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Environmental Biology

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1 Environmental Biology
Somewhere between sophomore Inquiry… …and AP Environmental Science you’ll find… Environmental Biology A two-semester (1.0 Credit) (lab) science elective for Tahoma Juniors and/or Seniors taught by Mrs. Nance

Environmental Biology covers the usual topics found in a Biology course but through the lens of global issues. Units include; SUSTAINABILITY ECOLOGY CELL BIOLOGY GENETICS EVOLUTION

3 In the Sustainability unit we attempt to …using indicators
grasp regional… …using indicators such as… HIV deaths GDP CO2 emissions

4 Students use water quality tests
…using role play to understand the view of the various stakeholders in solving their problem to examine the issues facing a hypothetical city when their favorite lake becomes eutrophic…

5 In the Ecology unit students attempt to understand
how change impacts ecosystems by examining case studies like… The Cane Toads

6 As part of the Ecology unit students
will also learn about invasive species, biomes, the tragedy of the commons, as well as, plankton, food webs, symbiosis, the carbon cycle., photosynthesis, & respiration.

7 covers cell anatomy/function
as well as stem cells

8 LOTS of labs in this unit!!
But the cell biology unit will also look at diseases… HIV , rotavirus , & malaria like cancer LOTS of labs in this unit!!

9 In addition to “the basics”
and will also look at…

10 How human activity impacts biodiversity And the final unit… …affects… …will examine how…

11 In addition to vertebrate
phylogeny… the evolution unit will also address Hominid evolution, natural selection and the genetic basis for adaptation…like in the case of the rock pocket mouse… …wrapping up the course students will explore…


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