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DOCTOR ILLNESSES Headache Sore throat Stomach ache Flu

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Presentation on theme: "DOCTOR ILLNESSES Headache Sore throat Stomach ache Flu"— Presentation transcript:

1 DOCTOR ILLNESSES Headache Sore throat Stomach ache Flu
I´ve got a cold. I´m ill.

2 Drink, glasses, milk, water, cola
Předchozí učivo Škrtni slovo, které se nehodí k ostatním Head, finger, leg, hat, eye Drink, glasses, milk, water, cola Hall, bedroom, garden, kitchen, bathroom Please, open, read, write, a game Sad, long, small, eat, funny 6. A ball, a piano, a violin, a drum, a guitar. Head, finger, leg, hat, eye Drink, glasses, milk, water, cola Hall, bedroom, garden, kitchen, bathroom Please, open, read, write, a game Sad, long, small, eat, funny 6. A ball, a piano, a violin, a drum, a guitar.

3 Nová slovní zásoba Hospital an injection a nurse an ambulance Toothache X - ray Heart attack Pills / Tablets

4 Procvičování učiva Označ a pojmenuj správnou část těla, když máš: Sore throat Heart attack Toothache Stomach ache Headache You are ill.

5 Porozumění textu WHO IS HEALTHY? MARK KEVIN He plays football. He doesn´t play sport. He drinks lots of water He drinks lots of cola. He eats fruits and vegetables He eats lots of hamburgers. He plays outside He is at home. He doesn´t like school He likes his family.

6 Samostatný úkol You are at the doctor. Make a dialogue. You: „ Hello.“ Doctor: „ Hello. Are you OK?“ You: „ Doctor, I am ill.“ D: „What´s the matter?“ You: „ I´ve got … Ow! Oooh!“ D: „Drink this“ You: „Thank you doctor and good bye.“ D: „Good bye.“

7 She has got a white coat. She has jeans and a white shirt.
Vyřešíš tento úkol How many sports, healthy - unhealthy food, healthy - unhealthy drinks, do you know? WHO IS WHO? She has got a white coat. She has jeans and a white shirt. She works in a hospital. She works at school. She helps people She teaches children. SHE IS ………… SHE IS ………

8 TEST What is it? Translate: rentgen chřipka bolest v krku Jsem nastydlá. nemocnice On je nemocný.

9 Použité zdroje [1] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www: [3] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www: [4] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na [5] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na boy-with-salad-watching-healthy-eating-teaching-by-example-concept.html [6] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www:

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