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Autologous PBSCT of Multiple myeloma

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1 Autologous PBSCT of Multiple myeloma
Case of the week Hemato-oncology R2 한재준

2 C.C. : autologous PBSCT위해 입원함.
박O자 F/64 Admission :’06-8-6 C.C. : autologous PBSCT위해 입원함. P.I. : Back pain으로 본원 정형외과 방문하여 L-S spine MRI 촬영 후 multiple myeloma소견으로 혈액종양 내과로 전과. multiple myeloma IgG κ type stage IIIB 진단하였음. tandem autologous PBCST계획하여 ’06 2월 부터 VAD regimen으로 chemotherapy시작. VAD #4 항암치료 후 6월29일 입원하여 3차례에 걸쳐 stem cell mobilization과 luekapheresis시행 후 퇴원함.

3 Personal history Alcohol (-) Smoking (-)
Past medical history DM (-) HTN (+) Tb (-) Hepatitis (-) cavedilol 6.25mg bid clinidipine(calcium channel antagonist) 10mg bid losartan (ARB) 50mg qd Op Hx (+) ’ TAH Family history None Personal history Alcohol (-) Smoking (-)

4 Review of Systems General : fatigue (-) fever (-) chills (-) night sweat (-) Skin : rash (-) itching (-) pigmentation (-) Head / Neck : headache (-) sore throat (-) Respiratory : cough (-) sputum (-) dyspnea (-) cyanosis (-) Cardiac : orthopnea (-) chest pain (-) palpitation (-) GI : A/N/V/D/C (-/-/-/-/-) melena (-) abdominal pain (-)

5 Physical examination Vital sign /70 mmHg – 75/min – 22/min – 36.3 °C General appearance Alert mentality Chronically ill looking appearance Skin No rash or pigmentation Head & Neck No cervical lymph node enlargement Neck vein engorgement (-)

6 Physical examination Eyes and ENT Isocoric pupils with pupil light reflex (++/++) Whitish sclera Pinkish conjunctivae Chest Clear breath sounds without crackle or wheezing Regular heart beats without murmur

7 Physical examination Abdomen Soft and flat abdomen Normoactive bowel soud No tenderness or rebound tenderness No palpable abdominal mass Back and Extremities CVA tenderness ( - / - ) Pretibial pitting edema ( - / - ) Neurology Unremarkable

8 Initial Lab Results CBC/DC 5300/mm3 – 10.4g/dL– 31.8 % - 173K/mm3 MCV 97.6fL MCH 31.9pg (Seg 77.5%, Lymph 8.7%, Mono 4.9%) Chemisrty TB/DB 0.56/0.06 mg/dL ALP 90 U/L GGT 16 U/L Prot/Alb 6.6/3.5 g/dl AST/ALT 18/14 U/L LD 367 U/L Ca/P 8.8/4.3 mg/dl Bun/Cr 9/0.9 mg/dl Na/K/Cl 137/4.1/106 mmol/L Urinalysis RBC 0~1/ HPF WBC 0~1/ HPF

9 Chest X-ray

10 Initial Assessment / Plan
Assessment #1. Multiple myeloma s/p VAD#4 s/p stem cell mobilization #2. HTN #3. mutiple uterine myoma s/p transabdominal hysterectomy Plan #1. conditioning(high dose melphalan therapy) 140mg C.I. for 30minutes x 2 days (8.7~8) after 48hrs : PBSC reinfusion supportive care : mucositis, diarrhea, parenteral nutrition blood component transfusion

11 Stage IIIB 아래 사항 중 하나 - III 혈청 크레아티닌에 의한 아분류 - B
Hemoglobin 6.3g/dL (<8.5g/dL) Serum calcium 10.3mg/dL (>12mg/dL) Bone lesion M-protein : IgG 3080mg/dL (>7g/dL) IgA 160mg/dL (>5g/dL) 혈청 크레아티닌에 의한 아분류 - B Serum creatinune 6.3mg/dL (>2mg/dL) Serum β2-microglobulin 32100μg/dL (4μg/dL) - II

12 Bone lesion

13 Bone marrow examination

14 Approach & Treatment

15 Peripheral blood stem cell collection
Induction VAD (vincristine 0.4mg, adriamycin 14mg, dexamethasone 40mg) #1 ’06.2.8~ #2 ’06.3.9~ #3 ’06.4.7~10 #4 ’06.6.1~ 4 Peripheral blood stem cell collection 7월 2일 cyclophosphamide 5500mg C.I. for 1hour 7월 9일~16일 G-CSF 투여하여 hematopoietic stem cell mobilization. 7월 14일~16일 Leukapheresis 3회 시행 sum of MNC/kg x10*8 sum of CD34/kg x10*6 목표 : mononuclear cell 4x10*8/kg CD34+ cell 2x10*6/kg

16 M-protein 변화 VAD#1 VAD#2 VAD#3 Total protein : 9.1g/dL
M-peak : 5.2g/dL Total protein : 8.0g/dL M-peak : 2.7g/dL Total protein : 5.7g/dL M-peak : 0.9g/dL VAD#4 Total protein : 5.4g/dL M-peak : 0.6g/dL Total protein : 6.2g/dL M-peak : 0.7g/dL

17 Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
High dose melphalan 140mg C.I. for 30minutes x 2days Thawing and reinfusion

18 Supportive care and discharge
day 3 : diarrhea – smecta, loperamide day 4 : hemoglobin 8.2 – pRBC 2pint transfusion day 5 : platelet – single donor pheresis transfusion day 6 : neutropenic fever( 38.4°C) – cefepime day 8 : nausea Gr 2, vomiting Gr 2 - parenteral nutrition day 20 : discharge → OPD follow up Second planned autologous PBSCT after recovered from the first.

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