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Jones Hall.

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1 Jones Hall

2 Demographics Public four year institution of higher education.
Racial representation: 75% white and 25% minorities. Among its full-time students, 96% receive financial aid, with 36% eligible for state and Federal grants. Among the entering classes, retention rates for first-time students pursuing bachelor's degrees is 70%. The six year graduation rate percentage of full-time, first-time students was 33% for those that entered in fall 2009.

3 Selected Majors We have selected the following majors to explore guided degree pathways. These following majors were chosen because they represent a variety of degree pathways, across colleges and represent some higher volume majors: Political Science (CLASS) Psychology (CLASS) Exercise Science (HHS) Information Technology (STEM) Discussing addition of some Business Majors.

4 Guided Degree Pathways
Met with of committee members that include faculty, department chairs, deans and advisors in each of the colleges that include the majors identified in this grant proposal. The goals for these committees are as follows: Review course offerings with high DFW rates in each major, presenting hurdles for students in that major to identify milestone courses. Structure the degree curriculum so there is clarity for the student in selection of course work so they finish in a timely fashion. Mark milestone courses to guide students to advisement if necessary. Set the sequence of the milestone courses. Include the ‘difficulty barometer’ in curriculum sheets Finalize Guided Degree Pathways by Summer 2017 for Fall ‘17

5 Difficulty Barometer of Milestone Courses
Example of difficulty barometer to be included in the curriculum sheet for Exercise Science program. This will help students to make an informed choice. MATH/STATS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Biology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chemistry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Physics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HPES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6 Redesigned Mathematics Gateway
College Algebra Statistics Quantitative Reasoning Exercise Science Some Business (??) Psychology Information Technology Political Science Business College Algebra and Statistics are already part of OTM. Quantitative Reasoning is under revision and should be submitted in 2017. Training instructors and tutors for Quantitative Reasoning courses under OTM will take place in summer 2017.

7 Corequisite Remediation
Fall 2016-College Algebra The target group were primarily students who placed into intermediate algebra either through ACT, SAT, Compass or ALEKS PPL testing. In future semesters (if we continue additional pilots) one recommendation would be to only admit students with cut score from an ALEKS PPL assessment (37-45 range). Meets for 1 hour and 50 minutes 3 days/week and for 50 minutes on 1 day/week. This will need to be reviewed at the end of fall 2016. The class is set up into part-lecture (usually minutes) and part-guided and independent practice in ALEKS during class time (tutor present to help). Additionally, the grant team hopes to develop two additional gateway corequisite math courses: 1) Quantitative Reasoning, and 2) Statistics.

8 Corequisite Remediation
Spring 2017-Corequisite Statistics and Quantitative Reasoning Curriculum for the quantitative reasoning and statistics courses are currently under revision. Summer 2017-Training of corequisite instructors and embedded tutors

9 Evaluation Each semester for the corequisite courses, we will gather the data to determine two measures (singularly and in comparison to traditional offerings of Quantitative Reasoning, Statistics, Elementary, Intermediate and College Algebra): rate of course completion among students enrolled by evaluating grades earned in the course rate of persistence in the subsequent semester qualitative measure of student’s mindset

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