods. As well as an S or N, you will also be graded for some selected assessment tasks on your school reports. At year 11, all assessment is made by the unit teacher. This Assessment will be occur as part of the regular class room work but may also include specific tasks including exams completed within a limited timeframe. Performance on specific Assessment Tasks will be reported as Very High, High, Medium or Low
Satisfactory Completion
mmm Satisfactory Completion Students will be awarded an “S” for a unit based on the teacher’s judgement that the student has demonstrated achievement of the outcomes. An “N” will result if a student does not meet the outcomes, or has not met the attendance requirement of 95% for that subject. S SLIDE 15 How will you be assessed in VCE? Units are assessed as a S or N based on whether students can demonstrate the specific outcomes.
VCE Units
Possible VCE Units Drama Health & Human Development French
mmm Possible VCE Units Drama Health & Human Development French Legal Studies Literature Music Performance Outdoor & En/v studies Studio Arts Physical Education History Visual Communication Biology Chemistry Foundation Mathematics (Unit 1 & 2) General Mathematics (Unit 1 & 2) Further Mathematics (Unit 3 & 4) Mathematical Methods Physics Psychology Specialist Mathematics (Unit 3 & 4) VET Hospitality VET Business SLIDE 14 VCE studies offered at MSC These are listed on the website
What is a unit? Each subject consists of 4 units
Each unit lasts for a semester Year 11 = Units 1 and 2. For any subject, students can do both units 1 and 2, or either Unit 1 or Unit 2. Year 12 = Units 3 and 4
How do students choose their units?
Similar to Middle School Make a choice on a selection sheet. Refer to the Senior School guide on website for unit descriptions.
What if there is a clash? While we make sure there is a suitable course for a typical Maths/Science, Humanities or Visual Arts course, clashes for some students will be inevitable Distance Education is one option Virtual Learning another Seek advice
mmm Distance Education For a VCE subject not offered at the school, or those who have a timetable clash Students can always seek assistance from the relevant teacher at school and have free phone access to their Distance Education teachers The weekly structure suits some students Suitable for well organised / self – motivated students. SLIDE 14
Do I need to attend school if I have a “free” period?
Yes! In Year 11 and 12 it is termed “study period”.
Issues for parents Study space/time to do homework
mmm Issues for parents Study space/time to do homework Regular attendance: getting behind Maintaining a balance between school and other commitments Amount of paid work Timing of holidays ‘Free’ periods Workload: assessment is ongoing Stress & illness Communication with teachers/other parents
Year 12 Year 11 Biology 3 English 3 Further Maths Legal Studies
Physics 3 Health and Human Development Physical Education 3 French Chemistry 3 Outdoor Education VET Business 3 Methods History Revolutions 3 Studio Arts Psychology Visual Communication Music Performance VET Food 3 Year 11 Literature 1 Physics 1 1 Chemistry 1 General Psychology 1 Drama Biology 1 Maths 1 French 1 VET Food 1 Studio Arts 1 VET Business
mmm TIMELINE Term 1, 2 & 3 Students have investigated their interests and career options through CAPS – Career Action Plans Wednesday August 25th Selection forms given out Monday August 29th Senior School Information Evening Friday September 2nd Final planning due: Selection Forms submitted for blocking. Tuesday September 6th Individual Course Planning interviews to complete selection forms
Come and join us for Supper!!
mmm Come and join us for Supper!! Thank You SLIDE 25 So what do you need to do now? Students have already been asked to plan a preliminary course for VCE or VCAL. It is important to emphasise that this is only preliminary and we understand that students are still often unsure of their exact direction for next year. You should not be concerned at this stage that by making a selection you are locked into a subject choice or a particular certificate either VCE or VCAL. This initial plan however gives us something to work with in the course counselling process. You would have noticed that on the planner the subjects are blocked together so that you can only choose one from each block This preliminary blocking is based on other constraints and may change slightly, depending on student selections. When we have all your preliminary selections we will know if changes are necessary to make sure students will be able to get the majority of their chosen units. We want you as parents to assist your child to find all the relevant information they require to plan a course that best suits them and reflects their interests and abilities. From this point on students need to gather information relevant to them. The Senior School Guide contains all the information we have given you this evening plus unit descriptions and information on VET courses. You also have a copy of this Power-point presentation for reference. You have already had consultations with your CAPs counsellor but may need to talk to the careers teacher, subject teachers, coordinators or others. Course counselling will take place on Tuesday September 6th to discuss the decisions you have made. To assist with any problems the coordinators will be available by appointment.
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