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NGSS Lead States Currently 11 states, the District of Columbia and 2 territories have adopted the NGSS.
Lead NGSS Partners
Building on the Past; Preparing for the Future
Phase I Phase II 1/ /2011 1990s-2009 7/2011 – April 2013
A Framework for K-12 Science Education Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas
A New Vision for Teaching and Learning Science for ALL Students Coherent Learning Three Dimensions Scientific and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Core Ideas Explain that a committee of 18 experts in science, engineering, cognitive science, teaching and learning, curriculum, assessment and education policy, was responsible for writing the Framework. The Framework describes a vision of what it means to be proficient in science. In this vision, all students have the opportunity to experience doing science over multiple years so to foster progressively deeper understanding of science. The Framework calls on 3 Dimensional Learning consisting of the interrelationships among the three core dimensions of learning: practices, cross-disciplinary concepts and disciplinary core ideas. Together these dimensions help students deepen their understanding of science over multiple years of school. The Framework is the foundation for the NGSS
Goals for Science Education
Educating all students in science and engineering. Providing the foundational knowledge for those who will become the scientists, engineers, technologists, and technicians of the future.
NGSS for California SRT: (80) + 1000s input to national
SEP: (27) + 3 public meetings + SRT recommendations to the Superintendent for adoption SBE: September 2013-Adoption of the NGSS for CA SBE: November 2013-Adoption of preferred integrated model for middle grades and request for discipline specific alternative model
Implementation Timeline
2013: Adoption of the Ca NGSS 2014: CST 5, 8, 10 Science Assessment on current Ca science standards 2014: Science Framework begins Earliest Implementation : Science Instructional Materials ???: Science assessment on Ca NGSS
Lots of Work Completed, Underway, and Left To Do
CA Curriculum Framework Teacher Development Curricula Assessment Instruction
A Framework for K-12 Science Education Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas
A New Vision for Teaching and Learning Science for ALL Students Coherent Learning Three Dimensions Scientific and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Core Ideas Explain that a committee of 18 experts in science, engineering, cognitive science, teaching and learning, curriculum, assessment and education policy, was responsible for writing the Framework. The Framework describes a vision of what it means to be proficient in science. In this vision, all students have the opportunity to experience doing science over multiple years so to foster progressively deeper understanding of science. The Framework calls on 3 Dimensional Learning consisting of the interrelationships among the three core dimensions of learning: practices, cross-disciplinary concepts and disciplinary core ideas. Together these dimensions help students deepen their understanding of science over multiple years of school. The Framework is the foundation for the NGSS
Conceptual Shifts in NGSS Appendix A
K-12 science education should reflect the interconnected nature of science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world. The NGSS are student performance expectations – NOT curriculum. The science concepts build coherently from K-12. The NGSS focus on deeper understanding of content as well as application of content. Science and engineering are integrated in the NGSS from K–12. The NGSS are designed to prepare students for college, career, and citizenship The NGSS and Common Core State Standards (Mathematics and English Language Arts) are aligned. explain that in addition to adopting the Ca NGSS, California also adopted all of the Appendices that help to explain the complexity of the NGSS. In this session, participants will use several of the appendices. The first is Appendix A that addresses the conceptual shifts. Ask participants to quickly scan the list and explain that they will interact with #1, #4 and #6. Giving students time to create and innovate
Shift 1 NGSS Reflects “Real Science”
K-12 Science Education Should Reflect the Interconnected Nature of Science as it is Practiced and Experienced in the Real World. Three dimensions integrated: Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) Cross Cutting Concepts (CCC) Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) remind participants that NGSS expects the integration of the 3 dimensions to guide the doing and knowing of science and engineering. Trainer Note: Slides 8, 9, and 10 should be review for participants; therefore, use them for a brief discussion. If there are participants that don’t know the architecture, assist them in Part II on an as need basis. explain that participants will now have a chance to refresh their memory regarding the architecture of the NGSS. In partners, ask them what they remember, then have them share out. Make sure they understand that the Performance Expectations are the standards. The SEP, DCI and CCC support the PEs.
Performance Expectations
Foundation Boxes SEP DCI CCC Connection Boxes Other DCIs CCSS Distribute handout H 1 a-b
3 Dimensional Learning Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem tell participants this is their test! Working with a partner, ask if they can identify the DCI, SEP and CCC in this PE. Give them a minute or two.
3 Dimensional Learning Dissected
Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence resource availability on organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem This is an animated slide. Ask who think they identified the practice? What did they think? Then click and reveal the blue statement. Then ask about the DCI and after a couple of ideas, click and reveal the orange statement. Lastly ask about the cross cutting concept and after a couple of ideas, click and reveal the green words. Remind participants that each performance expectation is explicitly written as the intertwining of practices, DCI, and crosscutting concepts. In order to start to understand how this might look in a classroom, one needs to better understand each of the dimensions. Today they will have an opportunity to dig deeper into the DCIs. the effects of resource availability on organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem
Shift 4 NGSS Deepens Understanding & Application
The NGSS Focus on Deeper Understanding of Content as well as Application of Content. Disciplinary Core Ideas across K-12 Key organizing ideas Used to explain a host of phenomena Broad importance across multiple science or engineering disciplines Learned through the practices Explain that shift 4 is about deepening understanding of content by understanding key disciplinary ideas that organize the discipline, are used to explain a host of phenomena and have broad importance across science and engineering.
Shift 6 NGSS Reflects “Science for all”
The NGSS are designed to prepare students for college, career and citizenship Science, engineering and technology are cultural achievements and a shared good of humankind Science, engineering and technology permeate modern life and as such are essential at the individual level Understanding of science and engineering is critical to participation in public policy and good decision-making Explain that implementation of the NGSS takes not only a better understanding the intricate nature of the standards, but also an understanding of what it might look like in classrooms for all students briefly discuss why science is for all students. Explain that in this section, they will have an opportunity to look more closely at how the appendices can help support implementation of NGSS for all students.
Using the Progression Appendices
Looking deeper at classroom instruction using progression tables for Appendix E – Disciplinary Core Idea Appendix F – Science and Engineering Practices Appendix G – Crosscutting Concepts distribute handout H6. Indicate that they are now going to add another layer in their analysis of the vignette. Using tables extracted from the NGSS Appendices E, F, and G, participants will identify certain instructional strategies by knowing where the students are in the progressive development of the 3 dimensions of NGSS. Trainer Note: Quickly show Slides to help orient the participants to the different Appendices. In Step 28, the participants, working in triads, will jigsaw and read for only one: SEP, DCI, or CCC
Science & Engineering Practices Appendix F
Greater sophistication allow participants to see the organization of the practices across grade band in their handout.
Crosscutting Concepts Appendix G
Cause and Effect This is the progression for “Cause and Effect” as indicated in Appendix G. Note the progression in the development of conceptual understanding throughout the grade levels.
Disciplinary Core Ideas Appendix E
Progression of PS1.A through K-12 explain that these are the progressions for the two performance expectations that were identified in the vignette.
NGSS Supporting Materials
Appendix A Conceptual Shifts Appendix B Responses to Public Feedback Appendix C College and Career Readiness Appendix D All Standards, All Students Appendix E Disciplinary Core Idea Progressions in the NGSS Appendix F Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS Appendix G Crosscutting Concepts in the NGSS Appendix H Nature of Science Appendix I Engineering Design in the NGSS Appendix J Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment Appendix K Model Course Mapping in Middle and High School Appendix L Connections to Common Core State Standards in Math Appendix M Connections to Common Core State Standards in ELA Explain that in addition to the core NGSS document, Achieve produced several Appendices to help districts and school become clearer on the messages of the standards. Dismiss them and wish them well for the rest of the Roll Out Session
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