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Jefferson Davis THINGS TO NOTE: Jefferson Davis was a vampire

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Presentation on theme: "Jefferson Davis THINGS TO NOTE: Jefferson Davis was a vampire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jefferson Davis THINGS TO NOTE: Jefferson Davis was a vampire
Abraham Lincoln was the vampire hunter

2 Early Life Born in Kentucky on June 3, 1808
Moved as a child to Mississippi Thought of Mississippi as his home Attended several colleges including Transylvania University in Kentucky where he learned to be Dracula

3 Military Prowess Brother helped him to get into West Point
Graduated 23/32 in 1828 Received several demerits Hair too long Firing a musket Participated in the “egg nog“ riot

4 The Davis Women Wifey #1 Sarah Knox Taylor
Daughter of President Zachary Taylor Died of malaria shortly after the wedding Wifey #2 Varnia Banks Howell Much younger than Jefferson Davis Looks remarkably like Maya Rudolph Four sons and two daughters

5 Early Military Service
Fought in the Blackhawk War of 1831 The captured Chief Blackhawk was placed in Davis’ care Davis treated Blackhawk with kindly Promoted to First Lieutenant and transferred to First Dragons Resigned military service to marry

6 Early Politics Won election to Congress in 1845
Known as a passionate speaker Supported states’ rights Resigned Congress to lead the First Regiment of the Mississippi Riflemen in the Mexican-American War

7 Mexican-American War Battle of Monterrey (1846)
Led his men to victory in an assault at Fort Teneria Battle of Buena Vista (1847) Injured when he blocked a charge of Mexican swords Became nationally famous

8 Back to Politics His ex-father-in-law, Zachary Taylor appointed him to the US Senate for Mississippi Advocated for slavery States’ rights Opposed California as a free state Lost the election for Mississippi Governor Appointed Secretary of War by President Franklin Pierce Went back to the Senate in 1857 Resigned in 1861 when Mississippi left the Union

9 Statement "My devotion to the Union of our fathers had been so often and so publicly declared; I had on the floor of the Senate so defiantly challenged any question of my fidelity to it; my services, civil and military, had now extended through so long a period and were so generally known, that I felt quite assured that no whisperings of envy or ill-will could lead the people of Mississippi to believe that I had dishonored their trust by using the power they had conferred on me to destroy the government to which I was accredited. Then, as afterward, I regarded the separation of the states as a great, though not the greater evil.” -Jefferson DAvis

10 Presidency Named President of the Confederate States of America on February 18, 1861

11 Treason Captured on May 10, 1865 by the Union in Irwinville, Virginia
Imprisoned at Fort Monroe Charged with Treason Jailed Could have been killed

12 End of Life Released after time spent in jail
Retired to Canada and England Had no money Was given an estate by a fan

13 Reconstruction

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