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ECE362 Principles of Design

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1 ECE362 Principles of Design
Project Planning & Scheduling Page 1

2 Development Grant = $$$
Product Development Product Idea Product Specifications Technical Model Stage 1 – Product Idea, Product Specifications, & Technical Model Stage 2 – Intellectual Property, Mkt Analysis & Business Models Intellectual Property Market Analysis Business Model Planning & Scheduling Test Plan Project Management Stage 3 – Scheduling & Planning, Test Plan, & Project Management Stage 4 – Budget, Social Impact, Person. & Proposal Completion Budget & Resources Social Impact Personnel Qualifications Development Grant = $$$ Page 2

3 Project Planning - Charter
The Project Charter Team’s response to the clients statement of work (SOW) Sets the scope of the project It can include the following activities: 1. Write an Overview of the Project Scope 2. Determine the Team’s Boundaries for Creating the Deliverables 3. Define the Customer’s Criteria for Acceptance Page 3

4 Project Planning - Charter
4. Determine the Required Reviews and Approvals 5. Establish Risk Limits 6. Select the Project Leader and Team Members 7. Set Deadlines for Delivery of the Final Deliverables 8. Set Limits on Staffing & Spending 9. Create a List of Required Reports 10. Identify Organizational Constraints & Project Priorities. Page 4

5 Project Planning - WBS Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
“A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total scope of a project” Three to six levels in WBS’s, such as program, project, task, and subtask. Page 5

6 Project Scheduling - WBS
Preparation Boil soup Boil rice Boil peas Brown chicken Prepare sauce Bake chicken, rice & sauce Open Wine & let breathe Eating Eat soup Eat entree Page 6

7 Project Planning - WBS CLASS ACTIVITY
Statement of Work (SOW) – Build Habitat House Determine the Activities Needed to Complete A Habitat House Page 7

8 Project Scheduling Precedence Network
How can all the tasks of the WBS be scheduled? One method is to start with Precedence Network Arrows showing order (precedence) of the tasks Show only activity and resources Page 8

9 Project Scheduling Precedence Network
Page 9

10 Project Scheduling Class Activity
Establish the Precedence Chart for Building A Habitat House 1. One activity per Post-It note, include name, description and estimated duration (Initial each Post-It). 2. Arrange Post-Its on chart paper 3. Work together to rearrange Post-Its in order 4. Draw arrows to indicate precedence Page 10

11 Project Scheduling - CPM
Critical Path Method builds on Precedence Network A task number is assigned to each task The duration is indicated for each task The preceding task is identified for each task from the precedence network Sum the activities along each path The critical path is the one of longest duration Page 11

12 Project Scheduling - CPM
Page 12

13 Project Scheduling - CPM
Forward Pass Early Start (ES): Upper left corner of activity Add the earliest start of the activity’s latest starting preceding activity to the predecessors duration When two or more activities must be completed the maximum is used Early Finish (EF): Upper right corner of activity Add ES to duration for each activity Page 13

14 Project Scheduling - CPM
Page 14

15 Project Scheduling - CPM
Backward Pass Late Start (LS): Lower left corner of activity Latest start of the earliest starting successor, less the duration of the activity Late Finish (LF): Lower right corner of activity Add LS to duration for each activity Page 15

16 Project Scheduling - CPM
Page 16

17 Project Scheduling - CPM
Critical Path The path for which the Earliest and Latest Times are identical. No delay of any event on this path can occur without delaying the entire project. Non-critical elements that do not lie on the critical path can be delayed some amount without delaying the project. Page 17

18 Project Scheduling - CPM
Free Float The amount by which an activity can be delayed without any delay in the project. Total Float The total amount by which an activity can be delayed without any delay in the project. Page 18

19 Project Scheduling - CPM
Critical Path Page 19

20 Project Scheduling Class Activity Use CPM for Building A Habitat House
1. Begin with Precedence Network 2. Calculate ES, EF, LS, LF for each activity 3. Determine the Critical Path Page 20

21 Project Scheduling – Gantt Chart
Gantt charts (aka timelines) show activities as a function of time. Each activity of the WBS occupies a row Each week/month occupies a column Duration of an activity indicated by horizontal length Interdependence can be included on Gantt chart Milestones are due dates or deadlines Page 21

22 Project Scheduling – Gantt Chart
Page 22

23 Project Scheduling – Gantt Chart
Page 23

24 Project Scheduling - CPM
CritPath Software Page 24

25 Assignments INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – CPR 1st Draft Project Technical Model submission closes Wednesday, January 14, 6AM EST. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – CPR 1st Draft Project Technical Model rating and review closes Friday, January 16, 5PM EST. TEAM ASSIGNMENT – 1st Draft Project Business Model due Thursday, January 15 Page 25

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