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professor in microbiology

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2 professor in microbiology
Introduction Basic microbiology CLS 311 Prof. Dalia M. Mohsen professor in microbiology


4 Welcome to CLS 311 Prof .Dalia M. Mohsen.
Office hours: Thursday pm. Office:- 2B-111

5 What is Microbiology? Microbiology is the study of organisms, most of which are too small to be seen with the naked eye, including bacteria, algae, protozoa, and fungi, as well as a cellular agents, such as viruses and prions. Microbiology majors acquire knowledge and laboratory skill in the structure, physiology, genetics, pathogenicity, ecology, and taxonomy of microorganisms.

6 Teaching objective This course provide Basic theoretical and practical knowledge related to various groups of microorganisms including bacteriology, virology, and parasitology Also introduce the basic concepts of disinfectants and sterilization

7 You should be able to: Understand classification, morphology ,structure, replication and pathogen city of the following microorganism : Bacteria, virus, fungi parasite

8 You should be able to: Explain principles of physical and chemical methods used in the control of microorganisms. Demonstrate Pathogenicity of infectious diseases.

9 TOPICS TO BE COVERED General introduction to microbiology
Introduction to bacteria. Bacterial structures . Microbial growth requirements . Bacterial growth (Growth curve). Bacterial Antibiotics . Bacterial genetics Microbial control Introduction to viruses. Introduction to fungi . Introduction to parasites.

10 Course Assessment

11 # Assessment task MARKS Percentage First Assessment 10 10% 2
Second Assessment 3 Self Learning Project 4 Quizzes 5 Practical Exam 20 20% 6 Final Exam 40 40% 7 Total 100 100%

12 Classroom Policies All cell phones, and other outside communication devices must be turned to silent or off during class. Attend the class on time . If there is any question , please ask me, don’t ask your classmates. Make group discoussion to talk about Homework's and case study.

13 Required text books Person Microbiology 12 edition 2015
Kaufmann, S. H. E., A. Sher and R. Ahmed. Immunology of Infectious Diseases. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2001. Tortora, G. J., B. R. Funke, and C. L. Case. Microbiology, An Introduction. (7th edition) Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, 2002 Vandepitte ,J and Verhaegen J,Engbaek K,Rohner P,Poit P,and C C. Heuck. .Basic laboratory in Clinical Bacteriology.WHO,Geneva,2nd Edition 2003 Stephen H. Gillespie.Medical Microbiology Illustrated.Butterworth-Heineman Ltd. Latest edition.


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