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Ф.И.О студента: Бондаренко Полина Сергеевна

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Presentation on theme: "Ф.И.О студента: Бондаренко Полина Сергеевна"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ф.И.О студента: Бондаренко Полина Сергеевна
Название ОУ: ГАОУ СПО Колледж сервиса и туризма Калининградской области Отделение: Гостиничный сервис Курс: Первый Ф.И.О руководителя проекта: Онещук Анна Александровна

2 Contents 1. William Hogarth 2. Biography of William Hogarth
3. Education of the great artist 4. Works of William Hogarth 5. Emblematical print on the South Sea Scheme 6. Marriage 7. Group portraits of families 8. “Career of spendthrift” 9. Ridiculing of alcoholism and arranged marriages 10. “ Marriage a – la mode” 11. “ Marriage a – la mode”(pictures) 12. Artists of the 18th century 13. Artists of the 18th century(picture) 14. Life in England in the 18th century 15. William Hogarth about "useful art" 16. Henry Fielding 17. Hogarth and the political system 18. “Election series” 19. Hogarth and theater 20. “Hogarth’s servants” and “The Lottery” 21. “The shrimp girl” 22. Death of the great artist 23. Литература

3 William Hogarth English artist, founder and major representative of the national school of painting, illustrator, author of satirical prints, discoverer of new genres in painting and drawing, the founder of realism in English art. Many of his works experienced the influence of the ideas of the Enlightenment philosophers.

4 Biography of William Hogarth
William Hogarth ( ). Born in London in a family of poor rural Latin teacher Richard Hogarth and Anne Gibbons. He lived in the slums, in the cold and hunger, one after the other brothers and sisters died. The impressionable natured boy already absorbed “cries” of London - prevailed in the streets.

5 Education of the great artist
William showed remarkable ability to drawing from the early childhood. In 1713, Hogarth did not finish primary school and became an apprentice of Ellis Gamble , where he received engraving skills. In 1718, William 's father died and he , being the eldest child , was forced to support his mother and two sisters. . In 1720 he opened his own small engraving shop. Since 1724 he began to attend a school of painting by James Thornhill . In the years Hogarth mastered the art of book illustration .

6 Works of William Hogarth
His first independent work was graphic satire about the collapse of the South Sea Company shares, satire on masquerades, operas and theatrical life in London. The first paintings of Hogarth appeared in 1728, it was the canvas on the popular play by John Gay's “The Beggar's Opera”.

7 Emblematical print on the South Sea Scheme

8 Marriage In the house of James Thornhill Hogarth fell in love with the daughter of artist, Jane. Not relying on parental consent to the marriage, Hogarth decided to kidnap the girl, and on the 25th of March, 1729 he married her secretly.

9 Group portraits of families

10 “Career of spendthrift”
Series of engravings – “Career of spendthrift” - was published in 1735, and in the famous series “Fashion marriage” appeared.

11 Ridiculing of alcoholism and arranged marriages
In the art of Hogarth the important place belongs to humor and satire. He ridicules alcoholism, marriages of convenience. Thus, in two famous engravings in 1751, he opposed the consequences awaiting those who abuse the cheap gin (“Gin Lane“), prosperity and well-being of those who prefers English beer (“Beer Street“).

12 “ Marriage a – la mode" By the mid-1740s Hogarth was already a prominent figure in English culture ,a wealthy man, but continued to be a champion of justice, exposed the “sores” that hit not only the “lower classes”, but the “top” of English society. In those days, the impoverished aristocracy of England tried to get close to the rich bourgeois, going often on “fashionable marriages” – “business” alliances without love.

13 “ Marriage a – la mode”

14 Artists of the 18th century
Satirizing the life of his time puts Hogarth in one line with the great artists of the 18th century.: Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough and John Constable. Thomas Gainsborough Joshua Reynolds

15 Artists of the 18th century
John Constable

16 Life in England in the 18th century
The capital of England was the concentration of the whole socio-political and cultural life of the country. But luxury and poverty rivaled with refinement and vulgarity .Hogarth was the first who embarked on a risky and thorny path of originator of new genres. And, in fact, he became the creator of original English art.

17 William Hogarth about “useful art”
Hogarth was the first and most prominent artist-educator in England. Famous writer and educator Henry Fielding declared him “one of the most useful satirists of his time”. Hogarth believed that the main task of the “useful art“ is not entertainment value, but satire and showing of all the negative parts of modern life.

18 Henry Fielding

19 Hogarth and the political system
In the 1750s Hogarth turned came to the British political system – “Election series”. In this series, Hogarth ridicules the political system of Great Britain and vices that prevailed in it - corruption, bribery, the sale of seats.

20 “Election series”

21 D. Garrick as Richard III
Hogarth and theater Hogarth had many friends among actors, because he was passionately fond of the theater. In the portrait gallery he immortalized the celebrated masters of the English stage – “D. Garrick as Richard III”, “Lavinia Fenton”. D. Garrick as Richard III Lavinia Fenton

22 “Hogarth’s servants” and “The Lottery”
At the end of the life the wise, old and lonely artist is drawn to the images of the common people: “Hogarth’s servants” (1760), “The Shrimp Girl” (1763). The main advantage of these works is in their amazing vitality specificity. In 1721 Hogarth made engravings ( ​​"Lottery“) , he suspected lottery fraud. Hogarth’s servants The Lottery

23 “The shrimp girl”

24 Death of the great artist
William Hogarth died in London on the 26th of October in 1764 at the age of 66.

25 Литература 1. Вачьянц, А.М. Вариации прекрасного. Введение в мировую художественную культуру / А.М. Вачьянц. – М. : Айрис-Пресс, 2008. 2. История искусства зарубежных стран XVII-XVIII веков / Под ред. В.И. Раздольской. – М. :.Искусство, 1988. 3. Неменский, Б.М. Изобразительное искусство и художественный труд / Б.М. Неменский. – М. : МДО, 1995. 4.

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