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Welcome to the 9th Grade Beth Roman Guidance Counselor 6-8 Amy Froats Guidance Counselor 9-10 Holly Riley Guidance Counselor 11-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 9th Grade Beth Roman Guidance Counselor 6-8 Amy Froats Guidance Counselor 9-10 Holly Riley Guidance Counselor 11-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 9th Grade Beth Roman Guidance Counselor 6-8 Amy Froats Guidance Counselor Holly Riley Guidance Counselor 11-12

2 What do you want for your child’s future?
Health Wealth Happiness

3 Health Wealth Happiness Good decision making skills
Family Sustaining wage Minimal Loans Happiness Having a career that lights and keeps their “spark”

4 What is needed to be successful in the world of work ?
Technical skills Academics Ability/Work Force preparation

5 The future of our economy…actually the “new” economy
The future of our economy…actually the “new” economy. And how it affects your child’s future.

6 Jobs for skilled technicians and trained workers
The WORKFORCE: Jobs requiring a Bachelors Degree Jobs requiring a Masters Degree + Jobs for skilled technicians and trained workers

7 The “NEW” WORKFORCE: White Collar Blue Collar Gray Collar Gold Collar
Professional: Degree Blue Collar Apprenticeship/ on the job training Gray Collar Over educated & unemployed or uneducated Gold Collar Skilled, less than 2 years training Highly employable and family sustainable wage Fastest growing occupation area

8 Burgettstown Middle/High School Graduation Requirements

9 Graduation Units A Burgettstown Graduation Unit is defined as one semester course successfully completed in Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Each semester class passed = 1 unit. 53 total units in grades 9-12 are required for graduation purposes.

10 What’s in your folder: Course selection booklet
Scheduling Sheet: Recommendations for English & Math & Biology are on your sheet “Electives Available for Freshman” list Graduation Checklist Please keep the folder for all of your child’s records

11 Graduation Requirements
Total of 36 units identified as required courses Total of 17 units identified as elective courses GRAND TOTAL OF 53 FOR BHS DIPLOMA

12 Keeping on Track To move from Freshman to Sophomore status, students must have 12 units completed Sophomore to Junior= 26 units Junior to Senior status= 37 units Parents can help students stay on track by maintaining your own graduation checklist.

13 Requirements Per Department
English- 8 units = 4 years Social Studies- 8 units = 4 years Math- 6 units= 3 years Science- 6 units= 3 years Health and Phys. Ed.- 3 units (1 health and 2 semesters of P.E.) Business Education and Computer Application- 2 units (includes Info Tech and Career Readiness – 1 unit each) Family and Consumer Science- 1 unit Fine Arts- 1 unit Graduation Project – 1 unit

14 Recommendations All recommendations are based on current course test scores and previous PSSA scores

15 Graduation 53 units + PA Standardized Test Proficiency
Keystone Exams – Alg 1, Bio, Literature + Graduation Project =

16 KEYSTONE EXAMS Are required by PDE for graduation
Will be taken upon completion of Algebra 1 Biology English 10 Students who do not reach Proficient level, must take remediation course prior to re-testing May effect a student’s future elective choices and daily schedule i.e. WACTC i.e. additional required courses (PE, FCS, etc)

17 Attendance = SUCCESS DIRECT CORRELATION Students who have good attendance also have good grades and do well in school

18 Advisors All 9th grade students will be assigned a homeroom with an Advisor Purpose: To work on high school success skills

19 9th Grade Courses Students can take up to 16 courses a year
8 courses- semester 1 7 if taking Honors Bio (w/ Lab) 8 courses- semester 2

20 What do I need in 9th Grade
Regular or Honors English 9 A&B American History 9 A & B Algebra 1 or Geometry (Honors) Biology or Honors Biology (with Lab*) Information Technology Health FCS – one semester Fine Art – one semester Physical Education or Movement PE 2 semesters = full year * Weighted course – more quality points for GPA & Class rank and takes two periods in schedule

21 How many Units do I have 2 units- English or Honors English
2 units- American History 2 units- Biology remember Honors (with lab) will fill two class periods 2 units- Math 2 units- Physical Education 1 unit- Health 1 unit- Information Technology 1 unit FCS 1 unit Fine Arts _____________________ Total- 14 required units

22 Students may take 0 - 2 electives…
depending on their Biology course choice

23 Foreign Language Foreign Language is not required for graduation.
However, students attending college will need at least 2 years of a Foreign Language. (Some colleges even want to have 3 years completed) We offer two: Spanish German Note: when completing scheduling sheet, write both A & B for 2 electives (will not take an FCS, Fine Arts or one PE course) Not necessary in grade 9 Manual Communications (sign language) DOES NOT count as a Foreign Language for college admission

24 Family and Consumer Science (FCS)
1 unit required for graduation Adult Roles and Functions Foods Consumer Science Interior Design Fashion Design

25 Fine Arts 1 units required for graduation Chorus 9-12 Band Art
Ceramics (class limit & seniority)

26 Technology Education 0 units required for graduation

27 Health and Physical Education
1 unit of Health and 2 units of P.E. required for graduation. PE and/or Movement PE May take additional P.E. courses as elective courses in the future (The best attempt will be made to fill requests, however, students may be placed in either PE course to fulfill requirements)

28 English Department Manual Communications (sign language) Poetry*
Does NOT count as a Foreign Language for college admission Poetry* Speech* Media* Applied Communications-Media* *By English teacher recommendation only! Have your current teacher sign your scheduling form

29 Sample Schedule #1 Semester 1 1 English 9 A 2 Biology A 3 Art 4 Lunch
5/6 American History A 7/8 Algebra 1 A 9 elective: “Bldg Tech” 10 Health 9 11 Movement PE Semester 2 1 American History B 2 Biology B 3 Physical Education 4 Lunch 5/6 Information Tech. 7/8 Algebra 1 B 9 English B 10 Foods 11 elective: “Chorus”

30 Sample Schedule #2 Semester 1 1 English 9 A 2 Honors Biology A
3 H. Bio Lab 4 Lunch 5/6 American History A 7/8 Algebra 1 A 9 Physical Education 10 Health 9 11 Fashion Design Semester 2 1 American History B 2 Honors Biology B 3 H. Bio Lab 4 Lunch 5/6 Information Tech. 7/8 Algebra 1 B 9 English B 10 Physical Education 11 Art

31 Sample Schedule #3 Semester 1 1 English 9 A 2 Honors Biology A
3 H. Bio Lab 4 Lunch 5/6 American History A 7/8 Algebra 1 A 9 elective: “German 1B” 10 Health 9 11 Fashion Design Semester 2 1 American History B 2 Honors Biology B 3 H. Bio Lab 4 Lunch 5/6 Information Tech. 7/8 Algebra 1 B 9 English B 10 Physical Education 11 elective: “German 1B”

32 Grade 9 Field Trips Students will be given the opportunity to visit :
WACTC – Western Area Career Technology Center Current programs offered starting in gr. 10: Automotive Mechanics Emergency & Protective Services Carpentry Health Assistant Child Care Heating & Air Conditioning Collision Repair Technology Machine Shop Cosmetology Masonry Culinary Arts Networking Electrical Occupations Welding

33 Graduation/Career Project
Students will get specific details in their Advisory Homerooms: Complete Info Tech course grade 9 Do a Job Shadow experience grade 10 Complete Career Readiness course grade 11 Do a Community Service or Creative Work project grade 11/12 Finish with an Oral Presentation and submission of Portfolio grade 12

Lots of other good info throughout the entire site Select school: Middle/High School Click teachers: every teacher has info on upcoming assignments, calendars, info, etc. Click Guidance, then High School Guidance: course selection guide, announcements, 9th grade page, tips, etc

Consider possible career choices when making course selections. For Example: Hands-on, skill and getting a trade: Consider WACTC 4 year college: Honors English & Foreign Language (2+ years) Medical careers: Sciences with labs, Wellness Engineering careers: Math & Physics & Technology electives Careers in the Arts: Work samples and Auditions Great elective for everyone: Speech Class Military – PE…usually require physical training test Not sure: take a variety of electives, join clubs & activities NCAA Div I & II schools have coursework requirements Talk to your Guidance Counselor or Teachers for suggestions

Please complete the back of your scheduling form. THINKING ABOUT CAREER GOALS Please respond to the following: What are your goals throughout high school? Complete the requirements to earn my diploma Attend WACTC and complete all required courses to earn my diploma Take the Honors/college prep course load to earn my diploma What do you plan to do after graduating from high school? Enroll in a four year college or university Enroll in a two year college (example: CCAC) Enroll in a trade or technical school (example: PTI) Enroll in a school of nursing (example: Washington Hospital School of Nursing) Enroll in a business school (example: Bradford School of Business) Enlist in the military Employed in a job full or part time Undecided at this point List 3 careers in which you have an interest ________________ __________________ _________________

To the guidance office

38 Something to think about….from Mike Rowe, star of “Dirty Jobs”

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