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Leadership in Education Awards Programme

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership in Education Awards Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership in Education Awards Programme
Associate Fellowship (AFHEA or D1) Fellowship (FHEA or D2) Senior Fellowship (SFHEA or D3) Principal Fellowship (PFHEA or D4)

2 Overview Overview of the professional standards framework
Introduction to LEAP LEAP Assessment criteria Mapping my evidence Q and A

3 What is the UK Professional Standards Framework?
The UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education (UKPSF) A set of descriptors, developed with the HE sector, against which individuals can benchmark their professional practice (teaching and supporting learning) Provides a framework to support the initial and continuing professional development for staff who teach and support student learning Owned by the HE sector (managed by the HEA)


5 UKPSF sector developed and owned framework - - give out copies
Get them to have a look Remind them that it is not sequential

6 Essentials to get across
About me – 500 words max Career journey (or journey with teaching and learning) – linked to the framework Case studies AF – 2 case studies covering 2 bits of Areas of activity and K1 and K2 F – 2 case studies covering the framework SF – 3 case studies covering the framework plus D3.7

7 My Career Journey Teaching Fellow PhD Manchester Medical School
Molecular Microbiology Professor of Academic Enhancement Postdoctoral scientist AZ and UoM Senior Lecturer Lecturer Manchester University Deputy Associate Dean Staff Development Clinical Scientist NHS I’ve been asked to share my career story with you I started my PhD knowing that I loved research but very little else – I knew nothing about my topic, that I would spend the next 4 years looking at stool samples (polite word for poo) where I had gone to, my supervisor, what I had let myself in for. I did enjoy the research – and moved into a role within the hospital as a clinical scientist further enhancing my skills I enjoyed working for a company and applied via an advert for a position to do research at AstraZenca and Manchester Uni – and moved up to Manchester Again I loved the research – but found aspects of working with the Uni and Industry restrictive – I felt that I was moving forward and enjoyed the management roles, supervising students etc.. This was a productive time in my research and I was offered a lectureship at Manchester – this is what I had always wanted – or so I thought I found that I was it focused on my weaknesses, finance, budgeting, succession planning, administration, managing students, writing papers and grants I didn't get the time to spend doing research and I didn’t enjoy it During this time one of my administration roles was delivering training – and I really enjoyed the teaching elements of this role A job can up – 1 year to develop a training programme – I spoke to my line manager who was very supportive The role developed into a teaching fellow post and I have never looked back – I love what I do

8 Easy way to reflect What Why So what
Setting the scene, what are you doing Why Giving the underling reasons Theory behind what you are doing So what What has the impact been What have the results been

9 Bits others have missed
Theory underpinning your teaching HEA website Google scholar Wider sphere of influence for Senior Fellow Impact of what you are doing

10 Assessment You are able to choose between submitting a written Portfolio or giving an oral presentation Portfolio An introduction (no more than 500 words) that sets the context for your application and gives a brief career history. The main part of your application is made up of reflective account of practice and/or reflective case studies detailed mapping to the UKPSF framework To support your application you will need to provide two referees’ statements Oral The case studies need to highlight how you meet the criteria and will be followed by questions from the assessors. A table mapping your teaching experience/evidence against the UKPSF referees’ statements covering elements of your presentation and highlighting how you fulfil the criteria from the UKPSF A maximum of 1 page A4 handout may be given to the assessors in addition to a copy of the PowerPoint slides.

11 Fellowships Level of fellowship application
Written portfolio word limit Oral presentation duration present discussion D1 AFHEA 1,500 words 10 m 15m D2 FHEA 3,500 words D3 SFHEA 6,500 words 20m D4 PFHEA 8,000 words 30m D2-4 Oral route you need to provide a table mapping your teaching experience/evidence against the UKPSF and referees’ statements D3 three examples of practice. At least one of the examples must focus on D3.7 within the UKPSF specifically D4 four cases studies each highlighting the key areas on the UKPSF (strategic leadership, effective organisational policies, championing institutional and wider integrated approach to academic practice, PDP) A maximum of 1 page A4 handout may be given to the assessors in addition to a copy of the PowerPoint slides. Further guidance will be given in the workshop on the content and number of slides.

12 Assessment process Assessment Panel Portfolio or Oral Presentation
D1 and D2 2 internal assessors D3 3 assessors D4 3 assessors Assessors request additional information/interview (if required) Assessor’s Recommendation submitted LEAP Management Group LEAP Recognition Panel Outcome communicated to applicant

13 Any questions?

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