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Latin America Features:

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1 Latin America Features:

2 Latin & South America Map Page 55
Directions: Cut out Map Using an atlas, label political and physical features Glue into IN

3 Panama Canal Built through the Isthmus of Panama
Allows ships to travel easily between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans

4 Mexico Brazil Haiti Panama Bolivia Cuba Columbia Venezuela
Physical Features: Amazon River Caribbean Sea Gulf of Mexico Pacific Ocean Panama Canal Andes Mountains Sierra Madre Mountains Atacama Desert Political Features: Mexico Brazil Haiti Panama Bolivia Cuba Columbia Venezuela

5 Latin America Includes: Mexico, Central America and South America
Speak mainly Spanish and Portuguese (which come from the Latin Language)

6 Landform Classification Page 56
Directions: Cut out flaps, make slits Glue into IN Determine where the physical and political features are located

7 Latin America Pollution Page 57
Directions: Cut out chart Glue into IN

8 Air Pollution: Mexico City
Mexico City is one of the most polluted cities in the world People are exposed to toxic gases and chemicals, can lead to respiratory illness. The Mountains around Mexico City trap pollutants in a smog

9 Air Pollution: Mexico City
Pollution is caused by emissions from factories and automobiles that build up over the city huge population = lots of cars Government is trying to reduce the air pollution. People are limited to how often they can drive their cars Emissions on cars are inspected Changing the fuel cars and factories use

10 Destruction of the Brazil Rainforest
Plants & animals are losing their homes Loss of trees increases carbon dioxide, a gas that contributes to global warming. Trees help to hold moisture in the ground.

11 Destruction of the Brazil Rainforest
Caused by: parts of rainforest are being cut down to create farms (slash and burn farming), cattle ranching, logging, mining, create new settlements In the 1950s, the Brazilian government began building a major highway system. opened rainforest to loggers

12 Destruction of the Brazil Rainforest
Even though Brazil’s economy is growing from the timber being cut down, the government is setting aside protected areas and planting new trees.

13 Oil-Related Pollution in Venezuela
Oil provides 50% of government revenue One of the world’s leading producers of oil Oil production has boosted economy Oil production results in toxic wastes, air pollution, & oil spills

14 Oil-Related Pollution in Venezuela
Venezuela’s coast has become polluted with oil. Oil spills have damaged the environment, killed fish Hurts the ability of fishermen to earn a living Tourist locations have been shut down due to oil spills

15 Create a Superhero Page 58
Directions: Choose on of the following pollution issues: Air Pollution in Mexico City Destruction of Amazon Rainforest Oil related pollution inn Venezuela

16 Create a Superhero Page 58
Directions: After you have chosen a pollution issue to solve: Create a name for your superhero Describe the country’s pollution problem and draw a picture What superpowers does your hero have that will help solve the country’s pollution problem

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