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Family Planning
© 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
Current use Source of methods Need for family planning Future use © 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
Current Use of Contraception
Percent of married women age 15-49 The contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) is defined as the percentage of married women using a method of contraception. Currently, the CPR for Myanmar is 51% of married women using modern methods of contraception and 1% using any traditional method of contraception. Among married women, injectables, the pill, and female sterilization are the most popular methods.
Current Use of Modern Contraception by Residence
Percent of currently married women age using any modern method of contraception Use of modern methods is slightly higher in urban areas. 57% of married women in urban areas use modern methods, compared with 49% of women in rural areas.
Current Use of Modern Contraception by Education
Percent of currently married women age using any modern method of contraception Modern contraceptive use increases with education; 38% of married women with no education use modern methods compared to 57% of married women with higher levels of education.
Current Use of Modern Contraception by Wealth
Percent of currently married women age using any modern method of contraception While use of modern methods does go up with household wealth, the pattern is weak and use of modern methods is relatively high across all wealth categories Poorest households Wealthiest households
Current Use of Modern Contraception by Region/State
Percent of currently married women age using any modern method of contraception Myanmar 51% Regionally, modern contraceptive use ranges from a low of 25% in Chin to a high of 60% in Yangon and Bago.
Use of Modern Methods in the Region
Percent of currently married women age using any modern method of contraception
© 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
Knowledge and use Source of methods Need for family planning Future use © 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
Source of Modern Contraception
Percent distribution of women age 15-49 Public sources, such as government hospitals and government health centres, currently provide family planning to 54% of users; the private medical sector provides FP to 29% of users. Female sterilization and injectables are provded primarily by the public section, while the pill and male condom are usually provided by the private medical sector.
Do Family Planning Users Have Informed Choices?
40% of modern contraceptive users were informed of side effects or problems of methods they used. 31% were informed about what to do if they experienced side effects. 50% were informed of other methods they could use.
© 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
Knowledge and use Source of methods Need for family planning Future use © 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
to space their next birth OR to limit childbearing altogether BUT
Women are considered as having an unmet need for family planning if they are fecund and wish: to space their next birth OR to limit childbearing altogether BUT are not using contraception
16% of currently married women have an unmet need for family planning:
5% for spacing 11% for limiting Unmet need is 16% in Myanmar.
Demand for Family Planning
Percent of currently married women age 15-49 Overall, 16% of currently married women have an unmet need for family planning. 52% percent of women have a met need for family planning or are using a contraceptive method. If all currently married women who say they want to space or limit their children were to use a family planning method, the CPR would increase to 69%, or total demand. Of the total demand for family planning methods, 76% is satisfied by using any method and 75% is satisfied by using modern methods.
© 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
Knowledge and use Source of methods Need for family planning Future use © 2012 Min Zaw, Courtesy of Photoshare
Future Use of Contraception
Percent distribution of women age who are currently not using contraception 57% of currently married women who reported not using any family planning methods said that they intend to use a family planning method in the future; 38% have no intention to use contraception, and 5% are unsure.
Source of Family Planning Messages
Percent of women and men age who heard or saw a message about family planning in the past few months The internet is the most common source of family planning message for women and men, followed by television. Still, 55% of women and 46% of men have not seen a message about family planning from any of these sources.
Contact of Non-Users with Family Planning Providers
6% of women were visited by a field worker who discussed family planning 3% of women visited a health facility in the past 12 months and discussed family planning with a health care provider Overall, 92% of non-users did not discuss family planning with any health worker in the 12 months before the survey
Key Findings The modern contraceptive prevalence rate among married women is 51%; 1% use a traditional method. The most commonly used modern methods among married women are injectables (28%) and the pill (14%). 16% of married women have an unmet need for family planning. 75% of the demand for family planning is satisfied by modern methods
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