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Mark 1: 6 With what was John the Baptist clothed?

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1 Mark 1: 6 With what was John the Baptist clothed?
#1 Mark 1: 6 With what was John the Baptist clothed? A. Camel’s hair and with a leather belt B. A wool coat and sandals C. Blue jeans and a tee shirt Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

2 Mark 1: 13 How long was Jesus in the wilderness, tempted by Satan?
#2 Mark 1: 13 How long was Jesus in the wilderness, tempted by Satan? A. Three days B. Seven days C. Forty days Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

3 Mark 2: 4 How did the four men get the paralytic man to Jesus?
#3 Mark 2: 4 How did the four men get the paralytic man to Jesus? A. They brought him to the temple B. They carried him through the door C. They lowered his bed through the roof Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

4 Mark 2: 15 Who did Jesus dine with at Levi’s house?
#4 Mark 2: 15 Who did Jesus dine with at Levi’s house? A. His brothers B. Many tax collectors and sinners C. The scribes and the Pharisees Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

5 A. The leaders of the Jews
#5 Mark 3: 6 With whom did the Pharisees plot in how they might destroy Jesus? A. The leaders of the Jews B. The Gentiles C. The Herodians Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

6 Mark 3: 16 What name did Jesus give to Simon?
#6 Mark 3: 16 What name did Jesus give to Simon? A. Peter B. Philip C. Thomas Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

7 A. Truly He is the Son of God
#7 Mark 3: 22 What did the scribes who came down from Jerusalem say about Jesus? A. Truly He is the Son of God B. He has Beelzebub, and by the ruler of the demons He casts out demons C. This man is out of His mind Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

8 A. All things must remain a mystery
#8 Mark 4: 11 To the twelve He said, “To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but to those who are outside:” A. All things must remain a mystery B. All things come in parables C. They know nothing at all Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

9 Mark 4: 14 What does the sower sow?
#9 Mark 4: 14 What does the sower sow? A. Grass B. Corn C. The Word Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

10 B. Legion: for we are many
#10 Mark 5: 9 What was the name of the unclean spirit who possessed the man who had his dwelling among the tombs? A. Beelzebub B. Legion: for we are many C. Lucifer Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

11 A. Your sins are forgiven you
#11 Mark 5: 36 What did Jesus say to the ruler of the synagogue after being told his daughter was dead? A. Your sins are forgiven you B. Who touched me C. Do not be afraid; only believe Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

12 Mark 6: 14 Who did King Herod say Jesus was?
#12 Mark 6: 14 Who did King Herod say Jesus was? A. John the Baptist, risen from the dead B. Elijah C. The Son of God Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

13 A. They supposed it was a ghost, and cried out
#13 Mark 6: 49 What did the disciples do when they saw Jesus walking on the sea? A. They supposed it was a ghost, and cried out B. They were terrified and jumped overboard C. They tried to row the boat away from Him Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

14 Mark 7: 15 What are the things that defile a man?
#14 Mark 7: 15 What are the things that defile a man? A. Unclean spirits B. The things which come out of him C. The things he wears on the outside Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

15 Mark 7: 26 What did the Syro-Phoenician woman keep asking Jesus to do?
#15 Mark 7: 26 What did the Syro-Phoenician woman keep asking Jesus to do? A. Heal her flow of blood B. Cast the demon out of her daughter C. Turn water to wine Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

16 Mark 8: 6 & 9 How many loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed the 4000?
#16 Mark 8: 6 & 9 How many loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed the 4000? A. Five loaves B. Six loaves C. Seven loaves Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

17 Mark 8: 12 What would not be given to this generation?
#17 Mark 8: 12 What would not be given to this generation? A. A sign B. A prophesy C. An inheritance Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

18 A. Three monuments B. Three tabernacles C. Three statues
#18 Mark 9: 5 What did Peter want to build on the mountain when Jesus was transfigured before them? A. Three monuments B. Three tabernacles C. Three statues Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

19 A. Power from God B. A burnt offering C. Prayer and fasting
#19 Mark 9: 29 When the disciples could not cast out the deaf and dumb spirit from the boy, Jesus said that kind can only come out by: A. Power from God B. A burnt offering C. Prayer and fasting Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

20 Mark 10: 4 What did Moses permit a man to do to divorce his wife?
#20 Mark 10: 4 What did Moses permit a man to do to divorce his wife? A. Take her to the Sanhedrin court B. Write a certificate of divorce, and dismiss her C. He did not allow divorce Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

21 Mark 10: 45 The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to:
#21 Mark 10: 45 The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to: A. Serve B. Fulfill prophecy C. Teach Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

22 A. Their clothes and leafy branches
#22 Mark 11: 8 What did people spread on the road as Jesus rode the colt into Jerusalem? A. Their clothes and leafy branches B. Blankets and pillows C. Straw and hay Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

23 Mark 11: 21 What happened to the fig tree that Jesus cursed?
#23 Mark 11: 21 What happened to the fig tree that Jesus cursed? A. It fell down B. It bore fruit C. It withered away Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

24 Mark 12: 30 What is the first commandment?
#24 Mark 12: 30 What is the first commandment? A. You shall love your neighbor as yourself B. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength C. You shall have no other gods before Me Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

25 Mark 12: 42 Who threw two mites into the treasury?
#25 Mark 12: 42 Who threw two mites into the treasury? A. Jesus B. The chief priest C. A poor widow Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, Jason Hart Round 1

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