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Influences Internal Influences External Influences.

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Presentation on theme: "Influences Internal Influences External Influences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Influences Internal Influences External Influences

2 Definition: Things you can control
I. Internal Influences Definition: Things you can control

3 Personal Choices Decisions we make Beliefs Attitude Effort
A. Examples Personal Choices Decisions we make Beliefs Attitude Effort

4 II. External Influences
Definition: Things you can not control!

5 B. Examples Outside Factors- Weather Parents Events- Natural Disasters
Media Other Peoples Attitudes & Effort

6 III. 4 Types of Influences
A. Heredity B. Environment C. Family/Friends D. Media

7 A. Heredity Passing of traits from parent to child Example: * Diseases
* Body Type * Addictions 3. These are External Influences

8 B. Environment All living and non living things that surround us.
2. Examples: * Home Life (E) * Climate/Weather (E) * Pollution (E) * School (I &E) * Neighborhoods (E) * Allergies (E) 3. These are both Internal & External Influences

9 C. Family/Friends Good vs Bad Culture * Way of life * Beliefs
* Customs of a group of people American Culture * Fast Foods * Obesity 4. These are External & Internal Influences.

10 D. Media Various forms of communicating information or ideas to mass amounts of people. Examples * TV * Magazines * Radio * Newspaper * Billboards 3. These are External & Internal Influences

11 IV. Reflection What did you learn about things that
influence you that you didn’t know before?

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