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Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops
Module 3
Module 3
Systems Modelling in Cell Biology
Brian Ingalls Applied Mathematics University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Module 3
Outline System modelling - focus on dynamics Model development
Analysis: 1) Parametric Sensitivity Analysis 2) Nonlinear Dynamics 3) Feedback regulation Reference: System Modelling in Cellular Biology, Szallazi, Stelling and Periwal, eds Module 3
Models in Cell Biology Roles of modelling
Abstraction for the purposes of understanding Module 3
Models in Cell Biology Roles of modelling
Abstraction for the purposes of understanding Organization of results/theories (bookkeeping) Module 3
Models in Cell Biology Roles of modelling
Abstraction for the purposes of understanding Organization of results/theories (bookkeeping) Description of spatial or temporal relationships Module 3
Models in Cell Biology The modeller must choose
an appropriate level of abstraction. Glycolysis: Focus on flow of metabolites Module 3
Models in Cell Biology The modeller must choose
an appropriate level of abstraction. Glycolysis: Focus on chemistry Module 3
Models in Cell Biology The modeller must choose
an appropriate level of abstraction. Glycolysis: Focus on regulation Module 3
Dynamic Modelling Focus on how system components influence rates of change of each component in the network. Result: description of time-varying behaviour. Module 3
A C B Example: consider a metabolic chain which is initially inactive.
Experimental perturbation: activate first enzyme in the chain. System behaviour: pools of metabolites build up, system reaches steady state Module 3
Intuition fails when faced with a complex interconnections…
E. Coli metabolism KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes ( Module 3
Intuition fails when faced with a complex interconnections or feedback …
Module 3
Intuition fails when faced with a complex interconnections or feedback, or both.
endomesoderm specification in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eric Davidson's Lab at Caltech ( Module 3
Another complex network:
Module 3
Outline System modelling - focus on dynamics Model development
Analysis: 1) Parametric Sensitivity Analysis 2) Nonlinear Dynamics 3) Feedback regulation References: A Cell Biologist's Guide to Modeling and Bioinformatics, Holmes, Systems Biology in Practice, Klipp, Herwig, Kowald, Wierling, Lehrach Module 3
Example: irreversible isomerization
Qualitative description: the rate v of the reaction A B increases as the concentration of A increases. A quantitative description: mass action v = k1[A] (mass action) Module 3
rate of change of concentration
This quantitative description of the reaction rate can be used to characterize the rates of change of the chemical species in the network: rate of change of concentration +/- rate of reaction Module 3
The resulting differential equations can be solved to determine the time-varying system behaviour.
concentration [A] time This predictive (mechanism-based) model is far more useful than a descriptive (data-based) model Module 3
Numerical Simulation Differential Equation:
Approximation of the Derivative: Recursive scheme: Construction of Approximate Solution: Module 3 ....
} { A B Steady state behaviour: Reversible Isomerization [B] [A]
k1 A B k2 } { Time rate of change equals zero Algebraic solution or Long-time behaviour of simulations give Steady state (equilibrium ratio): [B] concentration [A] time Module 3
Quantification of biochemical and genetic interactions
Foundation: Law of Mass Action "rate of a reaction is proportional to the product of the concentrations of the reactants" Key assumptions: Well mixed environment (no spatial effects) Large numbers of molecules (continuum of concentrations) Module 3
Biochemical Reactions (Metabolism and protein-protein interaction networks)
Zeroth order reactions: generation of s1 from some buffered (external) source (S). Rate: or or Module 3
Biochemical Reactions (Metabolism and protein-protein interaction networks)
First order reactions: isomerization, unassisted transport, degradation/dilution, or linearization of other kinetics Rate: or or concentration rate [s] Module 3
Biochemical Reactions (Metabolism and protein-protein interaction networks)
Second order reactions: Binding/association events Rate: Module 3
Biochemical Reactions (Metabolism and protein-protein interaction networks)
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics: Enzyme-catalysed reaction (metabolic, signal transduction, active transport) Rate: or concentration rate [s] Vmax Module 3
Biochemical Reactions (Metabolism and protein-protein interaction networks)
Hill-type Kinetics: Catalysis by cooperative enzyme or lumped description of multi-step process Rate: or k rate [s] concentration Module 3
Biochemical Reactions (Metabolism and protein-protein interaction networks)
Allosteric inhibition: Inhibitor I binds enzyme E and reduces its catalytic activity Rate: Module 3
Genetic Circuits unregulated mRNA transcription: zeroth order
translation transcription protein mRNA gene unregulated mRNA transcription: zeroth order unregulated protein translation: first order in mRNA concentration degradation/dilution: first order Module 3
Genetic Circuits Regulated mRNA transcription: Hill type kinetics
transcription factor P transcription or mRNA gene Regulated mRNA transcription: Hill type kinetics Activation: Inhibition: multimerization of P Module 3
Example: autoinhibitory gene circuit: trp operon
enzyme mRNA gene Module 3
Species: R R* trp enzyme mRNA gene m (mRNA) R (Repressor)
e (enzyme) R* (Active Repressor) T (trp) Module 3
R k2 R* c1 k-2 trp k1 enzyme mRNA d2 gene d1 Module 3
Lab exercise open "trp.ode" in XPPAUT
check the differential equations (Eqns tab) and parameter values (Param tab) Run the simulation (Initialconditions -> Go) Check the output (Data tab) Add curves to the plot (Graphic stuff -> Add curves -> variable name on y-axis, color=1-9) Change view by Window/Zoom -> Zoom in (draw box) OR Fit Note the overshoot in m and e Explore the effect of changing the available pool of repressor by changing the initial value of R in the ICs tab (Initial conditions) References: (XPPAUT) Simulating, Analyzing and Animating Dynamical Systems, Ermentrout Module 3
Other Software Packages
Gepasi ( E-Cell ( Cellerator ( JWS online ( SBML: common markup language for biochemical and genetic models ( Module 3
Example: protein-protein interaction network
Modelling the initiation of DNA replication in the eukaryotic cell cycle Joint work with B. Duncker, B. McConkey, Dept. of Biology, University of Waterloo Module 3
The cell cycle in budding yeast
Initiation of replication Module 3
Model focusing on construction of pre-replicative machinery
Module 3
Detailed model indicating cyclic behaviour of pre-replicative machinery
mcms cdt1 SCF cdc6 p mcms cdt1 clb5 cdc6 mcms cdc6 swi5 cdc6 cdt1 orc cdc6 orc orc mcms cdt1 orc mcms cdc45 Nuclear export orc orc cdt1 cdc45 mcms cdc45 mcms orc cdc45 elongation Nuclear export clb2 clb5 and Module 3
rate of change of concentration
Detailed model indicating cyclic behaviour of pre-replicative machinery mcms cdt1 SCF cdc6 p mcms cdt1 clb5 cdc6 mcms cdc6 swi5 cdc6 cdt1 orc cdc6 orc RC2 RC3 orc mcms cdt1 RC4 orc RC1 RC7 rate of formation RC5 mcms cdc45 Nuclear export orc orc cdt1 cdc45 RC6 mcms cdc45 mcms orc cdc45 rate of degradation elongation Nuclear export rate of change of concentration clb2 clb5 and Module 3
Detailed model indicating cyclic behaviour of pre-replicative machinery
mcms cdt1 SCF cdc6 p mcms cdt1 clb5 cdc6 mcms cdc6 swi5 cdc6 cdt1 orc cdc6 orc orc mcms cdt1 orc mcms cdc45 Nuclear export orc orc cdt1 cdc45 mcms cdc45 mcms orc cdc45 elongation Nuclear export clb2 clb5 and Module 3
Complete Dynamic Model
# Budding yeast DNA replication model #pre-rc formation (pre) dCDC6/dt= kt6*SWI5+kpre1'*RC2+kinit1*RC3-(kpre1*RC1*CDC6+Vpre1*CDC6/(Jpre1+CDC6)+kinit1'*CDC6*RC4) dRC2/dt=kpre1*RC1*CDC6+kpre2'*RC3-(kpre2*MCMSCDT1*RC2+kpre1'*RC2) dMCMSCDT1/dt= kpre3*MCMS*CDT1+kpre2'*RC3-(kpre3'*MCMSCDT1+kpre2*MCMSCDT1*RC2) #initiation (init) dRC3/dt=kinit1'*CDC6*RC4+kpre2*MCMSCDT1*RC2-(kinit1*RC3+kpre1'*RC3) dRC4/dt=kinit3'*CDT1*RC5+kinit1*RC3-(kinit3*RC4+kinit1'*CDC6*RC4) #nuclear export of cdt1 dCDT1P/dt = Vinit4*CDT1/(Jinit4+CDT1)+kinit6'*CDT1PC-(kinit6*CDT1P+Vinit4rev*CDT1P/(Jinit4'+CDT1P)) dCDT1PC/dt = kinit6*CDT1P-kinit6'*CDT1PC #S-phase (elon) dRC5/dt=kelon1'*RC6+kinit3*RC4-(kinit3'*CDT1*RC5+kelon1*(kb2*CLB2T+kb5*CLB5T)*RC5*CDC45) #post-replicative complex (post) dRC6/dt=kpost1'*MCMS*RC7+kelon1*(kb2*CLB2T+kb5*CLB5T)*RC5*CDC45-(kelon1'*RC6+kpost1*RC6) dRC7/dt=kpost2'*(kb2*CLB2T+kb5*CLB5T)*CDC45*RC1+kpost1*RC6-(kpost2*RC7+kpost1'*MCMS*RC7) #nuclear export of MCMS dMCMSP/dt = Vpost3*MCMS/(Jpost3+MCMS)+kpost4'*MCMSPC-(kpost4*MCMSP+Vpost3rev*MCMSP/(Jpost3'+MCMSP)) dMCMSPC/dt = kpost4*MCMSP-kpost4'*MCMSPC #conservation of mass equations #RC's, cdt1, mcms, cdc45 are all conserved. cdc6 is not conserved RC1 = RCT-RC2-RC3-RC4-RC5-RC6-RC7 MCMS = MCMT-MCMSCDT1-MCMSP-MCMSPC-RC3-RC4-RC5-RC6 CDT1 = CDT1T-MCMSCDT1-CDT1P-CDT1PC-RC3-RC4 CDC45 = CDC45T-RC6-RC7 #rate functions Vpre1=kb2*CLB2T+kb5*CLB5T Vinit1=kb2*CLB2T+kb5*CLB5T Vinit4=kb2*CLB2T+kb5*CLB5T Vinit4rev=1 Vpost3=kb2p*CLB2T+kb5p*CLB5T Vpost3rev=1 #parameters param kt6=0.12 #pre param kpre1=1,kpre1'=0.1,kpre2=1,kpre2'=0.1,kpre3=10,kpre3'=1 param Jpre1=1 #init param kinit1=5,kinit1'=5,kinit3=1,kinit3'=1,kinit6=1,kinit6'=0.01 param Jinit4=1,Jinit4'=1 #elong param kelon1=1,kelon1'=1 #post param kpost1=0.01,kpost1'=0.01,kpost2=1,kpost2'=1,kpost4=1,kpost4'=0.01 param Jpost4=1,Jpost3=1,Jpost3'=1 #weights for clb2 and clb5 concentrations param kb2=10,kb5=10,kb2p=1,kb5p=1 #total concentrations param MCMT=7,CDT1T=5,CDC45T=1,RCT=1 #signals: needs modifying SWI5=cos(t/16)*heav(cos(t/16)) CLB2T=-1.2*sin(t/16)*heav(-sin(t/16)) CLB5T=0.5*sin(t/16-35/16)*heav(sin(t/16-35/16)) @Maxstore=100000,bound=300 @Meth=Stiff, total=201, xplot=t, yplot=CDC6, xlo=0, xhi=505, ylo=0, yhi=5 #additional variables to plot aux SWI5=SWI5 aux MCMS=MCMS aux CDT1=CDT1 aux CDC45=CDC45 aux RC1=RC1 aux CLB2T=CLB2T aux CLB5T=CLB5T #initial conditions. Simulates beginning of G1 of the cell cycle. init CDC6=0.5 init CDT1P=0.025,CDT1PC=4.8 init MCMSCDT1=0.1,MCMSP=0.03,MCMSPC=5.5 init RC2=0.1,RC3=0.001,RC4=0.0005,RC5=0.3,RC6=0,RC7=0 done Module 3
Results: Simulation Module 3
Where do the numbers (model parameters) come from?
Ideally, from characterizations of individual interactions, e.g. enzymological data. (but still issues with conditions, cell types, etc.) Module 3
Where do the numbers (model parameters) come from?
More often, parameters are inferred by fitting model behaviour to experimental measures of system behaviour optimization algorithm (simulated annealing, genetic algorithm,...) p1 = 3.4 p2 = 13.6 p3 = 0.7 ... Module 3
Purposes and implications of dynamic modelling:
Analysis: Testing for fidelity: a model is a falsifiable manifestation of a hypothesis. In silico experiments: behaviour of the model can suggest (predict?) behaviour of the system Parametric sensitivity analysis - hypothesis generation, study of influence/function of system components Module 3
Purposes and implications of dynamic modelling:
Design: Results of in silico experiments can suggest experimental design Model-based design: metabolic engineering, rational drug design, “synthetic biology” Module 3
Outline System modelling - focus on dynamics Model development
Analysis: 1) Parametric Sensitivity Analysis 2) Nonlinear Dynamics 3) Feedback regulation References: (local) Parametric Sensitivity in Chemical Systems, Varma, Morbidelli, Wu, (global) Sensitivity Analysis in Practice, Saltelli, Tarantola, Campolongo, Ratto Module 3
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis: Example
reaction kinetics: steady state: Module 3
local sensitivity analysis:
steady state: local sensitivity analysis: effect of perturbation/ intervention: relative sensitivity: Module 3
steady state: sensitivity analysis: vector notation
implicit differentiation steady state: Module 3
Sensitivity Analysis: General Computation
model: steady state: differentiate: absolute sensitivity: Module 3
complete sensitivity analysis:
Module 3
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis
Parameters 1. Enzyme activity levels 2. Kinetics constants 3. Decay rates 4. Boundary conditions Variables 1. Concentrations 2. Pathway fluxes 3. Dynamic response 4. Growth rate Parametric sensitivity analysis investigates the relationship between the variables and parameters in a biochemical network. Module 3
Application: Module 3
sensitivity of flux J to enzyme activities:
Module 3
sensitivity of flux J to enzyme activities:
Summation Theorem of Metabolic Control Analysis: conservation law for sensitivities Module 3
Applications of Sensitivity Analysis
Predicting the effect of interventions Drug development Trypanosome metabolism. Bakker et al., 1999,J. Biol. Chem Module 3
Applications of Sensitivity Analysis
Predicting the effect of interventions Drug development Medicine Tumour growth and thiamine, Comin-Anduix et al., 2001, Eur. J. Biochem. Module 3
Applications of Sensitivity Analysis
Predicting the effect of interventions Drug development Medicine Metabolic engineering Diacetyl production in Lactococcus lactis, Hoefnagel et al. 2002, Microbiology Module 3
Applications of Sensitivity Analysis
Predicting the effect of interventions Drug development Medicine Metabolic engineering Model construction and analysis Identifying key variables NF-B pathway. Ihekwaba et al., 2004, IEE Sys. Biol. Module 3
Applications of Sensitivity Analysis
Predicting the effect of interventions Drug development Medicine Metabolic engineering Model construction and analysis Identifying key variables Model calibration Identifiability. Zak et al. 2003, Genome. Res. Module 3
Lab exercise: Parametric Sensitivity of the trp operon model
Return to trp.ode in XPPAUT Consider the effect of small (10%) parameter changes on the steady state value of Trp (make changes under parameter tab: hit default button to return to nominal values) Is Trpss more sensitive to X (substrate for trp production), kcat (enzymatic activity of trp production) or c1 (rate of Trp consumption)? Consider a large parameter change: increase (rate of mRNA transcription) to 150. Module 3
Outline System modelling - focus on dynamics Model development
Analysis: 1) Parametric Sensitivity Analysis 2) Nonlinear Dynamics 3) Feedback regulation Reference: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Strogatz Module 3
Nonlinear Dynamics Phase plane Analysis Module 3
Phaseplane Analysis Time Course ([si] vs. time)
Phase Plane ([s1] vs. [s2]) Module 3
Direction Field Module 3
Nullclines: Turning points
Module 3
Nullclines: Turning points
s1 nullcline: s1 not changing s2 nullcline: s2 not changing intersection of nullclines: neither s1 nor s2 changing: steady state Module 3
Stability Long time (asymptotic) behaviour of these systems is either
convergence to a steady state or; periodic oscillation (convergence to a limit cycle) Other behaviours (divergence, chaos) are rare and may indicate poor model construction. Module 3
Y <<X Stability steady state independent of initial conditions
Module 3
Y <<X Bistability Nullclines intersect once: one steady state
Module 3
Bistability Y = X steady state depends on initial conditions Module 3
Bistability Y = X Nullclines intersect three times: three steady states Module 3
Bistability Y = X Nullclines intersect three times: three steady states Module 3
Bistability Y = X Middle steady state repels trajectories Module 3
Stability A steady state is
stable if nearby trajectories converge to it unstable if nearby trajectories diverge from it Linearization: a direct test for stability (details in notes) Module 3
Oscillatory behaviour
q=2 single stable steady state Module 3
Oscillatory behaviour
q=3 single unstable steady state and limit cycle Module 3
Bifurcations Module 3
Bifurcations Module 3
Lab Exercise:Bistability
open bimet.ode in XPPAUT Under Viewaxis -> 2D select s1 for the X-axis and s2 for the Y-axis (i.e. the phaseplane) Set Xmin=Ymin=0, Xmax=Ymax=0.025. Choose Initialconditions -> mIce and select a number of initial conditions to explore the system behaviour Select Nullclines -> New to see the nullclines. Erase the plot and consider values of the parameter Prod in the range between 4 and 2. How does the system behaviour change as the symmetry is lost? Module 3
Lab Exercise: Oscillations
open glycosc.ode in XPPAUT Under Viewaxis -> 2D select s1 for the X-axis and s2 for the Y-axis (i.e. the phaseplane) Set Xmin=Ymin=0, Xmax=Ymax=4. Choose Initialconditions -> mIce and select a number of initial conditions to explore the system behaviour Select Nullclines -> New to see the nullclines. Erase the plot and change the parameter q to 3. How is the behaviour different? You may want to use Window/zoom -> Zoom In to examine the behaviour near the steady state. Module 3
Outline System modelling - focus on dynamics Model development
Analysis: 1) Parametric Sensitivity Analysis 2) Nonlinear Dynamics 3) Feedback Regulation Reference: Feedback Systems: An introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Astrom and Murray Module 3
Feedback regulation Module 3
Simplest Feedback Strategy: (proportional) negative feedback
Module 3
An alternative: Integral Control
Proportional Control: Steady state: Proportional-Integral Control: cover 2 Steady state: Module 3
Primer on Integral Feedback Control
Time integral of system error is fed back. Ensures that steady-state error approaches zero despite changes in the input or in the system parameters. Ubiquitous in complex engineered systems. Module 3
Lab Exercise: Metabolic Regulation
Goal: regulate s2 against variation in the substrate S S s1 s2 s3 proportional feedback integral feedback open metreg.ode in XPPAUT Run the simulation (Initialconditions -> Go). Note the effect of the perturbation in S at time 5. Open the Parameters Tab p1=gain on proportional feedback p2=gain on integral feedback Change p1 to 1 and rerun. Note the effect of the regulation Double the gain (to p1=2) and rerun. Note the level of improvement in the response Change p1 back to 1 and add an integral feedback of equal strength (p2=1) to arrive at the same total gain as in the previous case. Note the vast improvement in steady state behaviour. Module 3
Conclusions Dynamic mathematical modelling is a valuable tools for exploring the behaviour of biochemical and genetic networks Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) provide a powerful and accessible framework for the development of dynamics models Local parametric sensitivity analysis allows the investigation of how system behaviour depends on system features (through parameters) Nonlinear Dynamics addresses non-intuitive system behaviour such as bistability and oscillations Control Theory provides tools for addressing regulation of system behaviour Module 3
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