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BCT Bortezomib Consolidation Trial

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1 BCT Bortezomib Consolidation Trial Phase II study of bortezomib consolidation after high dose therapy (HDT) and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) for multiple myeloma (MM) PRIMARY OBJECTIVES A phase II, non-randomised, single arm, multi-site, non-commercial trial aiming to determine the effect of bortezomib consolidation on the outcome of ASCT in patients with myeloma, and to assess the effect of bortezomib consolidation on bone health, as measured by serum markers of osteoblast and osteoclast function. Disease response at 6 and 12 months following ASCT consolidated by bortezomib therapy. Safety, toxicity and tolerability of bortezomib as consolidation therapy following HDT with Melphalan (200mg/m²) and ASCT. OFF TRIAL Control Group Eligible patients who declined treatment Treatment Group CR/VGPR/MR/SD Follow every 4 months until disease progression or death Continue with bortezomib to 8 cycles if tolerated Assess Response at 12 months post ASCT Bortezomib 3 cycles at 6 months post ASCT Progression High Dose Melphalan/ASCT 3 months post ASCT NOT progressed Informed consent Screening/Registratin Serum sample for bone marker assessment 3 & 6 months post ASCT PATIENT ELIGIBILITY SECONDARY OBJECTIVES Diagnosed with symptomatic (including non- secretory) Multiple Myeloma Received high dose Melphalan with ASCT 3-4 months previously and have at least stable disease Age years Life expectancy >6 months Able to give written informed consent Creatinine <400μmol/L Bilirubin <3x upper limit of normal ECOG performance status 0-2 Agreed compliance with recommended contraceptive precautions where appropriate Have NOT received bortezomib prior to commencing this trial Bilirubin ≤3x ULN, or AST ≤ 2.5x ULN Do NOT have persisting neurological deficit grade 2 or greater Have NOT received an experimental drug or used an experimental medical device within 4 weeks before the planned start of treatment Please see protocol for further details To determine the effect of bortezomib on osteoblast and osteoclast function in patients following HDT and ASCT To determine the effect of bortezomib consolidation on MRD status at 6 and 12 months post ASCT (assessed by multi-parameter flow cytometry on bone marrow) To determine the 2-year progression free survival (PFS) and median PFS after HDT and ASCT followed by consolidation with bortezomib To evaluate the quality of life of patients receiving bortezomib consolidation SITES OPEN TO RECRUITMENT University College London Hospital (Prof K Yong) Royal Free Hospital (Dr D Hugh) Dorset County Hospital (Dr A Moosa) SITES IN SET UP SAMPLE SIZE 45 patients treatment group 20 patients control group Royal Bournemouth Hospital (Dr H McCarthy) Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham (Dr M Cook) SITE ELIGIBILITY Site registration form R&D approval Signed Clinical Trial Site Agreement Delegation log PI CV/GCP BCT - Haematology Trials Group Cancer Research UK & UCL Cancer Trials Centre 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 4TJ CHIEF INVESTIGATOR: Prof Kwee Yong University College London Hospital

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