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Child Development and Pedagogy Overview of CDP Child development – 15 questions of 15 Marks Inclusive education – 5 questions of 5 Marks Language and pedagogy.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Development and Pedagogy Overview of CDP Child development – 15 questions of 15 Marks Inclusive education – 5 questions of 5 Marks Language and pedagogy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Development and Pedagogy Overview of CDP Child development – 15 questions of 15 Marks Inclusive education – 5 questions of 5 Marks Language and pedagogy – 10 questions of 10 Marks “We must teach the way students learn” – Pedro Nogeura.


3 Child Development is overall development of a child, it entails the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence. Child development is the field that involves the scientific study. AREA OF DEVELOPMENT 1.Physical Development 2.Cognitive Development 3.Personality and Social Development

4 Stages of Child Developmet AGE Before Birth 0-2 Years 3-5 Years 6-12 Years 13-17 Years 18+ DEVELOPMENT STAGE Pre-Natal Infant Early Childhood Middle Childhood Adolescence Adulthood

5 Principles of Development Development is Continuous process. Development progresses in a step-by-step fashion. Rates of development vary among children. Development Proceeds from General to Specific. There is a Constant Interaction Between All Factors of Development. Development is influenced by both heredity and environment.

6 1.Development is a Continuous Process It’s a continuous process, from womb to tomb

7 2. Development progresses in a step- by-step fashion

8 3. Rates of development vary among children. Every child is unique with an individual temperature, learning style, family background, and patterns and growth timing. Develop in Different rate.

9 4. Development Proceeds from General to Specific Holding Pen/Pencil Holding Cube

10 5.There is a Constant Interaction Between All Factors of Development.

11 6. Development is influenced by both heredity and environment

12 Domains of Development PhysicalCognitive Emotional/SocialLanguage Domains

13 Physical Development Physical Development starts from womb. Includes the physical and motor skills and abilities that emerge during the infant and toddler stages of development.

14 GROSS MOTOR SKILL Gross Motor (physical) skills are those which require whole body movement and which involve the large (core stabilising) muscles of the body to perform everyday functions, such as rolling, crawling, standing, etc. FINE MOTOR SKILL Fine Motor Skill : movements involving smaller muscle groups such as those in the hand and wrist. Children start to use their hands right at birth to explore their own bodies and the world around them.

15 Cognitive Development The process of growth and change in intellectual/mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding. In early infancy, children have limited capability to outwardly express mental understanding.

16 Emotional/Social Development

17 Language Development

18 Today we Discussed :- Development Childs Development Stages of Development Principles of Development Development is Continuous process. Development progresses in a step-by-step fashion. Rates of development vary among children. Development Proceeds from General to Specific. There is a Constant Interaction Between All Factors of Development. Development is influenced by both heredity and environment. Domains of Development Physical Development Cognitive Development Emotional/Social Development Language Development

19 Thank You For Watching… One Positive Thought

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