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George Mason School of Law
Contracts I F. Acceptance F.H. Buckley
Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball at 224
A vagueness problem?
Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball at 224
Within what time is this protection to endure? Is it to go on for ever?
Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball at 224
What’s a mere puff?
Mere puffs: Simple commendations do not oblige one
“simplex commendatio non obligat”
A mere puff? How would an ordinary person reading this document construe it? … It was intended unquestionably to have some effect… It not only says the reward will be paid, but it says: “We have lodged £ 1,000 to meet it.” Therefore, it cannot be said that it was intended to be a mere puff.
An offer to all the world?
Like Courteen v. Abraham?
An offer to all the world?
Although the offer is made to all the world the contract is made with that limited portion of the public who come forward and perform the conditions on the faith of the advertisement. Cf. Lefkowitz
No communication of acceptance?
Then it was said that there was no notification of the acceptance of the offer.
No communication of acceptance?
“The person who makes the offer may dispense with notice to himself if he thinks it desirable to do so.” What would be the point?
No communication of acceptance?
And if the person making the offer expressly or impliedly intimates in his offer that it will be sufficient to act on the proposal without communicating acceptance of it to himself, and the offer is one which in its character dispenses with notification of the acceptance, then according to the intimation of the very person proposing the contract, performance of the condition is a sufficient acceptance.
Was there a privity of contract problem?
Did Carlill buy directly from Carbolic?
Was there a privity of contract problem?
Did Carlill buy directly from Carbolic? It did not follow that the smoke ball was to be purchased from the defendants directly or even from agents of theirs directly. The intention was that the circulation of the smoke ball should be promoted, and that the usage of it should be increased.
Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball at 224
Can you think of a reason why the Δ might WANT to assume liability?
Self-service stores Barker v. Allied at 215
How would you analyze this?
Cole v. Sandel at 215
Cole v. Sandel at 215 What did the online form amount to?
And why did Cole reject what was offered?
Cole v. Sandel at 215 What did the online form amount to?
What is an “agreement to agree”
The Law of Offers serves coordination goals
Must seem objectively like real offers No secret reservations More than invitations to treat Cannot be mere puffs
Acceptances Rest. § 22(1) The manifestation of mutual assent to an exchange ordinarily takes the form of an offer or proposal by one party followed by an acceptance by the other party or parties.
Acceptances Rest. § 23 It is essential to a bargain that each party manifest assent with reference to the manifestation of the other.”
Acceptances What constitutes an acceptance?
When and how could an offeror revoke an offer When an how could an offeree revoke an acceptance?
Rights and Powers Restatement § 35. An offer gives to the offeree a continuing power to accept the offer or not, as he chooses. If he accepts, both parties have the right to the other’s performance, and the duty to perform
What constitutes an acceptance
Whatever the offeror wants… Restatement 30(1) An offer may invite or require acceptance to be made by an affirmative answer in words, or by performing or refraining from performing a specified act, or may empower the offeree to make a selection of terms in his acceptance.
Ever-Tite at 217
Ever-Tite at 217 Was there a contract between the parties on June 10?
Ever-Tite Was there a contract between the parties on June 10?
Who was the offeror and who was the offeree?
Ever-Tite Was there a contract between the parties on June 10?
What kind of an offer: bilateral or unilateral?
Ever-Tite Was there a contract between the parties on June 10?
Did Ever-Tite commence performance? How serious was the reliance?
Webster Parish Shreveport to Springhill:
1 h 2 min (47.3 miles) via LA-157 S and LA-3 S 58 min without traffic
Ever-Tite Did Ever-Tite commence performance?
What if Green had revoked by phone the day before?
Ever-Tite at 216 What if Green had revoked by phone the day before?
§42. REVOCATION BY COMMUNICATION FROM OFFEROR RECEIVED BY OFFEREE. An offeree's power of acceptance is terminated when the offeree receives from the offeror a manifestation of an intention not to enter into the proposed contract.
Ever-Tite Did the offer fail for lapse of time?
41. LAPSE OF TIME. (1) An offeree's power of acceptance is terminated at the time specified in the offer, or, if no time is specified, at the end of a reasonable time. (2) What is a reasonable time is a question of fact, depending on all the circumstances existing when the offer and attempted acceptance are made.
Ever-Tite at 216 How did the court come up with damages of $311.37?
Ever-Tite at 216 How did the court come up with damages of $311.37?
Expected profits of $226 plus expenses of $85.37 = $311.37 ?!?
Ever-Tite at 216 How did the court come up with damages of $311.37?
What were the “expected profits”? In both cases, cost of providing services taken out Gross profits = Total revenue minus cost of goods sold or services provided before deducting overhead (eg interest payments, taxes) Net profits = Gross profits less overhead
“Agreements to agree” Ciaramella at 220
Ciaramella at 220 Who made the offer?
Ciaramella Did Eisenberg accept?
Ciaramella Did Eisenberg accept? “We have a deal”
Could he bind his client?
Ciaramella Did Eisenberg accept?
Paragraph 10: “This … Agreement shall not be effective … until it is signed…” Was this within the first test on p. 221?
Ciaramella The other tests What’s the relevance of part performance?
What’s the relevance of missing terms? And why was the reference letter so important What’s the relevance of contracts “usually committed to writing”?
Ciaramella Paragraph 13: What is a Merger Clause and why is it relevant?
Preliminary Agreements
Can you reconcile Ciaramella with Adjustrite (228)? The Leval test in Tribune
Preliminary Agreements
Can you reconcile Ciaramella with Adjustrite (227)? What is the difference between Leval’s three kinds of preliminary agreements?
Preliminary Agreements
Can you reconcile Ciaramella with Adjustrite (227)? What is the nature of the duty under the “binding preliminary commitment”?
Preliminary Agreements
Suppose the parties orally agree on a supply contract for oil at $100/barrel and settle on all material terms. The agreement specifies it is to be reduced to writing. Before this happens the price of oil rises to $200/barrel and seller refuses to go forward. What would the content of the good faith negotiation duties be?
Preliminary Agreements
Can you reconcile Ciaramella with Adjustrite (227)? What is the nature of the duty under the “binding preliminary commitment”? Suppose one party knows that the other is incurring substantial expenses in reliance on the contract?
Preliminary Agreements
Can you reconcile Ciaramella with Adjustrite (227)? What is the nature of the duty under the “binding preliminary commitment”? Is there a danger of chilling preliminary negotiations?
Preliminary Agreements
Can you reconcile Ciaramella with Adjustrite (227)? Were there any Leval good faith duties in Ciaramella?
Acceptances What constitutes an acceptance?
Contracts inter praesentes and inter absentes When and how could an offeror revoke an offer When an how could an offeree revoke an acceptance?
Contracts inter praesentes
IM’s or text messages? §64. ACCEPTANCE BY TELEPHONE OR TELETYPE. Acceptance given by telephone or other medium of substantially instantaneously two-way communication is governed by the principles applicable to acceptances where the parties are in the presence of each other. Cf. Illustration 1: silence on the line …
Contracts inter absentes
Contracts inter absentes
Buyer is in SF and Seller in NYC. Buyer sends an offer to seller and asks him to accept by signing a purchase form. Seller does so and then puts the form in his back pocket for a month. Then mails it in. Has he accepted the offer?
Communication of Acceptance
§56. ACCEPTANCE BY PROMISE; NECESSITY OF NOTIFICATION TO OFFEROR…. It is essential to an acceptance by promise either that the offeree exercise reasonable diligence to notify the offeror of acceptance or that the offeror receive the acceptance seasonably.
Communication of Acceptance
§56. ACCEPTANCE BY PROMISE; NECESSITY OF NOTIFICATION TO OFFEROR…. It is essential to an acceptance by promise either that the offeree exercise reasonable diligence to notify the offeror of acceptance or that the offeror receive the acceptance seasonably. Why is this important?
Can the offeror waive communication of acceptance?
What about Carlill? Or Ever-Tite?
Unilateral Offers 54(1) Where an offer invites an offeree to accept by rendering a performance, no notification is necessary to make such an acceptance effective unless the offer requests such a notification.
Unilateral Offers 54(1) Where an offer invites an offeree to accept by rendering a performance, no notification is necessary to make such an acceptance effective unless the offer requests such a notification. So can the offeree keep mum?
Unilateral Offers 54(2) If an offeree who accepts by rendering a performance has reason to know that the offeror has no adequate means of learning of the performance with reasonable promptness and certainty, the contractual duty of the offeror is discharged unless (a) the offeree exercises reasonable diligence to notify the offeror of acceptance, or (b) the offeror learns of the performance within a reasonable time, or (c) the offer indicates that notification of acceptance is not required
The problem of bilateral contracts
Player 2 Thinks there’s a Promise Doesn’t think a Promise 10, 10 -10, 0 0, -10 0, 0 Player 1
Focal Points: Where to Meet?
The Mailbox Rule Offeror mails offer to offeree on Sept. 1
The Mailbox Rule Offeror mails offer to offeree on Sept. 1
Offeree receives offer on Sept. 10 and mails letter accepting the offer the same day.
The Mailbox Rule Offeror mails offer to offeree on Sept. 1
Offeree receives offer on Sept. 10 and mails letter accepting the offer the same day. Offeror telephones offeree on Sept. 11 to revoke the offer
The Mailbox Rule Offeror mails offer to offeree on Sept. 1
Offeree receives offer on Sept. 10 and sends letter accepting the offer the same day. Offeror telephones offeree on Sept. 11 to revoke the offer Offeror receives offeree’s acceptance letter Sept. 13 Is there a contract?
Two possible standards
Offeror mails offer to offeree on Sept. 1 Offeree receives offer on Sept. 10 and sends letter accepting the offer the same day. Offeror telephones offeree on Sept. 11 to revoke the offer Offeror receives offeree’s acceptance letter Sept. 13 Emission Rule: Offer is accepted when sent Reception Rule: Offer is accepted when received by offeror
Emission: The Mailbox Rule
§63. (a) an acceptance made in a manner and by a medium invited by an offer is operative and completes the manifestation of mutual assent as soon as put out of the offeree's possession, without regard to whether it ever reaches the offeror Offeror mailed, Offeree accepted by mail
The Mailbox Rule § 30(2) Unless otherwise indicated…an offer invites acceptance in any manner and by any means reasonable in the circumstances. § 65. Unless circumstances known to the offeree indicate otherwise, a medium of acceptance is reasonable if it is the one used by the offeror or one customary in similar transactions at the time and place the offer is received.
Why was the Mailbox Rule adopted 160 years ago?
What was black and white and read all over and first appeared in 1840?
Why was the Mailbox Rule adopted 160 years ago?
The first stamp: The “Penny Black” of 1840
And why did that matter?
And why did that matter?
The Mailbox Rule Offeror mails offer to offeree on Sept. 1
Offeree receives offer on Sept. 10 and fedexes letter accepting the offer the same day. Offeror telephones offeree on Sept. 11 to revoke the offer Offeror receives offeree’s fedex Sept. 13 Is there a contract?
The Mailbox Rule §65. REASONABLENESS OF MEDIUM OF ACCEPTANCE. Unless circumstances known to the offeree indicate otherwise, a medium of acceptance is reasonable if it is the one used by the offeror or one customary in similar transactions at the time and place the offer is received.
The Mailbox Rule §65. REASONABLENESS OF MEDIUM OF ACCEPTANCE. Unless circumstances known to the offeree indicate otherwise, a medium of acceptance is reasonable if it is the one used by the offeror or one customary in similar transactions at the time and place the offer is received. Comment: Under §30 an offer invites acceptance by any reasonable medium unless there is contrary indication; under §63 an acceptance so invited is ordinarily effective upon dispatch.
The Mailbox Rule §63. TIME WHEN ACCEPTANCE TAKES EFFECT. Unless the offer provides otherwise, (a) an acceptance made in a manner and by a medium invited by an offer is operative and completes the manifestation of mutual assent as soon as put out of the offeree's possession, without regard to whether it ever reaches the offeror
When the Mailbox Rule doesn’t apply
Restatement §67. Where an acceptance is seasonably dispatched but the offeree uses means of transmission not invited by the offer or fails to exercise reasonable diligence to insure safe transmission, it is treated as operative upon dispatch if received within the time in which a properly dispatched acceptance would normally have arrived.
The Mailbox Rule? Offeror fedexes offer to offeree on Sept. 1
Offeree receives offer on Sept. 3 and mails letter accepting the offer the same day. Offeror telephones offeree on Sept. 4 to revoke the offer Offeror receives offeree’s letter on Sept. 5 Is there a contract?
The Mailbox Rule Restatement §67. Where an acceptance is seasonably dispatched but the offeree uses means of transmission not invited by the offer or fails to exercise reasonable diligence to insure safe transmission, it is treated as operative upon dispatch if received within the time in which a properly dispatched acceptance would normally have arrived.
The Mailbox Rule Restatement §67. Where an acceptance is seasonably dispatched but the offeree uses means of transmission not invited by the offer or fails to exercise reasonable diligence to insure safe transmission, it is treated as operative upon dispatch if received within the time in which a properly dispatched acceptance would normally have arrived. So when would the Fedex of an acceptance have arrived?
The Mailbox Rule Why is the mailbox (emission) rule superior to a reception rule? It’s the rule in both common and civil law—why?
The Mailbox Rule Compared to a reception rule?
Celerity: under which rule does at least one party first know he has a contract?
The Mailbox Rule Compared to a reception rule?
Celerity: under which rule does at least one party first know he has a contract? Evidentiary: what is easier to prove: emission or reception?
The Mailbox Rule Compared to a reception rule?
Celerity: under which rule does one party first know he has a contract? Evidentiary: what is easier to prove: emission or reception? Things ever get lost in the mailroom? Kinda on purpose?
The Mailbox Rule Compared to a reception rule?
Celerity: under which rule does one party first know he has a contract? Evidentiary: what is easier to prove: emission or reception? Offeror and Offeree Incentives
The Mailbox Rule What if the offeree mis-addresses the envelope?
University Emergency at 232 Who takes the risk of misdelivery?
The Mailbox Rule §63. TIME WHEN ACCEPTANCE TAKES EFFECT. Unless the offer provides otherwise, (a) an acceptance made in a manner and by a medium invited by an offer is operative and completes the manifestation of mutual assent as soon as put out of the offeree's possession, without regard to whether it ever reaches the offeror
Mis-addressed letters?
Restatement §67. Where an acceptance is seasonably dispatched but the offeree uses means of transmission not invited by the offer or fails to exercise reasonable diligence to insure safe transmission, it is treated as operative upon dispatch if received within the time in which a properly dispatched acceptance would normally have arrived. Qu. University Emergency
The Mailbox Rule §67. Where an acceptance is seasonably dispatched but the offeree uses means of transmission not invited by the offer or fails to exercise reasonable diligence to insure safe transmission, it is treated as operative upon dispatch if received within the time in which a properly dispatched acceptance would normally have arrived.
The Mailbox Rule What if the offeree had communicated his acceptance by and it ends up in the offeror’s spam folder?
The Mailbox Rule §67. EFFECT OF RECEIPT OF ACCEPTANCE IMPROPERLY DISPATCHED. Where an acceptance is seasonably dispatched but the offeree uses means of transmission not invited by the offer or fails to exercise reasonable diligence to insure safe transmission, it is treated as operative upon dispatch if received within the time in which a properly dispatched acceptance would normally have arrived.
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