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Presentation on theme: "SCHEDULE PRODUCTION AND CLASSROOM SCHEDULING"— Presentation transcript:

October 2016

Two schedule productions each academic year Spring/Summer Fall

3 Topics Distribution Priority classroom Cross listing Cross referencing
Text? Part of term (POT) Deadlines Scheduling pattern

4 What is a Distribution? A distribution is an Excel spreadsheet listing class section information as of the time the spreadsheet was created. The 1st Distribution contains information on class sections that were offered by the department in the corresponding term of the previous academic year. Each department receives its own distribution and makes changes to the distribution following directions located on the Registrar’s website.

5 First Distribution The next slide is an example of a 1st Distribution.
Fall 2014 class section information becomes the data contained in the 1st distribution for the Fall 2015 schedule at the time it is provided to departments. The next slide is an example of a 1st Distribution.

6 Explain each Column

7 Yellow to change or add/Gray to delete

8 PRIORITY CLASSROOMS and how they work:
A department has right of first refusal over use of its own priority classrooms. Not all departments have “priority” classrooms. If a department does not make use of its priority classrooms on the return of the 1st Distribution to the Registrar’s Office, the Registrar’s Office has the right to assign a class from any department to that room. The official classroom/lab list indicates the department that has priority of a classroom. This list is located at: (see handout )

9 This list is located at:
PRIORITY CLASSROOMS and how they work: The official classroom/lab list indicates the department that has priority of a classroom This list is located at: (see handout )

10 What Are Cross Listed Classes?
Classes are cross listed when more than one class section meets in the same room, same time, same day with the same instructor. Example: ECET & ITC offered TR 1:30-2:45 in ET 107 with Instructor Gary Steffen The Registrar’s Office codes the cross listing. The cross list code could be, for example, A6.

11 What is Cross Referencing?
Cross Referencing allows display of a class section on the online schedule under multiple departmental headings. For example: A course on the history of women’s suffragette struggles could be offered by the history department. The class section would automatically appear under the History heading, but could also be programmed to appear under the Women’s Studies heading.

12 What is text? Any verbiage, usually explanatory, included as part of the display of a class section on the schedule. Text provides information about some aspect of a class section. Examples of text are “Signature Of Instructor And Department Chair Required” and “Additional $50 Lab Fee Charge”

13 What is a Part of Term (POT) code?
A part of term is a span of time that reflects a class section’s start and end dates for a term. Part of term codes are utilized to standardize the dates for full semester sections, as well as sections that meet within defined periods of time in a semester or across semesters. Parts of term codes are created by the Registrar’s Office. A part of term code is assigned to each class section offered in a term. (Handout POT List)

14 What is a part of term code? (cont.)
Example: A spring semester class section runs from January 11 through March 7. You consult the part of term document on the Schedule production website for the spring semester, but you find no part of term that corresponds to January 11 through March 7. You would then request a part of term code from the Registrar’s Office. In this case, 7A was the code created for this period of time within the spring semester. Requests for special POTs can be entered on a distribution or Form 200. (see handout) More define

15 Wait List Function Establishes an orderly First Come-First Serve Basis for Student Registration Department Chairs are able to Monitor Class Demand to Warrant Opening New Sections No need to constantly change the Max Enrollment Works with Cross Listed sections Ask

16 DEADLINES Deadline 1 – October 31th 1st Distribution Due Back
Deadlines are located on the Production Schedule website at: Deadline 1 – October 31th st Distribution Due Back Deadline 2 – January 2nd nd Distribution Due Back Deadline 3 – January 23rd Pre-Final Proof Deadline 3 – February 13th Final Proofing There are over 30 departments receiving the 1st and 2nd Distributions and Proofs of the schedule of classes In order to provide an accurate class schedule which represents IPFW positively, our goal is to establish a standard process with a workable timeline for all departments. (see Production Schedule Handout) Handout

17 1st Distribution The 1st Distribution is an Excel document that contains the class sections previously offered in the most recent “like” term. Fall Fall 2015 Each class section is assigned a new CRN as part of the schedule creation process. Except for the CRN, changes can be requested to the prior semester’s class section offerings as you develop the offerings for the upcoming semester.

18 Directions for the 1st Distribution
You will receive the 1st Distribution electronically. Of note, the 1st Distribution will include class sections offered through the Division of Continuing Studies. To make changes to the 1st Distribution follow the directions on the 1st distribution memo located at: Go to Website

Define Class Pattern- Explain rationale of current Class pattern The class scheduling pattern is located at: chedule/production (see handout) Consistent student scheduling

20 Class Scheduling Pattern
Exceptions to the Class Scheduling Pattern must be approved by the Dean/Director of your academic unit and by the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. Otherwise, sections with days and meeting times that deviate from the Class Scheduling Pattern will not be processed.

21 Production Schedule for Fall 2015
PHASE I 1st Distribution is sent electronically to departments. Sent out: 09/22/14 Departments make changes on the 1st Distribution. Follow the instructions you will find at Schedule Production website located at: Timeframe: 09/22/14 – 10/31/14 Via , send 1st Distribution changes to the Registrar’s Office: Arts & Sciences departments to Lisa Meriwether All other departments to Scott Frey Due back: 10/31/14 Registrar will forward your copies to Continuing Studies for its purposes.

22 Directions for the 2nd Distribution
The 2nd Distribution incorporates the changes requested on the 1st Distribution. To make changes to the 2nd distribution, follow the 2nd distribution directions located at: Of note, if your department has no changes on a distribution or proof, you can simply notification of such to your assigned schedule production clerk.

23 Production Schedule for the Fall 2015
PHASE II 2nd Distribution is sent electronically to departments. Sent out: 12/1/14 Departments make changes on the 2nd Distribution by following the instructions located at: Timeframe: 12/1/14 – 1/2/15 Via , send 2nd Distribution changes to the Registrar’s Office: Arts & Sciences departments to Lisa Meriwether All other departments to Scott Frey Due back: 1/2/15 Registrar will forward your copies to Continuing Studies for its purposes. Website-Classroom Change Policy

24 Room related Banner searches
SLIAVEN (Available Room Query) SSAMATX (Building/Room Use)

I need to reserve a room for a meeting. I want to see if a room is available to add a section. Where do I go to look for an available room? Use SLIAEVN in Banner.

26 IN BANNER – SLAIEVN Real time search in Banner

27 Directions for SLIAEVN
Type SLIAEVN in Go To field Enter class/event start date and end date. (Date format is DD-MON-YYYY.) If a room is needed for one day, the start date and the end date should be the same. Enter the class/event begin time and end time using military time. Checkmark the days of the week the room is needed. Enter other optional search criteria: (a) Building: enter a building abbreviation if a specific building is required; leave blank to search all buildings (b) Campus: not applicable – leave blank (c) Site: not applicable – leave blank (d) Capacity: enter the number of people the room must be able to fit (e) Room Type: the All button should be selected Click the Next Block icon (or Ctrl + Page Down) Enter the Desired Room Attributes. The Classroom attribute (CLS) should be used for all room searches. Depress F9 or double click for list of all available Room Attributes. Up to six attributes can be entered. Click the Next Block icon (or Ctrl + Page Down). The system will search for available rooms that meet the search criteria you entered. Rooms that meet the entered search criteria will appear in the Available Rooms block. To complete a new search, click the Rollback icon (or Ctrl + F7) and complete steps 2-9 Contact the designated person in the appropriate office for assistance with officially scheduling the room for the class/event. Handout

28 SSAMATX I want to use KT G46, but it is not available.
Now I want to know what is currently scheduled in a different room? Go to the SSAMATX screen in Banner.

29 IN BANNER – SSAMATX Real time search in Banner

30 Directions For SSAMATX
Type SSAMATX in Go To field Enter optional query criteria: (a) Building: enter building abbreviation to limit results to a specific building or leave blank to search all buildings (b) Room: enter room number to limit results to a specific room number or leave blank to search all rooms in the building (c) Campus: not applicable – leave blank (d) Days of the week: checkmark days of the week to limit results to specific days of the week or leave blank to search all days of the week (e) Begin time and end time: Use military time; enter start and end times to limit results to a part of the day or leave blank to search usage all day (f) Term: not applicable – leave blank (g) Start date/End date: enter dates to limit results to a specific range of dates or leave blank to search all past, current and future usage (Date format is DD-MON-YYYY.) If query is for the semester, the start date should be the first day of the semester, and the end date should be the last day of the semester. Handout

31 Directions For SSAMATX (cont.)
 (h) Subject: enter course subject to limit results to a specific course subject or leave blank to see all sections (i) Course: enter course number to limit results to a specific course number or leave blank to see all sections (j) CRN: enter CRN to limit results to a specific CRN or leave blank to see all CRNs (k) Cross List: enter cross list code to limit results to specific cross listed sections or leave blank to see all sections (l) Function: enter function code to limit results to a specific special event function or leave blank to see all special events Click the Execute Query icon (or F8). Results that match the query criteria will appear. The room is being used for a class if the CRN results are 5 numbers. The room is being used for a special event if the CRN results are an A followed by 4 numbers. To begin a new query, click the Enter Query icon (or F7) and enter new query criteria.

32 Hard copy and electronic (see handout)
Form 200s Hard copy and electronic (see handout) Fill out Hard copy

33 Online Form 200s
Give examples


35 Why use the hard copy Form 200?
To add a section, indicate POT Activity, such as LEC, IS, LAB Text to be included, e.g., “Instructor Permission Required” or “Education Majors only” Printable section or non-printable section Obtain appropriate signature(s) (see handout) Explain purpose

36 Thank you Please know we are here to help and guide you.
If you have any questions, give us a call. Lisa Meriwether– x 16212 Scott Frey– x 16123 We appreciate your attendance today


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