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15.2 – Western African Civilizations (Mr. M, from Mr. Schabo)

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1 15.2 – Western African Civilizations (Mr. M, from Mr. Schabo)
15.2 Objectives Explain how the gold-salt trade led to the rise of Ghana. Describe the Songhai Empire. Identify Benin and the Hausa and Yoruba city-states.

2 Major West African Civilizations
There are three major Western African Civilizations: Ghana Mali Songhai All three developed in the Sahel, a _______________________________________. All three developed through controlling trade and the spread of _____________.

3 The Empire of Ghana Use of _________ as beasts of burden meant that people in Northern Africa could traverse the immense ______________ and trade with the people living to its south. Trade routes crossed the lands farmed by the Soninke people, who called their ruler ghana, or “____________”. Muslim traders used the term Ghana to refer to the region and its people, and the name stuck. By 700 A.D., Ghana was a _______________________ built on taxing trade.

4 Gold-Salt Trade The two most important resources were gold and salt. Gold for its ________________, and salt for its ________________________. (In days before refrigeration, it was also used to preserve meat!) Gold was plentiful in Africa’s _______________ areas, and salt was plentiful in the __________. Traders would meet in the trading ________; and gold, salt, and other goods would be exchanged. All transactions occurred under the watchful eye of the king’s tax collectors, who collected the _______ on all transactions.

5 Ghana’s King Ghana’s king exercised ____________________ over the empire: he was the religious leader, political leader, military leader, chief judge, etc. To keep the price of gold ___________, the king made himself the only one who could own gold nuggets. Everyone else could trade gold dust. Because he commanded a great army, he could ____________ taxes and gifts from chiefs of surrounding lands. Ghana falls to Muslim __________ invaders from North Africa in Paves the way for the Empire of Mali.

6 Empire of Mali Three factors help Mali emerge as an empire:
Fall of ___________ Discovery of new __________ deposits East of Ghana Shifting of _________routes to area of Mali Mali’s first leader, _____________, came to power, took over Ghana’s land, and established an efficient central government. Many years after his death, ______________ becomes the most famous of Mali’s rulers.

7 Mansa Musa’s Accomplishments
Expanded ____________. Exercised royal control over gold-salt trade. Kept ___________ and protected Mali from attack. Divided empire into __________ with local rulers. After returning from a hajj, had _____________ built throughout empire, attracting Muslim judges, religious leaders, scholars from all over Africa. Muslim traveler/historian Ibn Battuta was impressed with Mali’s level of advancement and their justice system. Don’t believe me? Open up to p. 416 and read his own words!

8 Empire of Songhai As Mali fell into decline, Songhi emerged as an empire by developing new gold mines and taking control of ____________________. _______________ruled and expanded Songhi by building a strong military that consisted of fleets of river canoes and mounted soldiers. With them he captured the Mali cities of ______________________.

9 Empire of Songhi After Sunni Ali’s death, his son inherited the throne. ____________ _________ lead a revolt against Sunni Ali’s son and assumed control of the empire. Askia Muhammad added to the ______________ government set up by Sunni Ali. He appointed ministers of the treasury, army, navy, and agriculture. Defeated by _________ with more advanced weapons.

10 Other People of West Africa
__________________ Organized into city-states: Kano, Katsina, Zazzau. Kano & Katsina were major trading states, Zazzau became rich from slave __________. Hausa rulers held great power over subjects, but officials acted to check his power. Hausa city-states were in a state of constant _____________ for dominance in the region. Therefore, no one held control and it was impossible to create an _______________.

11 Other People of West Africa
___________________ Originally organized into city-states, then ___________________. _____________________ were the two most powerful Yoruba kingdoms. Each kingdom was led by a king, who was considered _____________, and traced their heritage to the first ruler of Ife. Both Ife and Oyo depended on farming, but Ife were also known for their ______________. They carved in wood and ivory, produced terra cotta sculptures and worked with metal.

12 Other People of West Africa
Kingdom of _________________ Led by an oba, who based his right to rule by claiming decent from the first king of Ife. ______________ – an oba named Ewuare made Benin a powerful African state by raising a huge army and using it to expand his territory and control his neighbors. ____________ – Encountered Portuguese explorers who began to trade with Benin for pepper, animal skins and slaves. Began European interference and _____________ in Africa.

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