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WP 2 Definition of the EuroVO-DCA Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "WP 2 Definition of the EuroVO-DCA Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 2 Definition of the EuroVO-DCA Strategy
Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

2 Elements of WP2 Preliminary Project plan (D2) Report
Preliminary census of European astronomical data centres Medium term strategy Lessons learnt from the project Brussels Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

3 Preliminary project plan
Input from each WP lead taking into account input from all WP participants – Oct 12th Production of the report by MD/FG – Oct 25th Check by partners – Oct 29th Final version of D2 Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

4 Preliminary census (1) Produced by MD/FG Organized
Per partner Per category Data archives / science ready data Added-value data bases and services Tools Software suites Theory Thematic services Differentiates operational data centres/data centres in project Criteria: service to the community!! Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

5 Preliminary Census (2) For each data centre (if possible) Name
Location (s) Laboratory/authority in charge Contact person Scientific contact Web page Kind of service provided Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

6 Preliminary census (3) Draft from viewgraphs / comments from partners: end of kick-off Lists provided by partners with additional information – end of November Partners’ priorities – in your own words Consolidation end of year Board ‘meeting’ January Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

7 Open question: Working Groups
Synergies between partners Who would be interested in participating in WGs? Spectroscopic data – WP3 Images Workflow – use cases Geodesy VO-3D To be decided later – development? Sharing experience? Proposed organisation: WG creation decided at Board level if interest expressed by several partners; one person in charge; each partner decides about travel of its constituents; WP 6 involvement? this is WP business; WPs are allowed to create WGs Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

8 Interdisciplinary aspects
‘Fundamental physics’ – Atomic & Molecular Physics – Working Group – WP4 What to do with solar/heliosperic/space plasma physics (INSU/INAF/AG)? Help groups to get in touch: identify contact persons in each parner (and other countries), encourage them to network High Energy and particle physics/astroparticles Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

9 Other aspects of networking between partners
In some cases, direct contact with projects/entities (ALMA, Planck, Radionet, AstroNet) - Postponed after the census When Preliminary census available, look for possible synergies – Board action Gather information on all DCA-related events organized by partners: M. Depretz (including user workshops?) Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

10 Open question: EU EuroVO-DCA in the EU framework
eInfrastructure (EGEE, IST events, networking with other projects) Infrastructure (OPTICON) Digital Libraries (eContentPlus, DG Information Society & Media) – disciplinary / interdisciplinary – very relevant Françoise GENOVA, EuroVO-DCA Coordinator

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