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Warm up – 1/30 Please begin quietly working on the Philosophies of Industrialists handout on your desk. Please answer the 2 questions on each excerpt.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up – 1/30 Please begin quietly working on the Philosophies of Industrialists handout on your desk. Please answer the 2 questions on each excerpt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up – 1/30 Please begin quietly working on the Philosophies of Industrialists handout on your desk. Please answer the 2 questions on each excerpt. During this time, please have your notebook/notes out for a note check (participation grade).

2 New Business Strategies
Horizontal Integration Combining a number of firms engaged in same enterprise into a single corporation Vertical Integration Taking over all different businesses on which that company relied on

3 Vertical vs Horizontal
VERTICAL MONOPOLY Control every stage of industrial production HORIZONTAL MONOPOLY Control the vast majority of the market for that product or service

4 Andrew Carnegie Steel Tycoon—Carnegie Steel Company
Net worth- $309 Billion (In today’s money) Rags to Riches- Scottish immigrant Donated to establish Libraries, schools, universities “Gospel of Wealth”

5 Carnegie Steel Company
Founded- 1892 Used Bessemer Process to make steel Lowered prices to drive out competition; included lowering wages and investing in new, efficient technology

6 John D. Rockefeller Oil tycoon Standard Oil Company
Predatory pricing, buyouts and efficiency destroyed competition

7 At his peak, Rockefeller was said to be worth $200 billion
Rockefeller, cont. The Standard Oil Trust Owned one step in each industrial process RR gives large rebates due to large usage At his peak, Rockefeller was said to be worth $200 billion

8 JP Morgan Financier, Banker Arranged Mergers
General Electric Had influence in many large corporations in America Creation of U.S. Steel, AT&T

George Pullman– Railroad Cars Railroad strike ruined business Cornelius Vanderbilt – Transportation/Shipping Worth $143 Billion (Today’s $)

10 Rags to Riches Mentality
Horatio Alger, Jr. – an American author Stories of poor people who worked hard and gained wealth and fame Anyone who works hard can escape poverty Idea of self-made man- Powerful myth

11 How rich were the “robber barons” compared to Microsoft founder Bill Gates?

12 Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer Used to justify industrialists’ power
British Economist Adopted Darwin’s ideas to humans Society benefited form the elimination of the unfit and survival of the strong and talented Used to justify industrialists’ power

13 Gospel of Wealth Andrew Carnegie “The Gospel of Wealth” 1902
Wealthy should consider all income in excess of their own needs to be used for the good of the community

14 Justifications for Industrialists’ Extreme Wealth
Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer Based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution Rich are more fit, than those who are poor Use science to explain social classes Gospel of Wealth Andrew Carnegie God gave wealth to the most capable people Duty of the wealthy to give money to help the poor

15 “Robber Barons” v. “Captains of Industry”
Monopolies with an unfair advantage Small businesses bought out or destroyed Unfair high prices for consumers Businessmen served the country positively Provided jobs, developed efficient business practices Philanthropists


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