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Background & Justification

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2 Background & Justification
In india domestic servant is the lagacy of ancient India, the Vidie Age and it is still continuing and found in Abundance in the society. The domestic servants comprises of both sex, male, female. The domestic servant are worst exploited bot among the unorganised workers having no fixed hour of duty, no fair minimum wages and far away from any social protection or security

3 Target Group Women and men ( Ratio – 50 : 50)

4 Parties Involved Young workers from existing trade union of organised sector Experienced retired employes having trade union background Like minded social activisis

5 Immediate Objectives To organise the domectic workers
To from trade union comprising of retived workers drawing from trade union field To make them aware of their democratic rights of FOA & CB To organise Training programs , workshop and conventions To minimise and to end the physical torture, hatred ( in some cases) and fight for justice The target should continue for 2 years durings which above trainning programmes are conducted

6 Activities To reach –out to the domestic workers
To initiate regular communication To initiate proper and timely action on receiving complain from domestic workers or through unions activists To co – ordinnate with state agencies for converage of domestic workers under social security and welfare schemes

7 Activities Press the demand for ratification of ilo’s convention and recognition of domestic workers as dignified workers Lobby with elected represent atives in respective areas and get the labour law including payment of minimum wages be implemented To hold regular meetings, conventions, trainning workshop seminar and bring leaflets, posters containing Ilo’s recommendations for domestic workers (men and women)

8 Qamar Mohammad Qamruzzamauh
Ms. Radha Gupta Anil Kumar Vyas From India ( Bharat)

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